Source code for postprocess_fracture

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file is part of PyFrac.

Created by Haseeb Zia on 12.06.17.
Copyright (c) ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Geo-Energy Laboratory, 2016-2020.
All rights reserved. See the LICENSE.TXT file for more details.

# local
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import dill
import os
import re
import sys
import json

from utility import ReadFracture
from HF_reference_solutions import HF_analytical_sol, get_fracture_dimensions_analytical
from labels import *
# import FractureInitialization

if 'win32' in sys.platform or 'win64' in sys.platform:
    slash = '\\'
    slash = '/'


[docs]def load_fractures(address=None, sim_name='simulation', time_period=0.0, time_srs=None, step_size=1): """ This function returns a list of the fractures. If address and simulation name are not provided, results from the default address and having the default name will be loaded. Args: address (string): -- the folder address containing the saved files. If it is not provided, simulation from the default folder (_simulation_data_PyFrac) will be loaded. sim_name (string): -- the simulation name from which the fractures are to be loaded. If not provided, simulation with the default name (Simulation) will be loaded. time_period (float): -- time period between two successive fractures to be loaded. if not provided, all fractures will be loaded. time_srs (ndarray): -- if provided, the fracture stored at the closest time after the given times will be loaded. step_size (int): -- the number of time steps to skip before loading the next fracture. If not provided, all of the fractures will be loaded. Returns: fracture_list(list): -- a list of fractures. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.load_fractures')'Returning fractures...') if address is None: address = '.' + slash + '_simulation_data_PyFrac' if address[-1] != slash: address = address + slash if isinstance(time_srs, float) or isinstance(time_srs, int): time_srs = np.array([time_srs]) elif isinstance(time_srs, list): time_srs = np.array(time_srs) if re.match('\d+-\d+-\d+__\d+_\d+_\d+', sim_name[-20:]): sim_full_name = sim_name else: simulations = os.listdir(address) time_stamps = [] for i in simulations: if re.match(sim_name + '__\d+-\d+-\d+__\d+_\d+_\d+', i): time_stamps.append(i[-20:]) if len(time_stamps) == 0: raise ValueError('Simulation not found! The address might be incorrect.') Tmst_sorted = sorted(time_stamps) sim_full_name = sim_name + '__' + Tmst_sorted[-1] sim_full_path = address + sim_full_name properties_file = sim_full_path + slash + 'properties' try: with open(properties_file, 'rb') as inp: properties = dill.load(inp) except FileNotFoundError: raise SystemExit('Data not found. The address might be incorrect') fileNo = 0 next_t = 0.0 t_srs_indx = 0 fracture_list = [] t_srs_given = isinstance(time_srs, np.ndarray) #time series is given if t_srs_given: if len(time_srs) == 0: return fracture_list next_t = time_srs[t_srs_indx] # time at wich the first fracture file was modified while fileNo < 5000: # trying to load next file. exit loop if not found try: ff = ReadFracture(sim_full_path + slash + sim_full_name + '_file_' + repr(fileNo)) except FileNotFoundError: break fileNo += step_size if 1. - next_t / ff.time >= -1e-8: # if the current fracture time has advanced the output time period'Returning fracture at ' + repr(ff.time) + ' s') fracture_list.append(ff) if t_srs_given: if t_srs_indx < len(time_srs) - 1: t_srs_indx += 1 next_t = time_srs[t_srs_indx] if ff.time > max(time_srs): break else: next_t = ff.time + time_period if fileNo >= 5000: raise SystemExit('too many files.') if len(fracture_list) == 0: raise ValueError("Fracture list is empty") return fracture_list, properties
[docs]def get_fracture_variable(fracture_list, variable, edge=4, return_time=False): """ This function returns the required variable from a fracture list. Args: fracture_list (list): -- the fracture list from which the variable is to be extracted. variable (string): -- the variable to be extracted. See :py:data:`labels.supported_variables` of the :py:mod:`labels` module for a list of supported variables. edge (int): -- the edge of the cell that will be plotted. This is for variables that are evaluated on the cell edges instead of cell center. It can have a value from 0 to 4 (0->left, 1->right, 2->bottom, 3->top, 4->average). return_time (bool): -- if True, the times at which the fractures are stored will also be returned. Returns: - variable_list (list) -- a list containing the extracted variable from each of the fracture. The \ dimension and type of each member of the list depends upon the variable type. - time_srs (list) -- a list of times at which the fractures are stored. """ variable_list = [] time_srs = [] if variable == 'time' or variable == 't': for i in fracture_list: variable_list.append(i.time) time_srs.append(i.time) elif variable == 'width' or variable == 'w' or variable == 'surface': for i in fracture_list: variable_list.append(i.w) time_srs.append(i.time) elif variable == 'fluid pressure' or variable == 'pf': for i in fracture_list: variable_list.append(i.pFluid) time_srs.append(i.time) elif variable == 'net pressure' or variable == 'pn': for i in fracture_list: variable_list.append(i.pNet) time_srs.append(i.time) elif variable == 'front velocity' or variable == 'v': for i in fracture_list: vel = np.full((i.mesh.NumberOfElts, ), np.nan) vel[i.EltTip] = i.v variable_list.append(vel) time_srs.append(i.time) elif variable == 'Reynolds number' or variable == 'Re': if fracture_list[-1].ReynoldsNumber is None: raise SystemExit(err_var_not_saved) for i in fracture_list: if edge < 0 or edge > 4: raise ValueError('Edge can be an integer between and including 0 and 4.') if edge < 4: variable_list.append(i.ReynoldsNumber[edge]) time_srs.append(i.time) elif i.ReynoldsNumber is not None: variable_list.append(np.mean(i.ReynoldsNumber, axis=0)) time_srs.append(i.time) else: variable_list.append(np.full((i.mesh.NumberOfElts, ), np.nan)) elif variable == 'fluid flux' or variable == 'ff': if fracture_list[-1].fluidFlux is None: raise