Source code for elasticity

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file is part of PyFrac.

Created by Haseeb Zia on Tue Dec 27 17:41:56 2016.
Copyright (c) "ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Geo-Energy Laboratory", 2016-2020.
All rights reserved. See the LICENSE.TXT file for more details.

import numpy as np
import logging
import json
import subprocess
import pickle
from array import array
import os, sys

[docs]def load_isotropic_elasticity_matrix(Mesh, Ep): """ Evaluate the elasticity matrix for the whole mesh. Arguments: Mesh (object CartesianMesh): -- a mesh object describing the domain. Ep (float): -- plain strain modulus. Returns: ndarray-float: -- the elasticity matrix. """ """ a and b are the half breadth and height of a cell ___________________________________ | | | | | | | | | . | . | . | | | | | |___________|___________|___________| | | ^ | | | | b | | | | . | .<--->| . | | | a | | |___________|___________|___________| | | | | | | | | | . | . | . | | | | | |___________|___________|___________| """ a = Mesh.hx / 2. b = Mesh.hy / 2. Ne = Mesh.NumberOfElts C = np.empty([Ne, Ne], dtype=np.float32) for i in range(0, Ne): x = Mesh.CenterCoor[i, 0] - Mesh.CenterCoor[:, 0] y = Mesh.CenterCoor[i, 1] - Mesh.CenterCoor[:, 1] C[i] = (Ep / (8. * np.pi)) * ( np.sqrt(np.square(a - x) + np.square(b - y)) / ((a - x) * (b - y)) + np.sqrt( np.square(a + x) + np.square(b - y) ) / ((a + x) * (b - y)) + np.sqrt(np.square(a - x) + np.square(b + y)) / ((a - x) * (b + y)) + np.sqrt( np.square(a + x) + np.square(b + y)) / ((a + x) * (b + y))) return C
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[docs]class load_isotropic_elasticity_matrix_toepliz(): def __init__(self, Mesh, Ep): self.Ep = Ep const = (Ep / (8. * np.pi)) self.const = const self.reload(Mesh)
[docs] def reload(self, Mesh): hx = Mesh.hx hy = Mesh.hy a = hx / 2. b = hy / 2. nx = Mesh.nx ny = Mesh.ny self.a = a self.b = b self.nx = nx const = self.const """ Let us make some definitions: cartesian mesh := a structured rectangular mesh of (nx,ny) cells of rectaungular shape |<------------nx----------->| _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | | |___|___|___|___|___|___|___| ny | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | | |___|___|___|___|___|___|___| y | | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | | - |___|___|___|___|___|___|___| |____x the cell centers are marked by . set of unique distances := given a set of cells in a cartesian mesh, consider the set of unique distances between any pair of cell centers. set of unique coefficients := given a set of unique distances then consider the interaction coefficients obtained from them C_toeplotz_coe := An array of size (nx*ny), populated with the unique coefficients. Matematically speaking: for i in (0,ny) and j in (0,nx) take the set of combinations (i,j) such that [i^2 y^2 + j^2 x^2]^1/2 is unique """ C_toeplotz_coe = np.empty(ny*nx, dtype=np.float32) xindrange = np.asarray(range(nx)) xrange = xindrange * hx for i in range(ny): y = i*hy amx = a - xrange apx = a + xrange bmy = b - y bpy = b + y C_toeplotz_coe[i*nx:(i+1)*nx] = const * (np.sqrt(np.square(amx) + np.square(bmy)) / (amx * bmy) + np.sqrt(np.square(apx) + np.square(bmy)) / (apx * bmy) + np.sqrt(np.square(amx) + np.square(bpy)) / (amx * bpy) + np.sqrt(np.square(apx) + np.square(bpy)) / (apx * bpy)) self.C_toeplotz_coe = C_toeplotz_coe
