Source code for controller

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file is part of PyFrac.

Created by Haseeb Zia on 11.05.17.
Copyright (c) ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Geo-Energy Laboratory, 2016-2020.
All rights reserved. See the LICENSE.TXT file for more details.
import logging
import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import dill
import os
import numpy as np
import time
from time import gmtime, strftime
import warnings

# local imports
from properties import LabelProperties, IterationProperties, PlotProperties
from properties import instrument_start, instrument_close
from elasticity import load_isotropic_elasticity_matrix, load_TI_elasticity_matrix, mapping_old_indexes
from elasticity import load_isotropic_elasticity_matrix_toepliz
from mesh import CartesianMesh
from time_step_solution import attempt_time_step
from visualization import plot_footprint_analytical, plot_analytical_solution,\
                          plot_injection_source, get_elements
from symmetry import load_isotropic_elasticity_matrix_symmetric, symmetric_elasticity_matrix_from_full
from labels import TS_errorMessages, supported_projections, suitable_elements

[docs]class Controller: """ This class describes the controller which takes the given material, fluid, injection and loading properties and advances a given fracture according to the provided simulation properties. """ errorMessages = TS_errorMessages def __init__(self, Fracture, Solid_prop, Fluid_prop, Injection_prop, Sim_prop, Load_prop=None, C=None): """ The constructor of the Controller class. Args: Fracture (Fracture): -- the fracture to be propagated. Solid_prop (MaterialProperties): -- the MaterialProperties object giving the material properties. Fluid_prop (FluidProperties): -- the FluidProperties object giving the fluid properties. Injection_prop (InjectionProperties): -- the InjectionProperties object giving the injection. properties. Sim_prop (SimulationProperties): -- the SimulationProperties object giving the numerical parameters to be used in the simulation. Load_prop (LoadingProperties): -- the LoadingProperties object specifying how the material is mechanically loaded. C (ndarray): -- the elasticity matrix. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.controller') self.fracture = Fracture self.solid_prop = Solid_prop self.fluid_prop = Fluid_prop self.injection_prop = Injection_prop self.sim_prop = Sim_prop self.load_prop = Load_prop self.C = C self.fr_queue = [None, None, None, None, None] # queue of fractures from the last five time steps self.stepsFromChckPnt = 0 self.tmStpPrefactor_copy = copy.copy(Sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor) # should be in simulation properties self.stagnant_TS = None # time step if the front is stagnant. It is increased exponentialy to avoid uneccessary small steps. self.perfData = [] self.lastSavedFile = 0 self.lastSavedTime = np.NINF self.lastPlotTime = np.NINF self.TmStpCount = 0 self.chkPntReattmpts = 0 # the number of re-attempts done from the checkpoint. Simulation is declared failed after 5 attempts. self.TmStpReductions = 0 # the number of times the time step has been reattempted because the fracture it was advancing too more than two cells in a row self.delta_w = None # change in width between successive time steps. Used to limit time step. self.lstTmStp = None self.solveDetlaP_cp = self.sim_prop.solveDeltaP # copy of the flag indicating the solver to solve for pressure or delta p self.PstvInjJmp = None # flag specifyung if the jump to the time of the next positive injection after the fracture is # fully closed is to be taken or not. Asked from user if it is None. self.fullyClosed = False # should be related to the fracture state (thus in fracture class) self.setFigPos = True self.lastSuccessfulTS = Fracture.time self.maxTmStp = 0 # the maximum time step taken uptil now by the controller. # make a list of Nones with the size of the number of variables to plot during simulation self.Figures = [None for i in range(len(self.sim_prop.plotVar))] # Find the times where any parameter changes. These times will be added to the time series where the solution is # required to ensure the time is hit during time stepping and the change is applied at the exact time. param_change_at = np.array([], dtype=np.float64) if Injection_prop.injectionRate.shape[1] > 1: param_change_at = np.hstack((param_change_at, Injection_prop.injectionRate[0])) if isinstance(Sim_prop.fixedTmStp, np.ndarray): param_change_at = np.hstack((param_change_at, Sim_prop.fixedTmStp[0])) if isinstance(Sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor, np.ndarray): param_change_at = np.hstack((param_change_at, Sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor[0])) if len(param_change_at) > 0: if self.sim_prop.get_solTimeSeries() is not None: # add the times where any parameter changes to the required solution time series sol_time_srs = np.hstack((self.sim_prop.get_solTimeSeries(), param_change_at)) else: sol_time_srs = param_change_at sol_time_srs = np.unique(sol_time_srs) if sol_time_srs[0] == 0: sol_time_srs = np.delete(sol_time_srs, 0) else: sol_time_srs = self.sim_prop.get_solTimeSeries() self.timeToHit = sol_time_srs if self.sim_prop.finalTime is None: if self.sim_prop.get_solTimeSeries() is None: ## Not necessarily an error raise ValueError("The final time to stop the simulation is not provided!") else: self.sim_prop.finalTime = np.max(self.sim_prop.get_solTimeSeries()) else: if self.timeToHit is not None: greater_finalTime = np.where(self.timeToHit > self.sim_prop.finalTime)[0] self.timeToHit = np.delete(self.timeToHit, greater_finalTime) # Setting to volume control solver if viscosity is zero if self.fluid_prop.viscosity < 1e-15:'Fluid viscosity is zero. Setting solver to volume control...') self.sim_prop.set_volumeControl(True) if not all(elem in self.fracture.EltChannel for elem in Injection_prop.sourceElem): message = 'INJECTION LOCATION ERROR: \n' \ 'injection points are located outisde of the fracture footprints' raise SystemExit(message) # Setting whether sparse matrix is used to make fluid conductivity matrix if Sim_prop.solveSparse is None: if Fracture.mesh.NumberOfElts < 2500: Sim_prop.solveSparse = False else: Sim_prop.solveSparse = True # basic performance data self.remeshings = 0 self.successfulTimeSteps = 0 self.failedTimeSteps = 0 # setting front advancing scheme to implicit if velocity is not available for the first time step. self.frontAdvancing = copy.copy(Sim_prop.frontAdvancing) if Sim_prop.frontAdvancing in ['explicit', 'predictor-corrector']: if np.nanmax(Fracture.v) <= 0 or np.isnan(Fracture.v).any(): Sim_prop.frontAdvancing = 'implicit' if self.sim_prop.saveToDisk: self.logAddress = copy.copy(Sim_prop.get_outputFolder()) else: self.logAddress = './' # setting up tip asymptote if self.fluid_prop.rheology in ["Herschel-Bulkley", "HBF"]: if self.sim_prop.get_tipAsymptote() not in ["HBF", "HBF_aprox", "HBF_num_quad"]: warnings.warn("Fluid rhelogy and tip asymptote does not match. Setting tip asymptote to \'HBF\'") self.sim_prop.set_tipAsymptote('HBF') if self.fluid_prop.rheology in ["power-law", "PLF"]: if self.sim_prop.get_tipAsymptote() not in ["PLF", "PLF_aprox", "PLF_num_quad", "PLF_M"]: warnings.warn("Fluid rhelogy and tip asymptote does not match. Setting tip asymptote to \'PLF\'") self.sim_prop.set_tipAsymptote('PLF') if self.fluid_prop.rheology == 'Newtonian': if self.sim_prop.get_tipAsymptote() not in ["K", "M", "Mt", "U", "U1", "MK", "MDR", "M_MDR"]: warnings.warn("Fluid rhelogy and tip asymptote does not match. Setting tip asymptote to \'U\'") self.sim_prop.set_tipAsymptote('U1') #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def run(self): """ This function runs the simulation according to the parameters given in the properties classes. See especially the documentation of the :py:class:`properties.SimulationProperties` class to get details of the parameters controlling the simulation run. """ log = logging.getLogger('') log_only_to_logfile = logging.getLogger('') # output initial fracture if self.sim_prop.saveToDisk: # save properties if not os.path.exists(self.sim_prop.get_outputFolder()): os.makedirs(self.sim_prop.get_outputFolder()) prop = (self.solid_prop, self.fluid_prop, self.injection_prop, self.sim_prop) with open(self.sim_prop.get_outputFolder() + "properties", 'wb') as output: dill.dump(prop, output, -1) if self.sim_prop.plotFigure or self.sim_prop.saveToDisk: # save or plot fracture self.output(self.fracture) self.lastSavedTime = self.fracture.time if self.sim_prop.log2file: self.sim_prop.set_logging_to_file(self.logAddress) # deactivate the block_toepliz_compression functions # DO THIS CHECK BEFORE COMPUTING C! if self.C is not None: # in the case C is provided self.sim_prop.useBlockToeplizCompression = False elif self.solid_prop.TI_elasticity: # in case of TI_elasticity self.sim_prop.useBlockToeplizCompression = False elif not self.solid_prop.TI_elasticity and self.sim_prop.symmetric: # in case you save 1/4 of the elasticity due to domain symmetry self.sim_prop.useBlockToeplizCompression = False # load elasticity matrix if self.C is None:"Making elasticity matrix...") if self.sim_prop.symmetric: if not self.sim_prop.get_volumeControl(): raise ValueError("Symmetric fracture is only supported for inviscid fluid yet!") if not self.solid_prop.TI_elasticity: if self.sim_prop.symmetric: self.C = load_isotropic_elasticity_matrix_symmetric(self.fracture.mesh, self.solid_prop.Eprime) else: if not self.sim_prop.useBlockToeplizCompression: self.C = load_isotropic_elasticity_matrix(self.fracture.mesh, self.solid_prop.Eprime) else: self.C = load_isotropic_elasticity_matrix_toepliz(self.fracture.mesh, self.solid_prop.Eprime) else: C = load_TI_elasticity_matrix(self.fracture.mesh, self.solid_prop, self.sim_prop) # compressing the elasticity matrix for symmetric fracture if self.sim_prop.symmetric: self.C = symmetric_elasticity_matrix_from_full(C, self.fracture.mesh) else: self.C = C'Done!') # # perform first time step with implicit front advancing due to non-availability of velocity # if not self.sim_prop.symmetric: # if self.sim_prop.frontAdvancing == "predictor-corrector": # self.sim_prop.frontAdvancing = "implicit""Starting time = " + repr(self.fracture.time)) # starting time stepping loop while self.fracture.time < 0.999 * self.sim_prop.finalTime and self.TmStpCount < self.sim_prop.maxTimeSteps: timeStep = self.get_time_step() if self.sim_prop.collectPerfData: tmStp_perf = IterationProperties(itr_type="time step") else: tmStp_perf = None # advancing time step status, Fr_n_pls1 = self.advance_time_step(self.fracture, self.C, timeStep, tmStp_perf) if self.sim_prop.collectPerfData: tmStp_perf.CpuTime_end = time.time() tmStp_perf.status = status == 1 tmStp_perf.failure_cause = self.errorMessages[status] tmStp_perf.time = self.fracture.time tmStp_perf.NumbOfElts = len(self.fracture.EltCrack) self.perfData.append(tmStp_perf) if status == 1: # Successful time step"Time step successful!") self.delta_w = Fr_n_pls1.w - self.fracture.w self.lstTmStp = Fr_n_pls1.time - self.fracture.time # output if self.sim_prop.plotFigure or self.sim_prop.saveToDisk: if Fr_n_pls1.time > self.lastSavedTime: self.output(Fr_n_pls1) # add the advanced fracture to the last five fractures list self.fracture = copy.deepcopy(Fr_n_pls1) self.fr_queue[self.successfulTimeSteps % 5] = copy.deepcopy(Fr_n_pls1) if self.fracture.time > self.lastSuccessfulTS: self.lastSuccessfulTS = self.fracture.time if self.maxTmStp < self.lstTmStp: self.maxTmStp = self.lstTmStp # put check point reattempts to zero if the simulation has advanced past the time where it failed if Fr_n_pls1.time > self.lastSuccessfulTS + 2 * self.maxTmStp: self.chkPntReattmpts = 0 # set the prefactor to the original value after four time steps (after the 5 time steps back jump) self.sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor = self.tmStpPrefactor_copy self.successfulTimeSteps += 1 # set to 0 the counter of time step reductions if self.TmStpReductions > 0: self.TmStpReductions = 0 self.sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor = self.tmStpPrefactor_copy # resetting the parameters for closure if self.fullyClosed: # set to solve for pressure if the fracture was fully closed in last time step and is open now self.sim_prop.solveDeltaP = False else: self.sim_prop.solveDeltaP = self.solveDetlaP_cp self.PstvInjJmp = None self.fullyClosed = False # set front advancing back as set in simulation properties originally if velocity becomes available. if np.max(Fr_n_pls1.v) > 0 or not np.isnan(Fr_n_pls1.v).any(): self.sim_prop.frontAdvancing = copy.copy(self.frontAdvancing) else: self.sim_prop.frontAdvancing = 'implicit' if self.TmStpCount == self.sim_prop.maxTimeSteps: log.warning("Max time steps reached!") elif status == 12 or status == 16: # re-meshing required if self.sim_prop.enableRemeshing: # we need to decide which remeshings are to be considered compress = False if status == 16: # we reached cell number limit so we adapt by compressing the domain accordingly # calculate the new number of cells new_elems = [int((self.fracture.mesh.nx + np.round(self.sim_prop.meshReductionFactor, 0)) / self.sim_prop.meshReductionFactor), int((self.fracture.mesh.ny + np.round(self.sim_prop.meshReductionFactor, 0)) / self.sim_prop.meshReductionFactor)] if new_elems[0] % 2 == 0: new_elems[0] = new_elems[0] + 1 if new_elems[1] % 2 == 0: new_elems[1] = new_elems[1] + 1 # Decide if we still can reduce the number of elements if (2 * self.fracture.mesh.Lx / new_elems[0] > self.sim_prop.maxCellSize) or (2 * self.fracture.mesh.Ly / new_elems[1] > self.fracture.mesh.hy / self.fracture.mesh.hx * self.sim_prop.maxCellSize): log.warning("Reduction of cells not possible as minimal cell size would be violated!") self.sim_prop.meshReductionPossible = False else:"Reducing cell number...") # We calculate the new dimension of the meshed area new_limits = [[self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[2] - np.round(self.sim_prop.meshReductionFactor, 0) * self.fracture.mesh.hx, self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[3] + np.round(self.sim_prop.meshReductionFactor, 0) * self.fracture.mesh.hx], [self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[0] - np.round(self.sim_prop.meshReductionFactor, 0) * self.fracture.mesh.hy, self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[1] + np.round(self.sim_prop.meshReductionFactor, 0) * self.fracture.mesh.hy]] elems = new_elems self.remesh(new_limits, elems, 'reduce') # set all other to zero side_bools = [False, False, False, False] elif status == 12: if self.sim_prop.meshExtensionAllDir: # we extend no matter how many boundaries we have hit # ensure all directions to extend are true self.sim_prop.set_mesh_extension_direction(['all']) front_indices = \ np.intersect1d(self.fracture.mesh.Frontlist, Fr_n_pls1.EltTip, return_indices=True)[1] side_bools = [(front_indices <= Fr_n_pls1.mesh.nx - 3).any(), (front_indices[front_indices > Fr_n_pls1.mesh.nx - 3] <= 2 * (Fr_n_pls1.mesh.nx - 3) + 1).any(), (front_indices[front_indices >= 2 * (Fr_n_pls1.mesh.nx - 2)] % 2 == 0).any(), (front_indices[front_indices >= 2 * (Fr_n_pls1.mesh.nx - 2)] % 2 != 0).any()] # side_bools is a set of booleans telling us which sides are touched by the remeshing. # First boolean represents bottom, top, left, right if not self.sim_prop.meshExtensionAllDir: compress = \ not np.asarray(np.asarray(self.sim_prop.meshExtension) * np.asarray(side_bools)).any() \ or (len(np.asarray(side_bools)[np.asarray(side_bools) == True]) > 3) # This is the classical remeshing where the sides of the elements are multiplied by a constant. if compress:"Remeshing by compressing the domain...") # We calculate the new dimension of the meshed area new_dimensions = 2 * self.sim_prop.remeshFactor * np.asarray([self.fracture.mesh.Lx, self.fracture.mesh.Ly]) new_limits = [[(self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[2]+self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[3]) / 2 - new_dimensions[0]/2, (self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[2] + self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[3]) / 2 + new_dimensions[0]/2], [(self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[0]+self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[1]) / 2 - new_dimensions[1]/2, (self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[0] + self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[1]) / 2 + new_dimensions[1]/2]] elems = [self.fracture.mesh.nx, self.fracture.mesh.ny] self.remesh(new_limits, elems) side_bools = [False, False, False, False] else: nx_init = self.fracture.mesh.nx