# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file is part of PyFrac.
Created by Haseeb Zia on Wed Aug 09 16:22:33 2016.
Copyright (c) ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Geo-Energy Laboratory, 2016-2020.
All rights reserved. See the LICENSE.TXT file for more details.
import numpy as np
import math
import sys
from level_set import SolveFMM, reconstruct_front, UpdateLists
from volume_integral import Integral_over_cell
from symmetry import self_influence
from continuous_front_reconstruction import reconstruct_front_continuous, UpdateListsFromContinuousFrontRec
[docs]def get_eliptical_survey_cells(mesh, a, b, center=None):
This function would provide the ribbon of cells on the inside of the perimeter of an ellipse with the given
lengths of the major and minor axes. A list of all the cells inside the fracture is also provided.
mesh (CartesianMesh object): -- a CartesianMesh class object describing the grid.
a (float): -- the length of the major axis of the provided ellipse.
b (float): -- the length of the minor axis of the provided ellipse.
inj_point (list or ndarray): -- the coordinates [x, y] of the injection point.
- surv_cells (ndarray) -- the list of cells on the inside of the perimeter of the given\
- surv_dist (ndarray) -- the list of corresponding distances of the surv_cells to the fracture\
- inner_cells (ndarray) -- the list of cells inside the given ellipse.
if center is None:
center = np.asarray([0, 0])
# distances of the cell vertices
dist_vertx = ((mesh.VertexCoor[:, 0] - center[0])/ a) ** 2 + ((mesh.VertexCoor[:, 1] - center[1]) / b) ** 2 - 1.
# vertices that are inside the ellipse
vertices = dist_vertx[mesh.Connectivity] < 0
#cells with all four vertices inside
log_and = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1]),
np.logical_and(vertices[:, 2],vertices[:, 3]))
inner_cells = np.where(log_and)[0]
if len(inner_cells) == 0:
raise SystemError("The given ellipse is too small compared to mesh!")
dist = np.zeros((inner_cells.size,), dtype=np.float64)
# get minimum distance from center of the inner cells
for i in range(0, inner_cells.size):
dist[i] = Distance_ellipse(a,
mesh.CenterCoor[inner_cells[i], 0] - center[0],
mesh.CenterCoor[inner_cells[i], 1] - center[1])
cell_len = (mesh.hx * mesh.hx + mesh.hy * mesh.hy) ** 0.5 # one cell diagonal length
ribbon = np.where(dist <= 2 * cell_len)[0]
surv_cells = inner_cells[ribbon]
surv_dist = dist[ribbon]
# if center is not None:
# surv_cells, tmp = shift_injection_point(inj_point[0],
# inj_point[1],
# mesh,
# active_elts=surv_cells)
# inner_cells, tmp = shift_injection_point(inj_point[0],
# inj_point[1],
# mesh,
# active_elts=inner_cells)
return surv_cells, surv_dist, inner_cells
[docs]def get_radial_survey_cells(mesh, r, center=None):
This function would provide the ribbon of cells and their distances to the front on the inside of the perimeter of
a circle with the given radius. A list of all the cells inside the fracture is also provided.
mesh (CartesianMesh object): -- a CartesianMesh class object describing the grid.
r (float): -- the radius of the circle.
inj_point (list or ndarray): -- the coordinates [x, y] of the injection point.
- surv_cells (ndarray) -- the list of cells on the inside of the perimeter of the given circle.
- surv_dist (ndarray) -- the list of corresponding distances of the surv_cells to the fracture\
- inner_cells (ndarray) -- the list of cells inside the given circle.
if center is None:
center = np.asarray([0, 0])
# distances of the cell vertices
dist_vertx = (((mesh.VertexCoor[:, 0] - center[0])) ** 2 + ((mesh.VertexCoor[:, 1] - center[1])) ** 2 ) \
** (1 / 2) / r - 1.
# vertices that are inside the ellipse
vertices = dist_vertx[mesh.Connectivity] <= 0
# cells with all four vertices inside
log_and = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1]),
np.logical_and(vertices[:, 2], vertices[:, 3]))
inner_cells = np.where(log_and)[0]
dist = r - ((mesh.CenterCoor[inner_cells, 0] - center[0]) ** 2
+ (mesh.CenterCoor[inner_cells, 1] - center[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5
if len(inner_cells) == 0:
raise SystemError("The given radius is too small!")
cell_len = 2 * (mesh.hx * mesh.hx + mesh.hy * mesh.hy) ** 0.5 # one cell diagonal length
ribbon = np.where(dist <= cell_len)[0]
surv_cells = inner_cells[ribbon]
surv_dist = dist[ribbon]
return surv_cells, surv_dist, inner_cells
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_rectangular_survey_cells(mesh, length, height, center=None):
This function would provide the ribbon of cells on the inside of the perimeter of a rectangle with the given
lengths and height. A list of all the cells inside the fracture is also provided.
mesh (CartesianMesh object): -- a CartesianMesh class object describing the grid.
length (float): -- the half length of the rectangle.
height (float): -- the height of the rectangle.
inj_point (list or ndarray): -- the coordinates [x, y] of the injection point.