def __getitem__(self, elementsXY,different_strategy=True): """ critical call: it should be as fast as possible :param elemX: (numpy array) columns to take :param elemY: (numpy array) rows to take :return: submatrix of C """ elemX = elementsXY[1].flatten() elemY = elementsXY[0].flatten() dimX = elemX.size # number of elements to consider on x axis dimY = elemY.size # number of elements to consider on y axis if dimX == 0 or dimY == 0: return np.empty((dimY, dimX),dtype=np.float32) else: nx = self.nx # number of element in x direction in the global mesh C_sub = np.empty((dimY, dimX), dtype=np.float32) # submatrix of C localC_toeplotz_coe = np.copy(self.C_toeplotz_coe) # local access is faster if dimX != dimY: iY = np.floor_divide(elemY, nx) jY = elemY - nx * iY iX = np.floor_divide(elemX, nx) jX = elemX - nx * iX #if not different_strategy: # strategy 1 for iter1 in range(dimY): i1 = iY[iter1] j1 = jY[iter1] C_sub[iter1, 0:dimX] = localC_toeplotz_coe[np.abs(j1 - jX) + nx * np.abs(i1 - iX)] # else: # strategy 2 - more memory expensive than 1 #C_sub=np.take(localC_toeplotz_coe, np.abs(np.array([jY]).T- jX)+ nx * np.abs(np.array([iY]).T- iX)) # strategy 3 - more memory expensive than 1 # J1, J2 = np.meshgrid(jX, jY) # I1, I2 = np.meshgrid(iX, iY) # C_sub = np.take(localC_toeplotz_coe, np.abs(J1 - J2) + nx * np.abs(I1 - I2)) # strategy 4 - slower #C_sub = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: localC_toeplotz_coe[np.abs(jY[x] - jX) + nx * np.abs(iY[x] - iX)],range(dimY)))) return C_sub elif dimX == dimY and np.all((elemY == elemX)): i = np.floor_divide(elemX, nx) j = elemX - nx * i # if not different_strategy: # strategy 1 for iter1 in range(dimX): i1 = i[iter1] j1 = j[iter1] C_sub[iter1, 0:dimX] = localC_toeplotz_coe[np.abs(j - j1) + nx * np.abs(i - i1)] # else: # strategy 2 - more memory expensive than 1 #C_sub = np.take(localC_toeplotz_coe, np.abs(np.array([j]).T - j) + nx * np.abs(np.array([i]).T - i)) # strategy 3 - more memory expensive than 1 # J1, J2 = np.meshgrid(j, j) # I1, I2 = np.meshgrid(i, i) # C_sub = np.take(localC_toeplotz_coe, np.abs(J1-J2) + nx * np.abs(I1-I2)) # strategy 4 - slower # C_sub = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: localC_toeplotz_coe[np.abs(j[x] - j) + nx * np.abs(i[x] - i)],range(dimY)))) return C_sub else: iY = np.floor_divide(elemY, nx) jY = elemY - nx * iY iX = np.floor_divide(elemX, nx) jX = elemX - nx * iX # if not different_strategy: # strategy 1 for iter1 in range(dimY): i1 = iY[iter1] j1 = jY[iter1] C_sub[iter1, 0:dimX] = localC_toeplotz_coe[np.abs(j1 - jX) + nx * np.abs(i1 - iX)] # else: # strategy 2 - more memory expensive than 1 #C_sub=np.take(localC_toeplotz_coe, np.abs(np.array([jY]).T- jX)+ nx * np.abs(np.array([iY]).T- iX)) # strategy 3 - more memory expensive than 1 # J1, J2 = np.meshgrid(jX, jY) # I1, I2 = np.meshgrid(iX, iY) # C_sub = np.take(localC_toeplotz_coe, np.abs(J2 - J1) + nx * np.abs(I2 - I1)) # strategy 4 - slower # C_sub = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: localC_toeplotz_coe[np.abs(jY[x] - jX) + nx * np.abs(iY[x] - iX)],range(dimY)))) return C_sub
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[docs]def get_Cij_Matrix(youngs_mod, nu): k = youngs_mod / (3 * (1 - 2 * nu)) la = (3 * k * (3 * k - youngs_mod)) / (9 * k - youngs_mod) mu = 3 / 2 * (k - la) Cij = np.zeros((6, 6), dtype=np.float64) Cij[0][0] = (la + 2 * mu) * (1 + 0.00007) Cij[0][2] = la * (1 + 0.00005) Cij[2][2] = (la + 2 * mu) * (1 + 0.00009) Cij[3][3] = mu * (1 + 0.00001) Cij[5][5] = mu * (1 + 0.00003) Cij[0][1] = Cij[0][0] - 2 * Cij[5][5] return Cij