SystemExit(err_var_not_saved) for i in fracture_list: if edge < 0 or edge > 4: raise ValueError('Edge can be an integer between and including 0 and 4.') if edge < 4: variable_list.append(i.fluidFlux[edge]) time_srs.append(i.time) elif i.fluidFlux is not None: variable_list.append(np.mean(i.fluidFlux, axis=0)) time_srs.append(i.time) else: variable_list.append(np.full((i.mesh.NumberOfElts,), np.nan)) elif variable == 'fluid velocity' or variable == 'fv': if fracture_list[-1].fluidVelocity is None: raise SystemExit(err_var_not_saved) for i in fracture_list: if edge < 0 or edge > 4: raise ValueError('Edge can be an integer between and including 0 and 4.') if edge < 4: variable_list.append(i.fluidVelocity[edge]) time_srs.append(i.time) elif i.fluidVelocity is not None: variable_list.append(np.mean(i.fluidVelocity, axis=0)) time_srs.append(i.time) else: variable_list.append(np.full((i.mesh.NumberOfElts, ), np.nan)) elif variable == 'pressure gradient x' or variable == 'dpdx': for i in fracture_list: dpdxLft = (i.pNet[i.EltCrack] - i.pNet[i.mesh.NeiElements[i.EltCrack, 0]]) \ * i.InCrack[i.mesh.NeiElements[i.EltCrack, 0]] dpdxRgt = (i.pNet[i.mesh.NeiElements[i.EltCrack, 1]] - i.pNet[i.EltCrack]) \ * i.InCrack[i.mesh.NeiElements[i.EltCrack, 1]] dpdx = np.full((i.mesh.NumberOfElts, ),0.0) dpdx[i.EltCrack] = np.mean([dpdxLft, dpdxRgt], axis=0) variable_list.append(dpdx) time_srs.append(i.time) elif variable == 'pressure gradient y' or variable == 'dpdy': for i in fracture_list: dpdyBtm = (i.pNet[i.EltCrack] - i.pNet[i.mesh.NeiElements[i.EltCrack, 2]]) \ * i.InCrack[i.mesh.NeiElements[i.EltCrack, 2]] dpdxtop = (i.pNet[i.mesh.NeiElements[i.EltCrack, 3]] - i.pNet[i.EltCrack]) \ * i.InCrack[i.mesh.NeiElements[i.EltCrack, 3]] dpdy = np.full((i.mesh.NumberOfElts, ),0.0) dpdy[i.EltCrack] = np.mean([dpdyBtm, dpdxtop], axis=0) variable_list.append(dpdy) time_srs.append(i.time) elif variable == 'fluid flux as vector field' or variable == 'ffvf': if fracture_list[-1].fluidFlux_components is None: raise SystemExit(err_var_not_saved) for i in fracture_list: if edge < 0 or edge > 4: raise ValueError('Edge can be an integer between and including 0 and 4.') if edge < 4: variable_list.append(i.fluidFlux_components[edge]) time_srs.append(i.time) elif i.fluidFlux_components is not None: variable_list.append(i.fluidFlux_components) time_srs.append(i.time) else: variable_list.append(np.full((i.mesh.NumberOfElts,), np.nan)) elif variable == 'fluid velocity as vector field' or variable == 'fvvf': if fracture_list[-1].fluidVelocity_components is None: raise SystemExit(err_var_not_saved) for i in fracture_list: if edge < 0 or edge > 4: raise ValueError('Edge can be an integer between and including 0 and 4.') if edge < 4: variable_list.append(i.fluidVelocity_components[edge]) time_srs.append(i.time) elif i.fluidFlux_components is not None: variable_list.append(i.fluidVelocity_components) time_srs.append(i.time) else: variable_list.append(np.full((i.mesh.NumberOfElts, ), np.nan)) elif variable == 'effective viscosity' or variable == 'ev': if fracture_list[-1].effVisc is None: raise SystemExit(err_var_not_saved) for i in fracture_list: if edge < 0 or edge > 4: raise ValueError('Edge can be an integer between and including 0 and 4.') if edge < 4: variable_list.append(i.effVisc[edge]) time_srs.append(i.time) elif i.effVisc is not None: variable_list.append(np.mean(i.effVisc, axis=0)) time_srs.append(i.time) else: variable_list.append(np.full((i.mesh.NumberOfElts, ), np.nan)) elif variable == 'yielded' or variable == 'y': if fracture_list[-1].yieldRatio is None: raise SystemExit(err_var_not_saved) for i in fracture_list: if edge < 0 or edge > 4: raise ValueError('Edge can be an integer between and including 0 and 4.') if edge < 4: variable_list.append(i.yieldRatio[edge]) time_srs.append(i.time) elif i.yieldRatio is not None: variable_list.append(np.mean(i.yieldRatio, axis=0)) time_srs.append(i.time) else: variable_list.append(np.full((i.mesh.NumberOfElts, ), np.nan)) elif variable in ('front_dist_min', 'd_min', 'front_dist_max', 'd_max', 'front_dist_mean', 'd_mean'): for i in fracture_list: if len(i.source) != 0: source_loc = i.mesh.CenterCoor[i.source[0]] # coordinate of the zero vertex in the tip cells front_intersect_dist = np.sqrt((i.Ffront[::, [0, 2]].flatten() - source_loc[0]) ** 2 + (i.Ffront[::, [1, 3]].flatten() - source_loc[1]) ** 2) if variable == 'front_dist_mean' or variable == 'd_mean': variable_list.append(np.mean(front_intersect_dist)) elif variable == 'front_dist_max' or variable == 'd_max': variable_list.append(np.max(front_intersect_dist)) elif variable == 'front_dist_min' or variable == 'd_min': variable_list.append(np.min(front_intersect_dist)) time_srs.append(i.time) elif variable == 'mesh': for i in fracture_list: variable_list.append(i.mesh) time_srs.append(i.time) elif variable == 'efficiency' or variable == 'ef': for i in fracture_list: variable_list.append(i.efficiency) time_srs.append(i.time) elif variable == 'volume' or variable == 'V': for i in fracture_list: variable_list.append(i.FractureVolume) time_srs.append(i.time) elif variable == 'leak off' or variable == 'lk': for i in fracture_list: variable_list.append(i.LkOff) time_srs.append(i.time) elif variable == 'leaked off volume' or variable == 'lkv': for i in fracture_list: variable_list.append(sum(i.LkOffTotal[i.EltCrack])) time_srs.append(i.time) elif variable == 'aspect ratio' or variable == 'ar': for fr in fracture_list: x_coords = np.hstack((fr.Ffront[:, 0], fr.Ffront[:, 2])) x_len = np.max(x_coords) - np.min(x_coords) y_coords = np.hstack((fr.Ffront[:, 1], fr.Ffront[:, 3])) y_len = np.max(y_coords) - np.min(y_coords) variable_list.append(x_len / y_len) time_srs.append(fr.time) elif variable == 'chi': for i in fracture_list: vel = np.full((i.mesh.NumberOfElts,), np.nan) vel[i.EltTip] = i.v variable_list.append(vel) time_srs.append(i.time) elif variable == 'regime': legend_coord = [] if hasattr(fracture_list[0], 'regime_color'): for i in fracture_list: variable_list.append(i.regime_color) time_srs.append(i.time) else: raise ValueError('The regime cannot be found. Saving of regime is most likely not enabled.\n' ' See the saveRegime falg of SimulationProperties class.') elif variable == 'source elements' or variable == 'se': for fr in fracture_list: variable_list.append(fr.source) time_srs.append(fr.time) else: raise ValueError('The variable type is not correct.') if not return_time: return variable_list elif variable == 'regime': return variable_list, legend_coord, time_srs else: return variable_list, time_srs