- surv_cells (ndarray) -- the list of cells on the inside of the perimeter of the given rectangle.
- surv_dist (ndarray) -- the list of corresponding distances of the surv_cells to the fracture\
- inner_cells (ndarray) -- the list of cells inside the given ellipse.
if center is None:
center = np.asarray([0, 0])
inner_cells = np.intersect1d(np.where(abs(mesh.CenterCoor[np.ix_(np.arange(0, len(mesh.CenterCoor)), [0])]
- center[0]) < length)[0],
np.where(abs(mesh.CenterCoor[np.ix_(np.arange(0, len(mesh.CenterCoor)), [1])]
- center[1]) < height / 2)[0])
max_x = max(mesh.CenterCoor[inner_cells, 0])
min_x = min(mesh.CenterCoor[inner_cells, 0])
max_y = max(mesh.CenterCoor[inner_cells, 1])
min_y = min(mesh.CenterCoor[inner_cells, 1])
ribbon_max_x = np.where(abs(mesh.CenterCoor[np.ix_(inner_cells, [0])] - max_x) < 100 * sys.float_info.epsilon)[0]
ribbon_min_x = np.where(abs(mesh.CenterCoor[np.ix_(inner_cells, [0])] - min_x) < 100 * sys.float_info.epsilon)[0]
ribbon_max_y = np.where(abs(mesh.CenterCoor[np.ix_(inner_cells, [1])] - max_y) < 100 * sys.float_info.epsilon)[0]
ribbon_min_y = np.where(abs(mesh.CenterCoor[np.ix_(inner_cells, [1])] - min_y) < 100 * sys.float_info.epsilon)[0]
surv_cells = np.append(inner_cells[ribbon_max_x], inner_cells[ribbon_max_y])
surv_cells = np.append(surv_cells, inner_cells[ribbon_min_x])
surv_cells = np.append(surv_cells, inner_cells[ribbon_min_y])
surv_cells = np.unique(surv_cells)
surv_dist = np.zeros((len(surv_cells),), dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(len(surv_cells)):
surv_dist[i] = np.min([length - float(abs(mesh.CenterCoor[surv_cells[i], 0] - center[0])),
height / 2 - float(abs(mesh.CenterCoor[surv_cells[i], 1] - center[1]))])
if len(inner_cells) == 0:
raise SystemError("The given rectangular region is too small compared to the mesh!")
return surv_cells, surv_dist, inner_cells
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_width_pressure(mesh, EltCrack, EltTip, FillFrac, C, w=None, p=None, volume=None, symmetric=False, useBlockToeplizCompression=False,
This function calculates the width and pressure depending on the provided data. If only volume is provided, the
width is calculated as a static fracture with the given footprint. Else, the pressure or width are calculated
according to the given elasticity matrix.
mesh (CartesianMesh): -- a CartesianMesh class object describing the grid.
EltCrack (ndarray): -- list of cells in the crack region.
EltTip (ndarray): -- list of cells in the Tip region.
FillFrac (ndarray): -- filling fraction of each tip cell. Used for correction.
C (ndarray): -- The elasticity matrix.
w (ndarray): -- the provided width for each cell, can be None if not available.
p (ndarray): -- the provided pressure for each cell, can be None if not available.
volume (ndarray): -- the volume of the fracture, can be None if not available.
symmetric (bool): -- if True, the fracture will be considered strictly symmetric and only one quadrant
will be simulated.
Eprime (float): -- the plain strain elastic modulus.
- w_calculated (ndarray) -- the calculated width.