ny_init = self.fracture.mesh.ny for side in range(4): if np.asarray(np.asarray(self.sim_prop.meshExtension) * np.asarray(side_bools))[side]: if side == 0: elems_add = int(ny_init * (self.sim_prop.meshExtensionFactor[side] - 1)) if elems_add % 2 != 0: elems_add = elems_add + 1 if not self.sim_prop.symmetric:"Remeshing by extending towards negative y...") new_limits = [[self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[2], self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[3]], [self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[0] - elems_add * self.fracture.mesh.hy, self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[1]]] else:"Remeshing by extending in vertical direction to keep symmetry...") new_limits = [[self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[2], self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[3]], [self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[0] - elems_add * self.fracture.mesh.hy, self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[1] + elems_add * self.fracture.mesh.hy]] side_bools[1] = False direction = 'bottom' elems = [self.fracture.mesh.nx, self.fracture.mesh.ny + elems_add] if side == 1: elems_add = int(ny_init * (self.sim_prop.meshExtensionFactor[side] - 1)) if elems_add % 2 != 0: elems_add = elems_add + 1 if not self.sim_prop.symmetric:"Remeshing by extending towards positive y...") new_limits = [[self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[2], self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[3]], [self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[0], self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[1] + elems_add * self.fracture.mesh.hy]] else:"Remeshing by extending in vertical direction to keep symmetry...") new_limits = [[self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[2], self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[3]], [self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[0] - elems_add * self.fracture.mesh.hy, self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[1] + elems_add * self.fracture.mesh.hy]] side_bools[0] = False direction = 'top' elems = [self.fracture.mesh.nx, self.fracture.mesh.ny + elems_add] if side == 2: elems_add = int(nx_init * (self.sim_prop.meshExtensionFactor[side] - 1)) if elems_add % 2 != 0: elems_add = elems_add + 1 if not self.sim_prop.symmetric:"Remeshing by extending towards negative x...") new_limits = [ [self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[2] - elems_add * self.fracture.mesh.hx, self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[3]], [self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[0], self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[1]]] else:"Remeshing by extending in horizontal direction to keep symmetry...") new_limits = [ [self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[2] - elems_add * self.fracture.mesh.hx, self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[3] + elems_add * self.fracture.mesh.hx], [self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[0], self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[1]]] side_bools[3] = False direction = 'left' elems = [self.fracture.mesh.nx + elems_add, self.fracture.mesh.ny] if side == 3: elems_add = int(nx_init * (self.sim_prop.meshExtensionFactor[side] - 1)) if elems_add % 2 != 0: elems_add = elems_add + 1 if not self.sim_prop.symmetric:"Remeshing by extending towards positive x...") new_limits = [[self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[2], self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[ 3] + elems_add * self.fracture.mesh.hx], [self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[0], self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[1]]] else:"Remeshing by extending in horizontal direction to keep symmetry...") new_limits = [ [self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[2] - elems_add * self.fracture.mesh.hx, self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[3] + elems_add * self.fracture.mesh.hx], [self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[0], self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[1]]] side_bools[2] = False direction = 'right' elems = [self.fracture.mesh.nx + elems_add, self.fracture.mesh.ny] self.remesh(new_limits, elems, direction=direction) side_bools[side] = False if np.asarray(side_bools).any():"Remeshing by compressing the domain...") # We calculate the new dimension of the meshed area new_dimensions = 2 * self.sim_prop.remeshFactor * np.asarray([self.fracture.mesh.Lx, self.fracture.mesh.Ly]) new_limits = [[(self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[2]+self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[3]) / 2 - new_dimensions[0]/2, (self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[2]+ self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[3]) / 2 + new_dimensions[0]/2], [(self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[0]+self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[1]) / 2 - new_dimensions[1]/2, (self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[0]+ self.fracture.mesh.domainLimits[1]) / 2 + new_dimensions[1]/2]] elems = [self.fracture.mesh.nx, self.fracture.mesh.ny] self.remesh(new_limits, elems)"\nRemeshed at " + repr(self.fracture.time)) else:"Reached end of the domain. Exiting...") break elif status == 14: # fracture fully closed self.output(Fr_n_pls1) if self.PstvInjJmp is None: inp = input("Fracture is fully closed.