[docs]def get_fracture_variable_at_point(fracture_list, variable, point, edge=4, return_time=True): """ This function returns the required variable from a fracture list at the given point. Args: fracture_list (list): -- the fracture list from which the variable is to be extracted. variable (string): -- the variable to be extracted. See :py:data:`supported_variables` of the :py:mod:`Labels` module for a list of supported variables. point (list or ndarray): -- the point at which the given variable is plotted against time [x, y]. edge (int): -- the edge of the cell that will be plotted. This is for variables that are evaluated on the cell edges instead of cell center. It can have a value from 0 to 4 (0->left, 1->right, 2->bottom, 3->top, 4->average). return_time (bool): -- if True, the times at which the fractures are stored will also be returned. Returns: - variable_list (list) -- a list containing the extracted variable from each of the fracture. The \ dimension and type of each member of the list depends upon the variable type. - time_srs (list) -- a list of times at which the fractures are stored. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.get_fracture_variable_at_point') if variable not in supported_variables: raise ValueError(err_msg_variable) return_list = [] if variable in ['front intercepts', 'fi']: return_list = get_front_intercepts(fracture_list, point) if return_time: return return_list, get_fracture_variable(fracture_list, 't') else: return return_list else: var_values, time_list = get_fracture_variable(fracture_list, variable, edge=edge, return_time=True) if variable in unidimensional_variables: return_list = var_values else: for i in range(len(fracture_list)): if variable in bidimensional_variables: value_point = griddata(fracture_list[i].mesh.CenterCoor, var_values[i], point, method='linear', fill_value=np.nan) if np.isnan(value_point): log.warning('Point outside fracture.') return_list.append(value_point[0]) if return_time: return return_list, time_list else: return return_list
[docs]def get_fracture_variable_slice_interpolated(var_value, mesh, point1=None, point2=None): """ This function returns the given fracture variable on a given slice of the domain. Two points are to be given that will be joined to form the slice. The values on the slice are interpolated from the values available on the cell centers. Args: var_value (ndarray): -- the value of the variable on each cell of the domain. mesh (CartesianMesh): -- the CartesianMesh object describing the mesh. point1 (list or ndarray): -- the left point from which the slice should pass [x, y]. point2 (list or ndarray): -- the right point from which the slice should pass [x, y]. Returns: - value_samp_points (ndarray) -- the values of the variable at the sampling points given by sampling_line \ (see below). - sampling_line (ndarray) -- the distance of the point where the value is provided from the center of\ the slice. """ if not isinstance(var_value, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("Variable value should be provided in the form of numpy array with the size equal to the " "number of elements in the mesh!") elif var_value.size != mesh.NumberOfElts: raise ValueError("Given array is not equal to the number of elements in mesh!") if point1 is None: point1 = np.array([-mesh.Lx, 0.]) if point2 is None: point2 = np.array([mesh.Lx, 0.]) # the code below find the extreme points of the line joining the two given points with the current mesh if point2[0] == point1[0]: point1[1] = -mesh.Ly point2[1] = mesh.Ly elif point2[1] == point1[1]: point1[0] = -mesh.Lx point2[0] = mesh.Lx else: slope = (point2[1] - point1[1]) / (point2[0] - point1[0]) y_intrcpt_lft = slope * (-mesh.Lx - point1[0]) + point1[1] y_intrcpt_rgt = slope * (mesh.Lx - point1[0]) + point1[1] x_intrcpt_btm = (-mesh.Ly - point1[1]) / slope + point1[0] x_intrcpt_top = (mesh.Ly - point1[1]) / slope + point1[0] if abs(y_intrcpt_lft) < mesh.Ly: point1[0] = -mesh.Lx point1[1] = y_intrcpt_lft if y_intrcpt_lft > mesh.Ly: point1[0] = x_intrcpt_top point1[1] = mesh.Ly if y_intrcpt_lft < -mesh.Ly: point1[0] = x_intrcpt_btm point1[1] = -mesh.Ly if abs(y_intrcpt_rgt) < mesh.Ly: point2[0] = mesh.Lx point2[1] = y_intrcpt_rgt if y_intrcpt_rgt > mesh.Ly: point2[0] = x_intrcpt_top point2[1] = mesh.Ly if y_intrcpt_rgt < -mesh.Ly: point2[0] = x_intrcpt_btm point2[1] = -mesh.Ly sampling_points = np.hstack((np.linspace(point1[0], point2[0], 105).reshape((105, 1)), np.linspace(point1[1], point2[1], 105).reshape((105, 1)))) value_samp_points = griddata(mesh.CenterCoor, var_value, sampling_points, method='linear', fill_value=np.nan) sampling_line_lft = ((sampling_points[:52, 0] - sampling_points[52, 0]) ** 2 + (sampling_points[:52, 1] - sampling_points[52, 1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 sampling_line_rgt = ((sampling_points[52:, 0] - sampling_points[52, 0]) ** 2 + (sampling_points[52:, 1] - sampling_points[52, 1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 sampling_line = np.concatenate((-sampling_line_lft, sampling_line_rgt)) return value_samp_points, sampling_line