- p_calculated (ndarray) -- the calculated pressure.
if w is None and p is None and volume is None:
raise ValueError("Atleast one of the three variables w, p and volume has to be provided.")
if p is None:
p_calculated = np.zeros((mesh.NumberOfElts,), dtype=np.float64)
elif not isinstance(p, np.ndarray):
p_calculated = np.zeros((mesh.NumberOfElts,), dtype=np.float64)
p_calculated[EltCrack] = np.full((EltCrack.size, ), p, dtype=np.float64)
p_calculated = p
if w is None:
w_calculated = np.zeros((mesh.NumberOfElts,), dtype=np.float64)
elif w.size != mesh.NumberOfElts and not w is None:
raise ValueError("The given width should be an ndarray with the size equal to the number of cells in mesh!")
w_calculated = w
if not w is None and not p is None:
return w_calculated, p_calculated
if symmetric and not useBlockToeplizCompression:
CrackElts_sym = mesh.corresponding[EltCrack]
CrackElts_sym = np.unique(CrackElts_sym)
EltTip_sym = mesh.corresponding[EltTip]
EltTip_sym = np.unique(EltTip_sym)
FillF_mesh = np.zeros((mesh.NumberOfElts,), )
FillF_mesh[EltTip] = FillFrac
FillF_sym = FillF_mesh[mesh.activeSymtrc[EltTip_sym]]
self_infl = self_influence(mesh, Eprime)
C_EltTip = np.copy(C[np.ix_(EltTip_sym, EltTip_sym)]) # keeping the tip element entries to restore current tip correction. This is
# done to avoid copying the full elasticity matrix.
# filling fraction correction for element in the tip region
for e in range(len(EltTip_sym)):
r = FillF_sym[e] - .25
if r < 0.1:
r = 0.1
ac = (1 - r) / r
C[EltTip_sym[e], EltTip_sym[e]] += ac * np.pi / 4. * self_infl
if w is None and not p is None:
w_sym_EltCrack = np.linalg.solve(C[np.ix_(CrackElts_sym, CrackElts_sym)],
for i in range(len(w_sym_EltCrack)):
w_calculated[mesh.symmetricElts[mesh.activeSymtrc[CrackElts_sym[i]]]] = w_sym_EltCrack[i]
if w is not None and p is None:
p_sym_EltCrack = np.dot(C[np.ix_(CrackElts_sym, CrackElts_sym)], w[mesh.activeSymtrc[CrackElts_sym]])
for i in range(len(p_sym_EltCrack)):
p_calculated[mesh.symmetricElts[mesh.activeSymtrc[CrackElts_sym[i]]]] = p_sym_EltCrack[i]
# calculate the width and pressure by considering fracture as a static fracture.
if w is None and p is None:
C_Crack = C[np.ix_(CrackElts_sym, CrackElts_sym)]
A = np.hstack((C_Crack, -np.ones((EltCrack.size, 1), dtype=np.float64)))
weights = mesh.volWeights[CrackElts_sym]
weights = np.concatenate((weights, np.array([0.0])))
A = np.vstack((A, weights))
b = np.zeros((len(EltCrack) + 1,), dtype=np.float64)
b[-1] = volume / mesh.EltArea
sol = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
w_calculated[EltCrack] = sol[np.arange(EltCrack.size)]
p_calculated[EltCrack] = sol[EltCrack.size]
# recover original C (without filling fraction correction)
C[np.ix_(EltTip_sym, EltTip_sym)] = C_EltTip
elif useBlockToeplizCompression:
C_Crack = C[np.ix_(EltCrack, EltCrack)]
EltTip_positions = np.where(np.in1d(EltCrack,EltTip))[0]
# filling fraction correction for element in the tip region
r = FillFrac - .25
indx = np.where(np.less(r,0.1))[0]
r[indx] = 0.1
ac = (1 - r) / r
C_Crack[EltTip_positions,EltTip_positions]=C_Crack[EltTip_positions,EltTip_positions] * (1. + ac * np.pi / 4.)
if w is None and not p is None:
w_calculated[EltCrack] = np.linalg.solve(C_Crack, p_calculated[EltCrack])
if not w is None and p is None:
p_calculated[EltCrack] = np.dot(C_Crack, w[EltCrack])
# calculate the width and pressure by considering fracture as a static fracture.
if w is None and p is None:
A = np.hstack((C_Crack, -np.ones((EltCrack.size, 1), dtype=np.float64)))
A = np.vstack((A, np.ones((1, EltCrack.size + 1), dtype=np.float64)))
A[-1, -1] = 0
b = np.zeros((len(EltCrack)+1, ), dtype=np.float64)
b[-1] = volume / mesh.EltArea
sol = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
w_calculated[EltCrack] = sol[np.arange(EltCrack.size)]
p_calculated[EltCrack] = sol[EltCrack.size]
C_EltTip = np.copy(C[np.ix_(EltTip, EltTip)]) # keeping the tip element entries to restore current tip correction. This is
# done to avoid copying the full elasticity matrix.
# filling fraction correction for element in the tip region
for e in range(0, len(EltTip)):
r = FillFrac[e] - .25
if r < 0.1:
r = 0.1
ac = (1 - r) / r
C[EltTip[e], EltTip[e]] = C[EltTip[e], EltTip[e]] * (1. + ac * np.pi / 4.)