\n\nDo you want to jump to" " the time of next positive injection? [y/n]") t0 = time.time() while inp not in ['y', 'Y', 'n', 'N'] and time.time() - t0 < 600: inp = input("Press y or n") if inp == 'y' or inp == 'Y' or time.time() - t0 >= 600: self.PstvInjJmp = True else: self.PstvInjJmp = False if self.PstvInjJmp: self.sim_prop.solveDeltaP = False # index of current time in the time series (first row) of the injection rate array time_larger = np.where(Fr_n_pls1.time <= self.injection_prop.injectionRate[0, :])[0] pos_inj = np.where(self.injection_prop.injectionRate[1, :] > 0)[0] Qact = self.injection_prop.get_injection_rate(self.fracture.time, self.fracture) after_time = np.intersect1d(time_larger, pos_inj) if len(after_time) == 0 and max(Qact) == 0.: log.warning("Positive injection not found!") break elif len(after_time) == 0: jump_to = self.fracture.time + self.fracture.time * 0.1 else: jump_to = min(self.injection_prop.injectionRate[0, np.intersect1d(time_larger, pos_inj)]) Fr_n_pls1.time = jump_to elif inp == 'n' or inp == 'N': self.sim_prop.solveDeltaP = True self.fullyClosed = True self.fracture = copy.deepcopy(Fr_n_pls1) elif status == 17: # time step too big: you advanced more than one cell"The fracture is advancing more than two cells in a row at time "+ repr(self.fracture.time)) if self.TmStpReductions == self.sim_prop.maxReattemptsFracAdvMore2Cells: log.warning("We can not reduce the time step more than that") if self.sim_prop.collectPerfData: if self.sim_prop.saveToDisk: file_address = self.sim_prop.get_outputFolder() + "perf_data.dat" else: file_address = "./perf_data.dat" with open(file_address, 'wb') as perf_output: dill.dump(self.perfData, perf_output, -1)"\n\n---Simulation failed---") raise SystemExit("Simulation failed.") else:"- limiting the time step - ") # decrease time step pre-factor before taking the next fracture in the queue having last # five time steps if isinstance(self.sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor, np.ndarray): indxCurTime = max(np.where(self.fracture.time >= self.sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor[0, :])[0]) self.sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor[1, indxCurTime] *= 0.8 else: self.sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor *= 0.8 self.TmStpReductions += 1 else: # time step failed log.warning("\n" + self.errorMessages[status]) log.warning("\nTime step failed at = " + repr(self.fracture.time)) # check if the queue with last 5 time steps is not empty, or max check points jumps done if self.fr_queue[self.successfulTimeSteps % 5] is None or \ self.chkPntReattmpts == 4: if self.sim_prop.collectPerfData: if self.sim_prop.saveToDisk: file_address = self.sim_prop.get_outputFolder() + "perf_data.dat" else: file_address = "./perf_data.dat" with open(file_address, 'wb') as perf_output: dill.dump(self.perfData, perf_output, -1)"\n\n---Simulation failed---") raise SystemExit("Simulation failed.") else: # decrease time step pre-factor before taking the next fracture in the queue having last # five time steps if isinstance(self.sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor, np.ndarray): indxCurTime = max(np.where(self.fracture.time >= self.sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor[0, :])[0]) self.sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor[1, indxCurTime] *= 0.8 current_PreFctr = self.sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor[1, indxCurTime] else: self.sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor *= 0.8 current_PreFctr = self.sim_prop.tmStpPrefactor self.chkPntReattmpts += 1 self.fracture = copy.deepcopy(self.fr_queue[(self.successfulTimeSteps + self.chkPntReattmpts) % 5]) log.warning("Time step have failed despite of reattempts with slightly smaller/bigger time steps...\n" "Going " + repr(5 - self.chkPntReattmpts) + " time steps back and re-attempting with the" " time step pre-factor of " + repr(current_PreFctr)) self.failedTimeSteps += 1 self.TmStpCount += 1 print("\n")"Final time = " + repr(self.fracture.time))"-----Simulation finished------")"number of time steps = " + repr(self.successfulTimeSteps))"failed time steps = " + repr(self.failedTimeSteps))"number of remeshings = " + repr(self.remeshings)) plt.close('all') if self.sim_prop.collectPerfData: file_address = self.sim_prop.get_outputFolder() + "perf_data.dat" os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_address), exist_ok=True) with open(file_address, 'wb') as output: dill.dump(self.perfData, output, -1) return True
[docs] def advance_time_step(self, Frac, C, timeStep, perfNode=None): """ This function advances the fracture by the given time step. In case of failure, reattempts are made with smaller time steps. Arguments: Frac (Fracture object): -- fracture object from the last time step C (ndarray-float): -- the elasticity matrix timeStep (float): -- time step to be attempted perfNode (IterationProperties) -- An IterationProperties instance to store performance data Return: - exitstatus (int) -- see documentation for possible values. - Fr (Fracture) -- fracture after advancing time step. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.controller.advance_time_step') # loop for reattempting time stepping in case of failure. for i in range(0, self.sim_prop.maxReattempts): # smaller time step to reattempt time stepping; equal to the given time step on first iteration tmStp_to_attempt = timeStep * self.sim_prop.reAttemptFactor ** i # try larger prefactor if i > self.sim_prop.maxReattempts/2-1: tmStp_to_attempt = timeStep * (1/self.sim_prop.reAttemptFactor)**(i+1 - self.sim_prop.maxReattempts/2) # check for final time if Frac.time + tmStp_to_attempt > 1.01 * self.sim_prop.finalTime: + tmStp_to_attempt)) return status, Fr print('\n')'Evaluating solution at time = ' + repr(Frac.time+tmStp_to_attempt) + " ...") log.debug("Attempting time step of " + repr(tmStp_to_attempt) + " sec...") perfNode_TmStpAtmpt = instrument_start('time step attempt', perfNode) self.attmptedTimeStep = tmStp_to_attempt status, Fr = attempt_time_step(Frac, C, self.solid_prop, self.fluid_prop, self.sim_prop, self.injection_prop, tmStp_to_attempt, perfNode_TmStpAtmpt) if perfNode_TmStpAtmpt is not None: instrument_close(perfNode, perfNode_TmStpAtmpt, None, len(Frac.EltCrack), status == 1, self.errorMessages[status], Frac.time) perfNode.attempts_data.append(perfNode_TmStpAtmpt) if status in [1, 12, 14, 16, 17]: break else: log.warning(self.errorMessages[status]) log.warning("Time step failed...") return status, Fr
[docs] def output(self, Fr_advanced): """ This function plot the fracture footprint and/or save file to disk according to the parameters set in the simulation properties. See documentation of SimulationProperties class to get the details of parameters which determines when and how the output is made. Arguments: Fr_advanced (Fracture object): -- fracture after time step is advanced. """ log = logging.getLogger('Pyfrac.output') in_req_TSrs = False # current time in the time series given at which the solution is to be evaluated if self.sim_prop.get_solTimeSeries() is not None and self.sim_prop.plotATsolTimeSeries : if Fr_advanced.time in self.sim_prop.get_solTimeSeries(): in_req_TSrs = True # if the time is final time if Fr_advanced.time >= self.sim_prop.finalTime: in_req_TSrs = True if self.sim_prop.saveToDisk: save_TP_exceeded = False save_TS_exceeded = False # check if save time period is exceeded since last save if self.sim_prop.saveTimePeriod is not None: if Fr_advanced.time >= self.lastSavedTime + self.sim_prop.saveTimePeriod: save_TP_exceeded = True # check if the number of time steps since last save exceeded if self.sim_prop.saveTSJump is not None: if self.successfulTimeSteps % self.sim_prop.saveTSJump == 0: save_TS_exceeded = True if save_TP_exceeded or in_req_TSrs or save_TS_exceeded: # save fracture to disk"Saving solution at " + repr(Fr_advanced.time) + "...") Fr_advanced.SaveFracture(self.sim_prop.get_outputFolder() + self.sim_prop.get_simulation_name() + '_file_' + repr(self.lastSavedFile)) self.lastSavedFile += 1"Done! ") self.lastSavedTime = Fr_advanced.time # plot fracture variables if self.sim_prop.plotFigure: plot_TP_exceeded = False plot_TS_exceeded = False # check if plot time period is exceeded since last plot if self.sim_prop.plotTimePeriod is not None: if Fr_advanced.time >= self.lastPlotTime + self.sim_prop.plotTimePeriod: plot_TP_exceeded = True # check if the number of time steps since last plot exceeded if self.sim_prop.plotTSJump is not None: if self.successfulTimeSteps % self.sim_prop.plotTSJump == 0: plot_TS_exceeded = True if plot_TP_exceeded or in_req_TSrs or plot_TS_exceeded: for index, plt_var in enumerate(self.sim_prop.plotVar):"Plotting solution at " + repr(Fr_advanced.time) + "...") plot_prop = PlotProperties() if self.Figures[index]: axes = self.Figures[index].get_axes() # save axes from last figure plt.figure(self.Figures[index].number) plt.clf() # clear figure self.Figures[index].add_axes(axes[0]) # add axis to the figure if plt_var == 'footprint': # footprint is plotted if variable to plot is not given plot_prop.lineColor = 'b' if self.sim_prop.plotAnalytical: self.Figures[index] = plot_footprint_analytical(self.sim_prop.analyticalSol, self.solid_prop, self.injection_prop, self.fluid_prop, [Fr_advanced.time], fig=self.Figures[index], h=self.sim_prop.height, samp_cell=None, plot_prop=plot_prop, gamma=self.sim_prop.aspectRatio, inj_point=self.injection_prop.sourceCoordinates) self.Figures[index] = Fr_advanced.plot_fracture(variable='mesh', mat_properties=self.solid_prop, projection='2D', backGround_param=self.sim_prop.bckColor, fig=self.Figures[index], plot_prop=plot_prop) plot_prop.lineColor = 'k' self.Figures[index] = Fr_advanced.plot_fracture(variable='footprint', projection='2D', fig=self.Figures[index], plot_prop=plot_prop) # plotting source elements self.Figures[index] = plot_injection_source(self.fracture, fig=self.Figures[index]) elif plt_var in ('fluid velocity as vector field','fvvf','fluid flux as vector field','ffvf'): if self.fluid_prop.viscosity == 0. : raise SystemExit('ERROR: if the fluid viscosity is equal to 0 does not make sense to ask a plot of the fluid velocity or fluid flux') elif self.sim_prop._SimulationProperties__tipAsymptote == 'K': raise SystemExit('ERROR: if tipAsymptote == K, does not make sense to ask a plot of the fluid velocity or fluid flux') self.Figures[index] = Fr_advanced.plot_fracture(variable='mesh', mat_properties=self.solid_prop, projection='2D', backGround_param=self.sim_prop.bckColor, fig=self.Figures[index], plot_prop=plot_prop) plot_prop.lineColor = 'k' self.Figures[index] = Fr_advanced.plot_fracture(variable='footprint', projection='2D', fig=self.Figures[index], plot_prop=plot_prop) self.Figures[index] = Fr_advanced.plot_fracture(variable=plt_var, projection='2D_vectorfield', mat_properties=self.solid_prop, fig=self.Figures[index]) else: if self.sim_prop.plotAnalytical: proj = supported_projections[plt_var][0] self.Figures[index] = plot_analytical_solution(regime=self.sim_prop.analyticalSol, variable=plt_var, mat_prop=self.solid_prop, inj_prop=self.injection_prop, fluid_prop=self.fluid_prop, projection=proj, time_srs=[Fr_advanced.time], h=self.sim_prop.height, gamma=self.sim_prop.aspectRatio) fig_labels = LabelProperties(plt_var, 'whole mesh', '2D') fig_labels.figLabel = '' self.Figures[index] = Fr_advanced.plot_fracture(variable='footprint', projection='2D', fig=self.Figures[index], labels=fig_labels) self.Figures[index] = Fr_advanced.plot_fracture(variable=plt_var, projection='2D_clrmap', mat_properties=self.solid_prop, fig=self.Figures[index], elements=get_elements(suitable_elements[plt_var], Fr_advanced)) # plotting source elements self.Figures[index] = plot_injection_source(self.fracture, fig=self.Figures[index]) # plotting closed cells if len(Fr_advanced.closed) > 0: plot_prop.lineColor = 'orangered' self.Figures[index] = Fr_advanced.mesh.identify_elements(Fr_advanced.closed, fig=self.Figures[index], plot_prop=plot_prop, plot_mesh=False, print_number=False) plt.ion() plt.pause(0.4) # set figure position if self.setFigPos: for i in range(len(self.sim_prop.plotVar)): plt.figure(i + 1) mngr = plt.get_current_fig_manager() x_offset = 650 * i y_ofset = 50 if i >= 3: x_offset = (i - 3) * 650 y_ofset = 500 try: mngr.window.setGeometry(x_offset, y_ofset, 640, 545) except AttributeError: pass self.setFigPos = False # plot the figure"Done! ") if self.sim_prop.blockFigure: input("Press any key to continue.") self.lastPlotTime = Fr_advanced.time
[docs] def get_time_step(self): """ This function calculates the appropriate time step. It takes minimum of the time steps evaluated according to the following: - time step evaluated with the current front velocity to limit the increase in length compared to a cell \ length - time step evaluated with the current front velocity to limit the increase in length compared to the \ current fracture length - time step evaluated with the injection rate in the coming time step - time step evaluated to limit the change in total volume of the fracture In addition, the limit on the time step and the times at which the solution is required are also taken in account to get the appropriate time step. Returns: - time_step (float) -- the appropriate time step. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.get_time_step') time_step_given = False if self.sim_prop.fixedTmStp is not None: # fixed time step if isinstance(self.sim_prop.fixedTmStp, float) or isinstance(self.sim_prop.fixedTmStp, int): time_step = self.sim_prop.fixedTmStp time_step_given = True elif isinstance(self.sim_prop.fixedTmStp, np.ndarray) and self.sim_prop.fixedTmStp.shape[0] == 2: # fixed time step list is given times_past = np.where(self.fracture.time >= self.sim_prop.fixedTmStp[0, :])[0] if len(times_past) > 0: indxCurTime = max(times_past) if self.sim_prop.fixedTmStp[1, indxCurTime] is not None: # time step is not given as None. time_step = self.sim_prop.fixedTmStp[1, indxCurTime] # current injection rate time_step_given = True else: time_step_given = False else: # time step is given as None. In this case time step will be evaluated with current state time_step_given = False else: raise ValueError("Fixed time step can be a float or an ndarray with two rows giving the time and" " corresponding time steps.") if not time_step_given: delta_x = min(self.fracture.mesh.hx, self.fracture.mesh.hy) if np.any(self.fracture.v == np.nan): log.warning("you should not get nan velocities") non_zero_v = np.where(self.fracture.v > 0)[0] # time step is calculated with the current propagation velocity if len(non_zero_v) > 0: if len(self.injection_prop.sourceElem) < 4: # if point source tipVrtxCoord = self.fracture.mesh.VertexCoor[self.fracture.mesh.Connectivity[self.fracture.EltTip, self.fracture.ZeroVertex]] # the distance of tip from the injection point in each of the tip cell dist_Inj_pnt = ((tipVrtxCoord[:, 0] - self.injection_prop.sourceCoordinates[0]) ** 2 + (tipVrtxCoord[:, 1] - self.injection_prop.sourceCoordinates[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 \ + self.fracture.l # the time step evaluated by restricting the fracture to propagate not more than 20 percent of the # current maximum length TS_fracture_length = min(abs(0.2 * dist_Inj_pnt[non_zero_v] / self.fracture.v[non_zero_v])) else: TS_fracture_length = np.inf # the time step evaluated by restricting the fraction of the cell that would be traversed in the time # step. e.g., if the pre-factor is 0.5, the tip in the cell with the largest velocity will progress half # of the cell width in either x or y direction depending on which is smaller. TS_cell_length = delta_x / np.max(self.fracture.v) else: TS_cell_length = np.inf TS_fracture_length = np.inf # index of current time in the time series (first row) of the injection rate array indx_cur_time = max(np.where(self.fracture.time >= self.injection_prop.injectionRate[0, :])[0]) current_rate = self.injection_prop.injectionRate[1, indx_cur_time] # current injection rate if current_rate < 0: vel_injection = current_rate / (2 * (self.fracture.mesh.hx + self.fracture.mesh.hy) * self.fracture.w[self.fracture.mesh.CenterElts]) TS_inj_cell = 10 * delta_x / abs(vel_injection[0]) elif current_rate > 0: # for positive injection, use the increase in total fracture volume criteria TS_inj_cell = 0.1 * sum(self.fracture.w) * self.fracture.mesh.EltArea / current_rate else: TS_inj_cell = np.inf TS_delta_vol = np.inf if self.delta_w is not None: delta_vol = sum(self.delta_w) / sum(self.fracture.w) if delta_vol < 0: TS_delta_vol = self.lstTmStp / abs(delta_vol) * 0.05 else: TS_delta_vol = self.lstTmStp / abs(delta_vol) * 0.12 # getting pre-factor for current time current_prefactor = self.sim_prop.get_time_step_prefactor(self.fracture.time) time_step = current_prefactor * min(TS_cell_length, TS_fracture_length, TS_inj_cell, TS_delta_vol) # limit time step to be max 2 * last time step if (self.lstTmStp != None and not np.isinf(time_step)) and time_step > 2 * self.lstTmStp: time_step = 2 * self.lstTmStp # limit the time step to be at max 15% of the actual time if time_step > 0.15 * self.fracture.time: time_step = 0.15 * self.fracture.time # in case of fracture not propagating if time_step <= 0 or np.isinf(time_step): if self.stagnant_TS is not None: time_step = self.stagnant_TS self.stagnant_TS = time_step * 1.2 else: TS_obtained = False log.warning("The fracture front is stagnant and there is no injection. In these conditions, " "there is no criterion to calculate time step size.") while not TS_obtained: try: inp = input("Enter the time step size(seconds) you would like to try:") time_step = float(inp) TS_obtained = True except ValueError: pass # to get the solution at the times given in time series, any change in parameters or final time next_in_TS = self.sim_prop.finalTime if self.timeToHit is not None: larger_in_TS = np.where(self.timeToHit > self.fracture.time)[0] if len(larger_in_TS) > 0: next_in_TS = np.min(self.timeToHit[larger_in_TS]) if next_in_TS < self.fracture.time: raise SystemExit('The minimum time required in the given time series or the end time' ' is less than initial time.') # check if time step would step over the next time in required time series if self.fracture.time + time_step > next_in_TS: time_step = next_in_TS - self.fracture.time # check if the current time is very close the next time to hit. If yes, set it to the next time to avoid # very small time step in the next time step advance. elif next_in_TS - self.fracture.time < 1.05 * time_step: time_step = next_in_TS - self.fracture.time # checking if the time step is above the limit if self.sim_prop.timeStepLimit is not None and time_step > self.sim_prop.timeStepLimit: log.warning("Evaluated/given time step is more than the time step limit! Limiting time step...") time_step = self.sim_prop.timeStepLimit return time_step
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def remesh(self, new_limits, elems, direction=None): log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.remesh') # Generating the new mesh (with new limits but same number of elements) coarse_mesh = CartesianMesh(new_limits[0], new_limits[1], elems[0], elems[1], symmetric=self.sim_prop.symmetric) # Finalizing the transfer of information from the fine to the coarse mesh self.solid_prop.remesh(coarse_mesh) self.injection_prop.remesh(coarse_mesh, self.fracture.mesh) # We adapt the elasticity matrix if not self.sim_prop.useBlockToeplizCompression: if direction is None: rem_factor = self.sim_prop.remeshFactor self.C *= 1 / self.sim_prop.remeshFactor elif direction == 'reduce': rem_factor = 10 if not self.sim_prop.symmetric: self.C = load_isotropic_elasticity_matrix(coarse_mesh, self.solid_prop.Eprime) else: self.C = load_isotropic_elasticity_matrix_symmetric(coarse_mesh, self.solid_prop.Eprime) else: rem_factor = 10"Extending the elasticity matrix...") self.extend_isotropic_elasticity_matrix(coarse_mesh, direction=direction) else: if direction is None: rem_factor = self.sim_prop.remeshFactor else: rem_factor = 10 self.C.reload(coarse_mesh) self.fracture = self.fracture.remesh(rem_factor, self.C, coarse_mesh, self.solid_prop, self.fluid_prop, self.injection_prop, self.sim_prop) self.fracture.mesh = coarse_mesh # update the saved properties if self.sim_prop.saveToDisk: if os.path.exists(self.sim_prop.get_outputFolder() + "properties"): os.remove(self.sim_prop.get_outputFolder() + "properties") prop = (self.solid_prop, self.fluid_prop, self.injection_prop, self.sim_prop) with open(self.sim_prop.get_outputFolder() + "properties", 'wb') as output: dill.dump(prop, output, -1) self.remeshings += 1"Done!")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def extend_isotropic_elasticity_matrix(self, new_mesh, direction=None): """ In the case of extension of the mesh we don't need to recalculate the entire elasticity matrix. All we need to do is to map all the elements to their new index and calculate what lasts Arguments: new_mesh (object CartesianMesh): -- a mesh object describing the domain. """ a = new_mesh.hx / 2. b = new_mesh.hy / 2. Ne = new_mesh.NumberOfElts Ne_old = self.fracture.mesh.NumberOfElts new_indexes = np.array(mapping_old_indexes(new_mesh, self.fracture.mesh, direction)) if len(self.C) != Ne and not self.sim_prop.symmetric: self.C = np.vstack((np.hstack((self.C, np.full((Ne_old, Ne - Ne_old), 0.))), np.full((Ne - Ne_old, Ne), 0.))) self.C[np.ix_(new_indexes, new_indexes)] = self.C[np.ix_(np.arange(Ne_old), np.arange(Ne_old))] add_el = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(Ne), new_indexes) for i in add_el: x = new_mesh.CenterCoor[i, 0] - new_mesh.CenterCoor[:, 0] y = new_mesh.CenterCoor[i, 1] - new_mesh.CenterCoor[:, 1] self.C[i] = (self.solid_prop.Eprime / (8. * np.pi)) * ( np.sqrt(np.square(a - x) + np.square(b - y)) / ((a - x) * (b - y)) + np.sqrt( np.square(a + x) + np.square(b - y) ) / ((a + x) * (b - y)) + np.sqrt(np.square(a - x) + np.square(b + y)) / ((a - x) * (b + y)) + np.sqrt( np.square(a + x) + np.square(b + y)) / ((a + x) * (b + y))) self.C[np.ix_(new_indexes, add_el)] = np.transpose(self.C[np.ix_(add_el, new_indexes)]) elif not self.sim_prop.symmetric: self.C = load_isotropic_elasticity_matrix(new_mesh, self.solid_prop.Eprime) else: self.C = load_isotropic_elasticity_matrix_symmetric(new_mesh, self.solid_prop.Eprime)