[docs]def get_fracture_variable_slice_cell_center(var_value, mesh, point=None, orientation='horizontal'): """ This function returns the given fracture variable on a given slice of the domain. Two slice is constructed from the given point and the orientation. The values on the slice are taken from the cell centers. Args: var_value (ndarray): -- the value of the variable on each cell of the domain. mesh (CartesianMesh): -- the CartesianMesh object describing the mesh. point (list or ndarray): -- the point from which the slice should pass [x, y]. If it does not lie on a cell center, the closest cell center will be taken. By default, [0., 0.] will be taken. orientation (string): -- the orientation according to which the slice is made in the case the plotted values are not interpolated and are taken at the cell centers. Any of the four ('vertical', 'horizontal', 'ascending' and 'descending') orientation can be used. Returns: - var_value (ndarray) -- the values of the variable at the sampling points given by sampling_line \ (see below). - sampling_line (ndarray) -- the distance of the point where the value is provided from the center of\ the slice. - sampling_cells (ndarray) -- the cells on the mesh along with the slice is made. """ if not isinstance(var_value, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("Variable value should be provided in the form of numpy array with the size equal to the " "number of elements in the mesh!") elif var_value.size != mesh.NumberOfElts: raise ValueError("Given array is not equal to the number of elements in mesh!") if point is None: point = np.array([0., 0.]) if orientation not in ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'increasing', 'decreasing'): raise ValueError("Given orientation is not supported. Possible options:\n 'horizontal', 'vertical'," " 'increasing', 'decreasing'") zero_cell = mesh.locate_element(point[0], point[1]) if zero_cell == np.nan: raise ValueError("The given point does not lie in the grid!") if orientation == 'vertical': sampling_cells = np.hstack((np.arange(zero_cell, 0, -mesh.nx)[::-1], np.arange(zero_cell, mesh.NumberOfElts, mesh.nx))) elif orientation == 'horizontal': sampling_cells = np.arange(zero_cell // mesh.nx * mesh.nx, (zero_cell // mesh.nx + 1) * mesh.nx) elif orientation == 'increasing': bottom_half = np.arange(zero_cell, 0, -mesh.nx - 1) bottom_half = np.delete(bottom_half, np.where(mesh.CenterCoor[bottom_half, 0] > mesh.CenterCoor[zero_cell, 0])[0]) top_half = np.arange(zero_cell, mesh.NumberOfElts, mesh.nx + 1) top_half = np.delete(top_half, np.where(mesh.CenterCoor[top_half, 0] < mesh.CenterCoor[zero_cell, 0])[0]) sampling_cells = np.hstack((bottom_half[::-1], top_half)) elif orientation == 'decreasing': bottom_half = np.arange(zero_cell, 0, -mesh.nx + 1) bottom_half = np.delete(bottom_half, np.where(mesh.CenterCoor[bottom_half, 0] < mesh.CenterCoor[zero_cell, 0])[0]) top_half = np.arange(zero_cell, mesh.NumberOfElts, mesh.nx - 1) top_half = np.delete(top_half, np.where(mesh.CenterCoor[top_half, 0] > mesh.CenterCoor[zero_cell, 0])[0]) sampling_cells = np.hstack((bottom_half[::-1], top_half)) sampling_len = ((mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells[0], 0] - mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells[-1], 0]) ** 2 + \ (mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells[0], 1] - mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells[-1], 1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 # making x-axis centered at zero for the 1D slice. Necessary to have same reference with different meshes and # analytical solution plots. sampling_line = np.linspace(0, sampling_len, len(sampling_cells)) - sampling_len / 2 return var_value[sampling_cells], sampling_line, sampling_cells
[docs]def get_HF_analytical_solution(regime, variable, mat_prop, inj_prop, mesh=None, fluid_prop=None, time_srs=None, length_srs=None, h=None, samp_cell=None, gamma=None): if time_srs is None and length_srs is None: raise ValueError('Either time series or lengths series is to be provided.') if regime == 'E_K': Kc_1 = mat_prop.Kc1 else: Kc_1 = None if regime == 'E_E': Cij = mat_prop.Cij else: Cij = None if regime == 'MDR': density = fluid_prop.density else: density = None if inj_prop.injectionRate.size > 2: V0 = inj_prop.injectionRate[0, 1] * inj_prop.injectionRate[1, 0] else: V0 = None if regime in ['M', 'MDR', 'Mt', 'PKN', 'Mp']: if fluid_prop is None: raise ValueError('Fluid properties required for ' + regime + ' type analytical solution') muPrime = fluid_prop.muPrime else: muPrime = None if samp_cell is None: samp_cell = int(len(mat_prop.Kprime) / 2) if time_srs is not None: srs_length = len(time_srs) else: srs_length = len(length_srs) mesh_list = [] return_list = [] for i in range(srs_length): if length_srs is not None: length = length_srs[i] else: length = None if time_srs is not None: time = time_srs[i] else: time = None if variable in ['time', 't', 'width', 'w', 'net pressure', 'pn', 'front velocity', 'v']: if mesh is None and variable in ['width', 'w', 'net pressure', 'pn']: x_len, y_len = get_fracture_dimensions_analytical_with_properties(regime, time_srs[i], mat_prop, inj_prop, fluid_prop=fluid_prop, h=h, samp_cell=samp_cell, gamma=gamma) from mesh import CartesianMesh mesh_i = CartesianMesh(x_len, y_len, 151, 151) else: mesh_i = mesh t, r, p, w, v, actvElts = HF_analytical_sol(regime, mesh_i, mat_prop.Eprime, inj_prop.injectionRate[1, 0], inj_point=inj_prop.sourceCoordinates, muPrime=muPrime, Kprime=mat_prop.Kprime[samp_cell], Cprime=mat_prop.Cprime[samp_cell], length=length, t=time, Kc_1=Kc_1, h=h, density=density, Cij=Cij, gamma=gamma, required=required_string[variable], Vinj=V0) mesh_list.append(mesh_i) if variable == 'time' or variable == 't': return_list.append(t) elif variable == 'width' or variable == 'w': return_list.append(w) elif variable == 'net pressure' or variable == 'pn': return_list.append(p) elif variable == 'front velocity' or variable == 'v': return_list.append(v) elif variable in ['front_dist_min', 'd_min', 'front_dist_max', 'd_max', 'front_dist_mean', 'd_mean', 'radius', 'r']: x_len, y_len = get_fracture_dimensions_analytical_with_properties(regime, time, mat_prop, inj_prop, fluid_prop=fluid_prop, h=h, samp_cell=samp_cell, gamma=gamma) if variable == 'radius' or variable == 'r': return_list.append(x_len) elif variable == 'front_dist_min' or variable == 'd_min': return_list.append(y_len) elif variable == 'front_dist_max' or variable == 'd_max': return_list.append(x_len) elif variable == 'front_dist_mean' or variable == 'd_mean': if regime in ('E_K', 'E_E'): raise ValueError('Mean distance not available.') else: return_list.append(x_len) else: raise ValueError('The variable type is not correct or the analytical solution not available. Select' ' one of the following:\n' '-- \'r\' or \'radius\'\n' '-- \'w\' or \'width\'\n' '-- \'pn\' or \'net pressure\'\n' '-- \'v\' or \'front velocity\'\n' '-- \'d_min\' or \'front_dist_min\'\n' '-- \'d_max\' or \'front_dist_max\'\n' '-- \'d_mean\' or \'front_dist_mean\'\n' ) return return_list, mesh_list