if w is None and not p is None:
w_calculated[EltCrack] = np.linalg.solve(C[np.ix_(EltCrack, EltCrack)], p_calculated[EltCrack])
if not w is None and p is None:
p_calculated[EltCrack] = np.dot(C[np.ix_(EltCrack, EltCrack)], w[EltCrack])
# calculate the width and pressure by considering fracture as a static fracture.
if w is None and p is None:
C_Crack = C[np.ix_(EltCrack, EltCrack)]
A = np.hstack((C_Crack, -np.ones((EltCrack.size, 1), dtype=np.float64)))
A = np.vstack((A, np.ones((1, EltCrack.size + 1), dtype=np.float64)))
A[-1, -1] = 0
b = np.zeros((len(EltCrack)+1, ), dtype=np.float64)
b[-1] = volume / mesh.EltArea
sol = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
w_calculated[EltCrack] = sol[np.arange(EltCrack.size)]
p_calculated[EltCrack] = sol[EltCrack.size]
# recover original C (without filling fraction correction)
C[np.ix_(EltTip, EltTip)] = C_EltTip
return w_calculated, p_calculated
[docs]def g(a, b, x0, y0, la):
return pow(a * x0 / (pow(a, 2) + la), 2) + pow(b * y0 / (pow(b, 2) + la), 2) - 1
[docs]def Distance_ellipse(a, b, x0, y0):
This function calculates the smallest distance of a point from the given ellipse.
a (float): -- the length of the major axis of the ellipse.
b (float): -- the length of the minor axis of the ellipse.
x0 (float): -- the x coordinate of the point from which the distance is to be found
y0 (float): -- the y coordinate of the point from which the distance is to be found
D (float): -- the shortest distance of the point from the ellipse.
# todo check! written by Weihan
# a>b ellipse parameters, (x0,y0) is the center of the cell
x0 = abs(x0)
y0 = abs(y0)
if (x0 < 1e-12 and y0 < 1e-12):
D = b
elif (x0 <1e-12 and y0 > 0):
D = abs(y0 - b)
elif (y0 <1e-12 and x0 > 0):
if (x0 < (pow(a, 2) - pow(b, 2)) / a):
# D=b*math.sqrt(1-pow(x0,2)/(pow(a,2)-pow(b,2)))
xellipse = pow(a, 2) * x0 / (pow(a, 2) - pow(b, 2))
yellipse = b * math.sqrt(1 - pow(xellipse / a, 2))
D = math.sqrt(pow(x0 - xellipse, 2) + pow(yellipse, 2))
D = abs(x0 - a)
lamin = -pow(b, 2) + b * y0
lamax = -pow(b, 2) + math.sqrt(pow(a * x0, 2) + pow(b * y0, 2))
while (abs(g(a, b, x0, y0, lamin)) > 1e-6 or abs(g(a, b, x0, y0, lamax)) > 1e-6):
lanew = (lamin + lamax) / 2
if (g(a, b, x0, y0, lanew) < 0):
lamax = lanew
lamin = lanew
la = (lamin + lamax) / 2
xellipse = pow(a, 2) * x0 / (pow(a, 2) + la)
yellipse = pow(b, 2) * y0 / (pow(b, 2) + la)
D = math.sqrt(pow(x0 - xellipse, 2) + pow(y0 - yellipse, 2))
return D
[docs]def Distance_square(lx, ly, x, y):
The shortest distance of a point from a square
return abs(min([lx-x, lx+x, ly-y, ly+y]))
[docs]class InitializationParameters:
This class store the initialization parameters.
geometry (Geometry): -- Geometry class object describing the geometry of the fracture.
regime (str): -- the propagation regime of the fracture. Possible options are the following:
- 'M' -- radial fracture in viscosity dominated regime.
- 'Mt' -- radial fracture in viscosity dominated regime with leak-off.
- 'K' -- radial fracture in toughness dominated regime.
- 'Kt' -- radial fracture in toughness dominated regime with leak-off.
- 'PKN' -- PKN fracture.