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[docs]def load_TI_elasticity_matrix(Mesh, mat_prop, sim_prop): """ Create the elasticity matrix for transversely isotropic materials. It is under development and will be refactored soon. Args: Mesh (object CartesianMesh): -- a mesh object describing the domain. mat_prop (MaterialProperties): -- the MaterialProperties object giving the material properties. sim_prop (SimulationProperties): -- the SimulationProperties object giving the numerical parameters to be used in the simulation. Returns: C (ndarray): -- the elasticity matrix. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.load_TI_elasticity_matrix') data = {'Solid parameters': {'C11': mat_prop.Cij[0][0], 'C12': mat_prop.Cij[0][1], 'C13': mat_prop.Cij[0][2], 'C33': mat_prop.Cij[2][2], 'C44': mat_prop.Cij[3][3]}, 'Mesh': {'L1': Mesh.Lx, 'L3': Mesh.Ly, 'n1': Mesh.nx, 'n3': Mesh.ny} }'Writing parameters to a file...') curr_directory = os.getcwd() os.chdir(sim_prop.TI_KernelExecPath) with open('stiffness_matrix.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=3) if "win32" in sys.platform or "win64" in sys.platform: suffix = "" else: suffix = "./" # Read the elasticity matrix from the npy file'running C++ process...') + 'TI_elasticity_kernel', shell=True)'Reading global TI elasticity matrix...') try: file = open('StrainResult.bin', "rb") C = array('d') C.fromfile(file, pow(data['Mesh']['n1'] * data['Mesh']['n3'], 2)) C = np.reshape(C, (data['Mesh']['n1'] * data['Mesh']['n3'], data['Mesh']['n1'] * data['Mesh']['n3'])) except FileNotFoundError: # if 'CMatrix' file is not found raise SystemExit('file not found') os.chdir(curr_directory) return C
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[docs]def load_elasticity_matrix(Mesh, EPrime): """ The function loads the elasticity matrix from the saved file. If the loaded matrix is not compatible with respect to the current mesh or plain strain modulus, the compatible matrix is computed and saved in a file. If the file is not found, the elasticity matrix is computed and saved in a file with the name 'CMatrix'. Arguments: Mesh (CartesianMesh): -- a mesh object describing the domain. EPrime (float): -- plain strain modulus. Returns: C (ndarray): -- the elasticity matrix. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.load_elasticity_matrix')'Reading global elasticity matrix...') try: with open('CMatrix', 'rb') as input_file: (C, MeshLoaded, EPrimeLoaded) = pickle.load(input_file) # check if the loaded matrix is correct with respect to the current mesh and plain strain modulus if (Mesh.nx, Mesh.ny, Mesh.Lx, Mesh.Ly, EPrime) == (MeshLoaded.nx, MeshLoaded.ny, MeshLoaded.Lx, MeshLoaded.Ly, EPrimeLoaded): return C else: log.warning( 'The loaded matrix is not correct with respect to the current mesh or the current plain strain modulus.' '\nMaking global matrix...') C = load_isotropic_elasticity_matrix(Mesh, EPrime) Elast = (C, Mesh, EPrime) with open('CMatrix', 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(Elast, output, -1)"Done!") return C except FileNotFoundError: # if 'CMatrix' file is not found log.error('file not found\nBuilding the global elasticity matrix...') C = load_isotropic_elasticity_matrix(Mesh, EPrime) Elast = (C, Mesh, EPrime) with open('CMatrix', 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(Elast, output, -1)"Done!") return C
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[docs]def mapping_old_indexes(new_mesh, mesh, direction = None): """ Function to get the mapping of the indexes """ dne = (new_mesh.NumberOfElts - mesh.NumberOfElts) dnx = (new_mesh.nx - mesh.nx) dny = (new_mesh.ny - mesh.ny) old_indexes = np.array(list(range(0, mesh.NumberOfElts))) if direction == 'top': new_indexes = old_indexes elif direction == 'bottom': new_indexes = old_indexes + dne elif direction == 'left': new_indexes = old_indexes + (np.floor(old_indexes / mesh.nx) + 1) * dnx elif direction == 'right': new_indexes = old_indexes + np.floor(old_indexes / mesh.nx) * dnx elif direction == 'horizontal': new_indexes = old_indexes + (np.floor(old_indexes / mesh.nx) + 1 / 2) * dnx elif direction == 'vertical': new_indexes = old_indexes + dne / 2 else: new_indexes = old_indexes + 1 / 2 * dny * new_mesh.nx + (np.floor(old_indexes / mesh.nx) + 1 / 2) * dnx return new_indexes.astype(int)