[docs]def get_HF_analytical_solution_at_point(regime, variable, point, mat_prop, inj_prop, fluid_prop=None, time_srs=None, length_srs=None, h=None, samp_cell=None, gamma=None): values_point = [] if time_srs is not None: srs_length = len(time_srs) else: srs_length = len(length_srs) from mesh import CartesianMesh if point[0] == 0.: mesh_Lx = 1. else: mesh_Lx = 2 * abs(point[0]) if point[1] == 0.: mesh_Ly = 1. else: mesh_Ly = 2 * abs(point[1]) mesh = CartesianMesh(mesh_Lx, mesh_Ly, 5, 5) for i in range(srs_length): if time_srs is not None: time = [time_srs[i]] else: time = None if length_srs is not None: length = [length_srs[i]] else: length = None value_mesh, mesh_list = get_HF_analytical_solution(regime, variable, mat_prop, inj_prop, mesh=mesh, fluid_prop=fluid_prop, time_srs=time, length_srs=length, h=h, samp_cell=samp_cell, gamma=gamma) if variable in ['front_dist_min', 'd_min', 'front_dist_max', 'd_max', 'front_dist_mean', 'd_mean', 'radius', 'r', 't', 'time']: values_point.append(value_mesh[0]) elif point == [0., 0.]: values_point.append(value_mesh[0][mesh_list[0].CenterElts]) else: value_point = value_mesh[0][18] values_point.append(value_point) return values_point
[docs]def get_fracture_dimensions_analytical_with_properties(regime, time_srs, mat_prop, inj_prop, fluid_prop=None, h=None, samp_cell=None, gamma=None): if regime == 'E_K': Kc_1 = mat_prop.Kc1 else: Kc_1 = None if regime == 'MDR': density = fluid_prop.density else: density = None if regime in ('M', 'Mt', 'PKN', 'MDR', 'Mp', 'La'): if fluid_prop is None: raise ValueError('Fluid properties required to evaluate analytical solution') muPrime = fluid_prop.muPrime else: muPrime = None if samp_cell is None: samp_cell = int(len(mat_prop.Kprime) / 2) if inj_prop.injectionRate.size > 2: V0 = inj_prop.injectionRate[0, 1] * inj_prop.injectionRate[1, 0] else: V0=None Q0 = inj_prop.injectionRate[1, 0] x_len, y_len = get_fracture_dimensions_analytical(regime, np.max(time_srs), mat_prop.Eprime, Q0, muPrime, Kprime=mat_prop.Kprime[samp_cell], Cprime=mat_prop.Cprime[samp_cell], Kc_1=Kc_1, h=h, density=density, gamma=gamma, Vinj=V0) return x_len, y_len
[docs]def write_fracture_variable_csv_file(file_name, fracture_list, variable, point=None, edge=4): """ This function writes fracture variable from each fracture in the list as a csv file. The variable from each of the fracture in the list will saved in a row of the csv file. If a variable is bi-dimensional, a point can be given at which the variable is to be saved. Args: file_name (string): -- the name of the file to be written. fracture_list (list): -- the fracture list from which the variable is to be extracted. variable (string): -- the variable to be saved. See :py:data:`supported_variables` of the :py:mod:`Labels` module for a list of supported variables. point (list or ndarray): -- the point in the mesh at which the given variable is saved [x, y]. If the point is not given, the variable will be saved on the whole mesh. edge (int): -- the edge of the cell that will be saved. This is for variables that are evaluated on the cell edges instead of cell center. It can have a value from 0 to 4 (0->left, 1->right, 2->bottom, 3->top, 4->average). """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.write_fracture_variable_csv_file') if variable not in supported_variables: raise ValueError(err_msg_variable) return_list = [] var_values, time_list = get_fracture_variable(fracture_list, variable, edge=edge, return_time=True) if point == None: return_list = var_values else: for i in range(len(fracture_list)): value_point = griddata(fracture_list[i].mesh.CenterCoor, var_values[i], point, method='linear', fill_value=np.nan) if np.isnan(value_point): log.warning('Point outside fracture.') return_list.append(value_point[0]) if file_name[-4:] != '.csv': file_name = file_name + '.csv' return_list_np = np.asarray(return_list) # np.savetxt(file_name, return_list_np, delimiter=',') import csv # write EltCrack file file2 = open(file_name, 'w') writer2 = csv.writer(file2) writer2.writerows(return_list_np) file2.close()
[docs]def read_fracture_variable_csv_file(file_name): """ This function returns the required variable from the csv file. Args: file_name (string): -- the name of the file to be written. Returns: - variable_list (list) -- a list containing the extracted variable from each of the fracture. The \ dimension and type of each member of the list depends upon the variable type. """ if file_name[-4:] != '.csv': file_name = file_name + '.csv' return np.genfromtxt(file_name, delimiter=',')
[docs]def write_fracture_mesh_csv_file(file_name, mesh_list): """ This function writes important data of a mesh as a csv file. The csv contains (in a row vector) the number of elements, hx, hy, nx, ny, the flattened connectivity matrix and the flattened node coordinates. Each row of the csv corresponds to an entry in the mesh_list Args: file_name (string): -- the name of the file to be written. mesh_list (list): -- the fracture list from which the variable is to be extracted. """ return_list = [] for i in mesh_list: export_mesh = np.array([i.NumberOfElts]) export_mesh = np.append(export_mesh, [i.hx, i.hy, i.nx, i.ny]) export_mesh = np.append(export_mesh, i.Connectivity.flatten()) export_mesh = np.append(export_mesh, i.VertexCoor.flatten()) return_list.append(export_mesh) if file_name[-4:] != '.csv': file_name = file_name + '.csv' return_list_np = np.asarray(return_list) # np.savetxt(file_name, return_list_np, delimiter=',') import csv # write EltCrack file file2 = open(file_name, 'w') writer2 = csv.writer(file2) writer2.writerows(return_list_np) file2.close()