- 'E_K' -- elliptical fracture propagating in toughness dominated regime.\
The solution is equivalent to a particular anisotropic toughness \
case described in Zia and Lecampion, 2018.
- 'E_E' -- the elliptical solution with transverse isotropic material \
properties (see Moukhtari and Lecampion, 2019).
- 'MDR' -- viscosity dominated solution for turbulent flow. The friction \
factor is calculated using MDR asymptote (see Zia and Lecampion\
time (float): -- the time since the start of injection.
width (ndarray): -- the initial width of the fracture. The size should be equal to the number of
elements in the mesh.
net_pressure (float/ndarray): -- the initial net pressure of the fracture. It can be either uniform for the static
fracture or an ndarray.
fracture_volume (float): -- total initial volume of the fracture.
tip_velocity (float/ndarray): -- the velocity of the tip. It can be a float for radial fractures propagating
with steady velocity or an ndarray equal to the size of tip elements list
giving velocity of the corresponding tip elements.
elasticity_matrix (ndarray): -- the BEM elasticity matrix. See Zia & Lecampion 2019.
def __init__(self, geometry=None, regime='M', time=None, width=None, net_pressure=None, fracture_volume=None,
tip_velocity=None, elasticity_matrix=None):
self.geometry = geometry
self.regime = regime
self.time = time
self.width = width
self.netPressure = net_pressure
self.fractureVolume = fracture_volume
self.tipVelocity = tip_velocity
self.C = elasticity_matrix
[docs] def check_consistency(self):
This function checks if the given parameters are consistent with each other.
compatible_regimes = {
'radial': ['M', 'Mt', 'K', 'Kt', 'MDR', 'static'],
'height contained': ['PKN', 'KGD_K', 'static'],
'elliptical': ['E_E', 'E_K', 'static'],
'level set': ['static']
if self.regime not in compatible_regimes[self.geometry.shape]:
err_string = "Initialization is not supported for the given regime and geometrical shape.\nBelow is " \
"the list of compatible regimes and shapes (see documentation for description of " \
"the regimes):\n\n"
for keys, values in compatible_regimes.items():
err_string = err_string + repr(keys) + ':\t' + repr(values) + '\n'
raise ValueError(err_string)
except KeyError:
err_string = "The given geometrical shape is not supported!\nSee the list below for supported shapes:\n"
for keys, values in compatible_regimes.items():
err_string = err_string + repr(keys) + '\n'
raise ValueError(err_string)
errors_analytical = {
'radial': "Either time or radius is to be provided for radial fractures!",
'height containedPKN': "Either time or length is to be provided for PKN type fractures. The height of the "
"fracture is required in both cases!",
'height containedKGD_K': "Either time or length is to be provided for toughness dominated KGD type "
"fractures. The height of the fracture is required in both cases!",
'ellipticalE_K': "Either time or length of minor axis is required to initialize the elliptical "
"fracture in toughness dominated regime!",
'ellipticalE_E': "Either time or minor axis length along with the major to minor axes length ratio (gamma) "
"is to be provided to initialize in transverse isotropic material!",
errors_static = {
'radial': "Radius is to be provided for static radial fractures!",
'height contained': "Length and height are required to initialize height contained fractures!",
'elliptical': "The length of minor axis and the aspect ratio (Geometry.gamma) is required to initialize the"
" static elliptical fracture!",
'level set': "To initialize according to a level set, the survey cells (Geometry.surveyCells) and their "
"distances (Geometry.tipDistances) along with \n the cells enclosed by the survey cells"
" (geometry.innerCells) are required!",
error = False
# checks for analytical solutions
if self.regime != 'static':
if self.time is None:
if self.geometry.shape == 'radial' and self.geometry.radius is None:
raise ValueError(errors_analytical[self.geometry.shape])
if self.geometry.shape == 'height contained':
if self.geometry.fractureLength is None or self.geometry.fractureHeight is None:
error = True
if self.geometry.shape == 'elliptical':
if self.regime == 'E_K' and self.geometry.minorAxis is None:
error = True
if self.regime == 'E_E':
if self.geometry.minorAxis is None or self.geometry.gamma is None:
error = True
if self.geometry.shape == 'height contained':
if self.geometry.fractureHeight is None:
error = True
if self.geometry.shape == 'elliptical':
if self.regime == 'E_E' and self.geometry.gamma is None:
error = True
if error:
raise ValueError(errors_analytical[self.geometry.shape + self.regime])
# checks for static fracture
if self.geometry.shape == 'radial' and self.geometry.radius is None:
error = True
elif self.geometry.shape == 'height contained':
if self.geometry.fractureLength is None or self.geometry.fractureHeight is None:
error = True
elif self.geometry.shape == 'elliptical':
if self.geometry.minorAxis is None or self.geometry.gamma is None :
error = True
elif self.geometry.shape == 'level set':
if self.geometry.surveyCells is None or self.geometry.tipDistances is None or \
self.geometry.innerCells is None:
error = True
if error:
raise ValueError(errors_static[self.geometry.shape])
if (self.width is None and self.netPressure is None and self.fractureVolume is None) or self.C is None:
raise ValueError("The following parameters are required to initialize a static fracture:\n"
"\t\t -- width or net pressure or total volume of the fracture\n"
"\t\t -- the elasticity matrix")
[docs]class Geometry:
This class defines the geometry of the fracture to be initialized.