[docs]def append_to_json_file(file_name, content, action, key=None, delete_existing_filename=False): """ This function appends data of a mesh as a json file. Args: file_name (string): -- the name of the file to be written. key (string): -- a string that describes the information you are passing. content (list): -- a list of some informations action (string): -- action to take. Current options are: 'append2keyASnewlist' This option means that you load the json file, you take the content of the key and then you append the new content as a new list in a list of lists if the existing content was not a list it will be put in a list 'append2keyAND2list' This option means that you load the json file, you take the content of the key and, supposing that it is a key, you append the new content to it if the existing content was not a list it will be put in a list and the new content will be appended to it 'dump_this_dictionary' You will dump only the content of the dictionary """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.append_to_json_file') # 0)transform np.ndarray to list before output if isinstance(content, np.ndarray): content = np.ndarray.tolist(content) # 1)check if the file_name is a Json file if file_name[-5:] != '.json': file_name = file_name + '.json' # 3)check if the file already exist if os.path.isfile(file_name) and delete_existing_filename: os.remove(file_name) log.warning("File " +file_name +" existed and it will be Removed!") # 4)check if the file already exist if os.path.isfile(file_name): # The file exist with open(file_name, "r+") as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) # get the data if action in ['append2keyASnewlist', 'append2keyAND2list'] and not key == None: if key in data: # the key exist and we need just to add the value if isinstance(data[key], list): # the data that is already there is a list and a key is provided data[key].append(content) elif action == 'append2keyAND2list': data[key] = [data[key], content] elif action == 'append2keyASnewlist': data[key] = [[data[key]], [content]] else: if action == 'append2keyAND2list': to_write = {key: content,} elif action == 'append2keyASnewlist': to_write = {key: [content],} data.update(to_write) return json.dump(data, json_file) # dump directly the content referenced by the key to the file elif action == 'dump_this_dictionary': return json.dump(content, json_file) # dump directly the dictionary to the file elif action == 'extend_dictionary': if isinstance(content, dict): data.update(content) # return to the beginning of the file return json.dump(data, json_file) # dump directly the dictionary to the file else: raise SystemExit('DUMP TO JSON ERROR: You should provide a dictionary') else: raise SystemExit('DUMP TO JSON ERROR: action not supported OR key not provided') # return to the beginning of the file return json.dump(data, json_file) # dump the updated data else: # The file do not exist, create a new one with open(file_name, "w") as json_file: if action == 'append2keyAND2list' or action == 'append2keyASnewlist': to_write = {key: content,} return json.dump(to_write, json_file) # dump directly the content referenced by the key to the file elif action == 'dump_this_dictionary': return json.dump(content, json_file) # dump directly the dictionary to the file else: raise SystemExit('DUMP TO JSON ERROR: action not supported')
[docs]def get_extremities_cells(Fr_list): """ This function returns the extreme points for each of the fracture in the list. Args: Fr_list (list): -- the fracture list Returns: extremeties -- the [left, rigth, bottom, top] extremeties of the each of the fracture in the list. """ extremities = np.zeros((len(Fr_list), 4), dtype=int) for indx, fracture in enumerate(Fr_list): max_intrsct1_x = np.argmax(fracture.Ffront[:, 0]) max_intrsct2_x = np.argmax(fracture.Ffront[:, 2]) if fracture.Ffront[max_intrsct1_x, 0] > fracture.Ffront[max_intrsct2_x, 2]: extremities[indx, 1] = fracture.EltTip[max_intrsct1_x] else: extremities[indx, 1] = fracture.EltTip[max_intrsct2_x] min_intrsct1_x = np.argmin(fracture.Ffront[:, 0]) min_intrsct2_x = np.argmin(fracture.Ffront[:, 2]) if fracture.Ffront[min_intrsct1_x, 0] < fracture.Ffront[min_intrsct2_x, 2]: extremities[indx, 0] = fracture.EltTip[min_intrsct1_x] else: extremities[indx, 0] = fracture.EltTip[min_intrsct2_x] max_intrsct1_y = np.argmax(fracture.Ffront[:, 1]) max_intrsct2_y = np.argmax(fracture.Ffront[:, 3]) if fracture.Ffront[max_intrsct1_y, 1] > fracture.Ffront[max_intrsct2_y, 3]: extremities[indx, 3] = fracture.EltTip[max_intrsct1_y] else: extremities[indx, 3] = fracture.EltTip[max_intrsct2_y] min_intrsct1_y = np.argmin(fracture.Ffront[:, 1]) min_intrsct2_y = np.argmin(fracture.Ffront[:, 3]) if fracture.Ffront[min_intrsct1_x, 1] < fracture.Ffront[min_intrsct2_x, 3]: extremities[indx, 2] = fracture.EltTip[min_intrsct1_y] else: extremities[indx, 2] = fracture.EltTip[min_intrsct2_y] return extremities
[docs]def get_front_intercepts(fr_list, point): """ This function returns the top, bottom, left and right intercepts on the front of the horizontal and vertical lines drawn from the given point. Arguments: fr_list (list): -- the given fracture list. point (list or ndarray) -- the point from the horizontal and vertical lines are drawn. Returns: intercepts (list): -- list of top, bottom, left and right intercepts for each fracture in the list """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.get_front_intercepts') intercepts = [] for fr in fr_list: intrcp_top = intrcp_btm = intrcp_lft = intrcp_rgt = [np.nan] # set to nan if not available pnt_cell = fr.mesh.locate_element(point[0], point[1]) # the cell in which the given point lie if pnt_cell not in fr.EltChannel: log.warning("Point is not inside fracture!") else: pnt_cell_y = fr.mesh.CenterCoor[pnt_cell, 1] # the y coordinate of the cell cells_x_axis = np.where(fr.mesh.CenterCoor[:, 1] == pnt_cell_y)[0] # all the cells with the same y coord tipCells_x_axis = np.intersect1d(fr.EltTip, cells_x_axis) # the tip cells with the same y coord # the code bellow remove the tip cells which are directly at right and left of the cell containing the point # but have the front line partially passing through them. For them, the horizontal line drawn from the given # point will pass through the cell but not from the front line. if len(tipCells_x_axis) > 2: invalid_cell = np.full(len(tipCells_x_axis), True, dtype=bool) for indx, cell in enumerate(tipCells_x_axis): in_tip_cells = np.where(fr.EltTip == cell)[0] if (point[1] > fr.Ffront[in_tip_cells, 1] and point[1] <= fr.Ffront[in_tip_cells, 3]) or ( point[1] < fr.Ffront[in_tip_cells, 1] and point[1] >= fr.Ffront[in_tip_cells, 3]): invalid_cell[indx] = False tipCells_x_axis = np.delete(tipCells_x_axis, np.where(invalid_cell)[0]) # find out the left and right cells if len(tipCells_x_axis) == 2: if fr.mesh.CenterCoor[tipCells_x_axis[0], 0] < point[0]: lft_cell = tipCells_x_axis[0] rgt_cell = tipCells_x_axis[1] else: lft_cell = tipCells_x_axis[1] rgt_cell = tipCells_x_axis[0] else: lft_cell = np.nan rgt_cell = np.nan pnt_cell_x = fr.mesh.CenterCoor[pnt_cell, 0] cells_y_axis = np.where(fr.mesh.CenterCoor[:, 0] == pnt_cell_x)[0] tipCells_y_axis = np.intersect1d(fr.EltTip, cells_y_axis) # the code bellow remove the tip cells which are directly at top and bottom of the cell containing the point # but have the front line partially passing through them. For them, the vertical line drawn from the given # point will pass through the cell but not from the front line. if len(tipCells_y_axis) > 2: invalid_cell = np.full(len(tipCells_y_axis), True, dtype=bool) for indx, cell in enumerate(tipCells_y_axis): in_tip_cells = np.where(fr.EltTip == cell)[0] if (point[0] > fr.Ffront[in_tip_cells, 0] and point[0] <= fr.Ffront[in_tip_cells, 2]) or ( point[0] < fr.Ffront[in_tip_cells, 0] and point[0] >= fr.Ffront[in_tip_cells, 2]): invalid_cell[indx] = False tipCells_y_axis = np.delete(tipCells_y_axis, np.where(invalid_cell)[0]) if len(tipCells_y_axis) == 2: if fr.mesh.CenterCoor[tipCells_y_axis[0], 1] < point[1]: btm_cell = tipCells_y_axis[0] top_cell = tipCells_y_axis[1] else: btm_cell = tipCells_y_axis[1] top_cell = tipCells_y_axis[0] else: btm_cell = np.nan top_cell = np.nan top_in_tip = np.where(fr.EltTip == top_cell)[0] btm_in_tip = np.where(fr.EltTip == btm_cell)[0] lft_in_tip = np.where(fr.EltTip == lft_cell)[0] rgt_in_tip = np.where(fr.EltTip == rgt_cell)[0] # find the intersection using the equations of the front lines in the tip cells if top_in_tip.size > 0: intrcp_top = fr.Ffront[top_in_tip, 3] + \ (fr.Ffront[top_in_tip, 3] - fr.Ffront[top_in_tip, 1]) / ( fr.Ffront[top_in_tip, 2] - fr.Ffront[top_in_tip, 0]) * \ (point[0] - fr.Ffront[top_in_tip, 2]) if btm_in_tip.size > 0: intrcp_btm = fr.Ffront[btm_in_tip, 3] + \ (fr.Ffront[btm_in_tip, 3] - fr.Ffront[btm_in_tip, 1]) / ( fr.Ffront[btm_in_tip, 2] - fr.Ffront[btm_in_tip, 0]) * \ (point[0] - fr.Ffront[btm_in_tip, 2]) if lft_in_tip.size > 0: intrcp_lft = (point[1] - fr.Ffront[lft_in_tip, 3]) / \ (fr.Ffront[lft_in_tip, 3] - fr.Ffront[lft_in_tip, 1]) * ( fr.Ffront[lft_in_tip, 2] - fr.Ffront[lft_in_tip, 0]) + \ fr.Ffront[lft_in_tip, 2] if rgt_in_tip.size > 0: intrcp_rgt = (point[1] - fr.Ffront[rgt_in_tip, 3]) / \ (fr.Ffront[rgt_in_tip, 3] - fr.Ffront[rgt_in_tip, 1]) * ( fr.Ffront[rgt_in_tip, 2] - fr.Ffront[rgt_in_tip, 0]) + \ fr.Ffront[rgt_in_tip, 2] intercepts.append([intrcp_top[0], intrcp_btm[0], intrcp_lft[0], intrcp_rgt[0]]) return intercepts
[docs]def write_properties_csv_file(file_name, properties): """ This function writes the properties of a simulatio as a csv file. The csv contains (in a row vector) Eprime, K1c , Cl, mu, rho_f, Q and t_inj Args: file_name (string): -- the name of the file to be written. properties (tuple): -- the properties of the fracture loaded """ if len(properties[2].injectionRate[0]) > 1: output_list = [None] * 7 else: output_list = [None] * 6 output_list[0] = properties[0].Eprime output_list[1] = properties[0].K1c[0] output_list[2] = properties[0].Cl output_list[3] = properties[1].viscosity output_list[4] = properties[1].density if len(properties[2].injectionRate[0]) > 1: output_list[5] = properties[2].injectionRate[1][0] output_list[6] = properties[2].injectionRate[0][1] else: output_list[5] = properties[2].injectionRate[1][0] if file_name[-4:] != '.csv': file_name = file_name + '.csv' output_list_np = np.asarray(output_list) np.savetxt(file_name, output_list_np, delimiter=',')
[docs]def get_fracture_geometric_parameters(fr_list, properties): max_breadth = np.full((len(fr_list), 1), np.nan) avg_breadth = np.full((len(fr_list), 1), np.nan) height = np.full((len(fr_list), 1), np.nan) iter = 0 for jk in fr_list: left, right = get_Ffront_as_vector(jk, jk.mesh.CenterCoor[jk.source[0], ::])[1:] if left.shape[0] == right.shape[0]: breadth = np.vstack((np.abs(left - right)[::, 0], left[::, 1])) else: breadth = np.vstack((np.abs(left[:np.min((left.shape[0], right.shape[0])), :] - right[:np.min((left.shape[0], right.shape[0])), :])[:, 0], np.vstack((left[:np.min((left.shape[0], right.shape[0])), 1], right[:np.min((left.shape[0], right.shape[0])), 1])) [np.argmin((left.shape[0], right.shape[0])), :])) max_breadth[iter] = np.max(breadth[0, ::]) avg_breadth[iter] = np.mean(breadth[0, ::]) height[iter] = np.abs(np.max(np.hstack((jk.Ffront[::, 1], jk.Ffront[::, 3]))) - np.min(np.hstack((jk.Ffront[::, 1], jk.Ffront[::, 3])))) iter = iter + 1 return height.flatten().flatten(), max_breadth.flatten().flatten(), avg_breadth.flatten().flatten()
[docs]def get_Ffront_as_vector(frac, inj_p): mask13 = np.all(np.asarray([frac.Ffront[::, 0] <= inj_p[0], frac.Ffront[::, 1] <= inj_p[1]]), axis=0) mask24 = np.all(np.asarray([frac.Ffront[::, 2] <= inj_p[0], frac.Ffront[::, 3] <= inj_p[1]]), axis=0) lowLef = np.concatenate((frac.Ffront[mask13, :2:], frac.Ffront[mask24, 2::]), axis=0) lowLef = lowLef[np.flip(lowLef[:, 1].argsort()), ::] mask13 = np.all(np.asarray([frac.Ffront[::, 0] >= inj_p[0], frac.Ffront[::, 1] <= inj_p[1]]), axis=0) mask24 = np.all(np.asarray([frac.Ffront[::, 2] >= inj_p[0], frac.Ffront[::, 3] <= inj_p[1]]), axis=0) lowRig = np.concatenate((frac.Ffront[mask13, :2:], frac.Ffront[mask24, 2::]), axis=0) lowRig = lowRig[lowRig[:, 1].argsort(), ::] mask13 = np.all(np.asarray([frac.Ffront[::, 0] <= inj_p[0], frac.Ffront[::, 1] >= inj_p[1]]), axis=0) mask24 = np.all(np.asarray([frac.Ffront[::, 2] <= inj_p[0], frac.Ffront[::, 3] >= inj_p[1]]), axis=0) upLef = np.concatenate((frac.Ffront[mask13, :2:], frac.Ffront[mask24, 2::]), axis=0) upLef = upLef[np.flip(upLef[:, 1].argsort()), ::] mask13 = np.all(np.asarray([frac.Ffront[::, 0] >= inj_p[0], frac.Ffront[::, 1] >= inj_p[1]]), axis=0) mask24 = np.all(np.asarray([frac.Ffront[::, 2] >= inj_p[0], frac.Ffront[::, 3] >= inj_p[1]]), axis=0) upRig = np.concatenate((frac.Ffront[mask13, :2:], frac.Ffront[mask24, 2::]), axis=0) upRig = upRig[upRig[:, 1].argsort(), ::] if len(lowLef) != 0: Ffront = np.concatenate((lowLef, lowRig, upRig, upLef, np.asarray([lowLef[0, :]])), axis=0) else: Ffront = np.concatenate((upRig, upLef, np.asarray([upRig[0, :]])), axis=0) left = np.concatenate((lowLef, upLef), axis=0) left = np.unique(left, axis=0)[np.unique(left, axis=0)[::, 1].argsort(), ::] right = np.concatenate((lowRig, upRig), axis=0) right = np.unique(right, axis=0)[np.unique(right, axis=0)[::, 1].argsort(), ::] return Ffront, left, right
[docs]def get_fracture_fp(fr_list, properties): fp_list = [] iter = 0 for jk in fr_list: fp_list.append(get_Ffront_as_vector(jk, jk.mesh.CenterCoor[jk.source[0], ::])[0]) iter = iter + 1 return fp_list
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from elastohydrodynamic_solver import calculate_fluid_flow_characteristics_laminar
[docs]def get_velocity_as_vector(Solid, Fluid, Fr_list): #CP 2020 """This function gets the velocity components of the fluid flux for a given list of fractures :param Solid: Instance of the class MaterialProperties - see related documentation :param Fluid: Instance of the class FluidProperties - see related documentation :param Fr_list: List of Instances of the class Fracture - see related documentation :return: List containing a matrix with the information about the fluid velocity for each of the edges of any mesh element, List of time stations """ fluid_vel_list = [] time_srs = [] for i in Fr_list: fluid_flux, \ fluid_vel, \ Rey_num, \ fluid_flux_components, \ fluid_vel_components = calculate_fluid_flow_characteristics_laminar(i.w, i.pFluid, Solid.SigmaO, i.mesh, i.EltCrack, i.InCrack, Fluid.muPrime, Fluid.density) # fluid_vel_components_for_one_elem = [fx left edge, fy left edge, fx right edge, fy right edge, fx bottom edge, fy bottom edge, fx top edge, fy top edge] # # 6 7 # (ux,uy) # o---top edge---o # 0 1 | | 2 3 # (ux,uy)left right(ux,uy) # | | # o-bottom edge--o # (ux,uy) # 4 5 # fluid_vel_list.append(fluid_vel_components) time_srs.append(i.time) return fluid_vel_list, time_srs
[docs]def get_velocity_slice(Solid, Fluid, Fr_list, initial_point, vel_direction = 'ux',orientation='horizontal'): #CP 2020 """ This function returns, at each time station, the velocity component in x or y direction along a horizontal or vertical section passing through a given point. WARNING: ASSUMING NO MESH COARSENING OR REMESHING WITH DOMAIN COMPRESSION :param Solid: Instance of the class MaterialProperties - see related documentation :param Fluid: Instance of the class FluidProperties - see related documentation :param Fr_list: List of Instances of the class Fracture - see related documentation :param initial_point: coordinates of the point where to draw the slice :param vel_direction: component of the velocity vector, it can be 'ux' or 'uy' :param orientation: it can be 'horizontal' or 'vertical' :return: set of velocities set of times set of points along the slice, where the velocity is given """ # initial_point - of the slice fluid_vel_list, time_srs = get_velocity_as_vector(Solid, Fluid, Fr_list) nOFtimes = len(time_srs) # fluid_vel_list is a list and each entry contains a matrix with the information about the fluid velocity for each of the edges of any mesh element # fluid_vel_components_for_one_elem = [fx left edge, fy left edge, fx right edge, fy right edge, fx bottom edge, fy bottom edge, fx top edge, fy top edge] # # 6 7 # (ux,uy) # o---top edge---o # 0 1 | | 2 3 # (ux,uy)left right(ux,uy) # | | # o-bottom edge--o # (ux,uy) # 4 5 # list_of_sampling_lines = [] list_of_fluid_vel_lists = [] for i in range(nOFtimes): #each fr has its own mesh # 1) get the coordinates of the points in the slices vector_to_be_lost = np.zeros(Fr_list[i].mesh.NumberOfElts, NotUsd_var_values, sampling_line_center, sampling_cells = get_fracture_variable_slice_cell_center(vector_to_be_lost, Fr_list[i].mesh, point = initial_point, orientation = orientation) hx = Fr_list[i].mesh.hx # element horizontal size hy = Fr_list[i].mesh.hy # element vertical size # get the coordinates along the slice where you are getting the values if vel_direction == 'ux' and orientation == 'horizontal': # take ux on the vertical edges indx1 = 0 #left indx2 = 2 #right sampling_line_center1=sampling_line_center-hx*.5 sampling_line_center2=sampling_line_center+hx*.5 elif vel_direction == 'ux' and orientation == 'vertical': # take ux on the horizontal edges indx1 = 4 #bottom indx2 = 6 #top sampling_line_center1=sampling_line_center-hy*.5 sampling_line_center2=sampling_line_center+hy*.5 elif vel_direction == 'uy' and orientation == 'horizontal': # take uy on the vertical edges indx1 = 1 #left indx2 = 3 #rigt sampling_line_center1=sampling_line_center-hx*.5 sampling_line_center2=sampling_line_center+hx*.5 elif vel_direction == 'uy' and orientation == 'vertical': # take uy on the horizontal edges indx1 = 5 #bottom indx2 = 7 #top sampling_line_center1=sampling_line_center-hy*.5 sampling_line_center2=sampling_line_center+hy*.5 #combining the two list of locations where I get the velocity sampling_line = [None] * (len(sampling_line_center1) + len(sampling_line_center2)) sampling_line[::2] = sampling_line_center1 sampling_line[1::2] = sampling_line_center2 list_of_sampling_lines.append(sampling_line) # 2) get the velocity values EltCrack_i = Fr_list[i].EltCrack fluid_vel_list_i = fluid_vel_list[i] vector_to_be_lost1 = np.zeros(Fr_list[i].mesh.NumberOfElts, dtype=np.float) vector_to_be_lost1[EltCrack_i] = fluid_vel_list_i[indx1,:] vector_to_be_lost2 = np.zeros(Fr_list[i].mesh.NumberOfElts, dtype=np.float) vector_to_be_lost2[EltCrack_i] = fluid_vel_list_i[indx2,:] fluid_vel_list_final_i = [None] * (len(vector_to_be_lost1[sampling_cells]) + len(vector_to_be_lost2[sampling_cells])) fluid_vel_list_final_i[::2] = vector_to_be_lost1[sampling_cells] fluid_vel_list_final_i[1::2] = vector_to_be_lost2[sampling_cells] list_of_fluid_vel_lists.append(fluid_vel_list_final_i) return list_of_fluid_vel_lists, time_srs, list_of_sampling_lines