shape (string): -- string giving the geometrical shape of the fracture. Possible options are:
- 'radial'
- 'height contained'
- 'elliptical'
- 'level set'
radius (float): -- the radius of the radial fracture.
fracture_length (float): -- the half length of the fracture.
fracture_height (float): -- the height of the height contained fracture.
minor_axis (float): -- length of minor axis for elliptical fracture shape.
gamma (float): -- ratio of the length of the major axis to the minor axis. It should be more than
survey_cells (ndarray): -- the cells from which the distances to the fracture tip are provided.
tip_distances (ndarray): -- the minimum distances of the corresponding cells provided in the survey_cells to
the tip of the fracture.
inner_cells (ndarray): -- the cells enclosed by the cells given in the survey_cells (inclusive). In other
words, the cells inside the fracture.
center (ndarray): -- location of the center of the geometry.
def __init__(self, shape=None, radius=None, fracture_length=None, fracture_height=None, minor_axis=None,
gamma=None, survey_cells=None, tip_distances=None, inner_cells=None, center=None):
self.shape = shape
self.radius = radius
self.fractureLength = fracture_length
self.fractureHeight = fracture_height
self.minorAxis = minor_axis
if gamma is not None:
if gamma < 1.:
raise ValueError("The aspect ratio (ratio of the length of major axis to the minor axis) should be more"
" than one")
self.gamma = gamma
self.surveyCells = survey_cells
self.tipDistances = tip_distances
self.innerCells = inner_cells
self.center = center
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_length_dimension(self):
if self.shape == 'radial':
length = self.radius
elif self.shape == 'elliptical':
length = self.minorAxis
elif self.shape == 'height contained':
length = self.fractureLength
return length
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_length_dimension(self, length):
if self.shape == 'radial':
self.radius = length
elif self.shape == 'elliptical':
self.minorAxis = length
elif self.shape == 'height contained':
self.fractureLength = length
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_center(self):
if self.center == None:
return [0., 0.]
return self.center
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_survey_points(geometry, mesh, source_coord=None):
This function provided the survey cells, corresponding distances to the front and the enclosed cells for the given
if geometry.center is None:
center = source_coord
center =geometry.center
if geometry.shape == 'radial':
if geometry.radius > min(mesh.Lx, mesh.Ly):
raise ValueError("The radius of the radial fracture is larger than domain!")
surv_cells, surv_dist, inner_cells = get_radial_survey_cells(mesh,
elif geometry.shape == 'elliptical':
a = geometry.minorAxis * geometry.gamma
if geometry.minorAxis > mesh.Ly or a > mesh.Lx:
raise ValueError("The axes length of the elliptical fracture is larger than domain!")
elif geometry.minorAxis < 2 * mesh.hy:
raise ValueError("The fracture is very small compared to the mesh cell size!")
surv_cells, surv_dist, inner_cells = get_eliptical_survey_cells(mesh,
elif geometry.shape == 'height contained':
if geometry.fractureLength > mesh.Lx or geometry.fractureHeight > mesh.Ly:
raise ValueError("The fracture is larger than domain!")
elif geometry.fractureLength < 2 * mesh.hx or geometry.fractureHeight < 2 * mesh.hy:
raise ValueError("The fracture is very small compared to the mesh cell size!")
surv_cells, surv_dist, inner_cells = get_rectangular_survey_cells(mesh,
elif geometry.shape == 'level set':
surv_cells = geometry.surveyCells
surv_dist = geometry.tipDistances
inner_cells = geometry.innerCells
raise ValueError("The given footprint shape is not supported!")
return surv_cells, surv_dist, inner_cells