# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file is part of PyFrac.
Created by Haseeb Zia on 03.04.17.
Copyright (c) ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Geo-Energy Laboratory, 2016-2020.
All rights reserved. See the LICENSE.TXT file for more details.
import math
import numpy as np
import logging
import time
import datetime
from matplotlib.colors import to_rgb
from labels import var_labels, supported_variables, units, err_msg_variable, \
unit_conversion, Fig_labels, unidimensional_variables
[docs]class MaterialProperties:
Class defining the Material properties of the solid.
Mesh (CartesianMesh): -- the CartesianMesh object describing the mesh.
Eprime (float): -- plain strain modulus.
Toughness (float): -- Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness.
Carters_coef (float): -- Carter's leak off coefficient.
confining_stress (ndarray): -- in-situ confining stress field normal to fracture surface.
grain_size (float): -- the grain size of the rock; used to calculate the relative roughness.
K1c_func (function): -- the function giving the toughness on the domain. It takes one argument
(angle) in case of anisotropic toughness and two arguments (x, y) in case
of heterogeneous toughness. The function is also used to get the
toughness if the domain is re-meshed.
anisotropic_K1c (bool): -- flag to specify if the fracture toughness is anisotropic.
confining_stress_func (function):-- the function giving the in-situ stress on the domain. It should takes
two arguments (x, y) to give the stress on these coordinates. It is also
used to get the stress if the domain is re-meshed.
Carters_coef_func (function): -- the function giving the in Carter's leak off coefficient on the domain.
It should takes two arguments (x, y) to give the coefficient on these
coordinates. It is also used to get the leak off coefficient if the
domain is re-meshed.
TI_elasticity(bool): -- if True, the medium is elastic transverse isotropic.
Cij(ndarray): -- the transverse isotropic stiffness matrix (in the canonical basis); needs to
be provided if TI_elasticity=True.
free_surf (bool): -- the free surface flag. True if the effect of free surface is to be taken
into account.
free_surf_depth (float): -- the depth of the fracture from the free surface.
TI_plane_angle (float): -- the angle of the plane of the fracture with respect to the free surface.
minimum_width (float): -- minimum width corresponding to the asperity of the material.
Eprime (float): -- plain strain modulus.
K1c (ndarray): -- Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Toughness for each cell.
Kprime (ndarray): -- 4*(2/pi)**0.5 * K1c.
Cl (float): -- Carter's leak off coefficient.
Cprime (ndarray): -- 2 * Carter's leak off coefficient.
SigmaO (ndarray): -- in-situ confining stress field normal to fracture surface.
grainSize (float): -- the grain size of the rock; used to calculate the relative roughness.
anisotropic_K1c (bool): -- if True, the toughness is considered anisotropic.
Kc1 (float): -- the fracture toughness along the x-axis, in case it is anisotropic.
TI_elasticity (bool): -- the flag specifying transverse isotropic elasticity.
Cij (ndarray): -- the transverse isotropic stiffness matrix (in the canonical basis).
freeSurf (bool): -- if True, the effect of free surface is to be taken into account.
FreeSurfDepth (float): -- the depth of the fracture from the free surface.
TI_PlaneAngle (float): -- the angle of the plane of the fracture with respect to the free surface.
K1cFunc (function): -- the function giving the toughness on the domain. It takes one argument (angle) in
case of anisotropic toughness and two arguments (x, y) in case of heterogeneous
toughness. The function is also used to get the toughness if the domain is
SigmaOFunc (function): -- the function giving the in-situ stress on the domain. It should takes two
arguments(x, y) to give the stress on these coordinates. It is also used to get
the confining stress if the domain is re-meshed.
ClFunc (function): -- the function giving the in Carter's leak off coefficient on the domain. It should
takes two arguments (x, y) to give the coefficient on these coordinates. It is
also used to get the leak off coefficient if the domain is re-meshed.
def __init__(self, Mesh, Eprime, toughness=0., Carters_coef=0., confining_stress=0., grain_size=0., K1c_func=None,
anisotropic_K1c=False, confining_stress_func = None, Carters_coef_func = None, TI_elasticity=False,
Cij = None, free_surf=False, free_surf_depth=1.e300, TI_plane_angle=0., minimum_width=1e-6,
The constructor function
if isinstance(Eprime, np.ndarray): # check if float or ndarray
raise ValueError("Eprime can not be an array as input! - homogeneous medium only ")
self.Eprime = Eprime
if isinstance(toughness, np.ndarray): # check if float or ndarray
if toughness.size == Mesh.NumberOfElts: # check if size equal to the mesh size
self.K1c = toughness
self.Kprime = (32 / math.pi) ** 0.5 * toughness
# error
raise ValueError('Error in the size of toughness input!')
elif toughness is not None:
self.K1c = toughness * np.ones((Mesh.NumberOfElts,), float)
self.Kprime = (32 / math.pi) ** 0.5 * toughness * np.ones((Mesh.NumberOfElts,), float)
if isinstance(Carters_coef, np.ndarray): # check if float or ndarray
if Carters_coef.size == Mesh.NumberOfElts: # check if size equal to the mesh size
self.Cl = Carters_coef
self.Cprime = 2. * Carters_coef
raise ValueError('Error in the size of Leak-Off coefficient input!')
self.Cl = Carters_coef
self.Cprime = 2. * Carters_coef * np.ones((Mesh.NumberOfElts,), float)
if isinstance(confining_stress, np.ndarray): # check if float or ndarray
if confining_stress.size == Mesh.NumberOfElts: # check if size equal to the mesh size
self.SigmaO = confining_stress
raise ValueError('Error in the size of Sigma input!')
self.SigmaO = confining_stress * np.ones((Mesh.NumberOfElts,), float)
self.grainSize = grain_size
self.anisotropic_K1c = anisotropic_K1c
if anisotropic_K1c:
self.Kc1 = K1c_func(0)
except TypeError:
raise SystemExit('The given Kprime function is not correct for anisotropic case! It should take one'
' argument, i.e. the angle and return a toughness value.')
self.Kc1 = None
if K1c_func is not None and not self.anisotropic_K1c:
# the function should return toughness by taking x and y coordinates
except TypeError:
raise SystemExit('The given Kprime function is not correct! It should take two arguments, '
'i.e. the x and y coordinates of a point and return the toughness at this point.')
self.TI_elasticity = TI_elasticity
self.Cij = Cij
if TI_elasticity or free_surf:
if isinstance(Cij, np.ndarray): # check if float or ndarray
if Cij.shape == (6, 6): # check if size is 6 x 6
self.Cij = Cij
raise ValueError('Cij matrix is not a 6x6 array!')
raise ValueError('Cij matrix is not a numpy array!')
self.freeSurf = free_surf
if free_surf:
if free_surf_depth == 1.e300:
raise ValueError("Depth from free surface is to be provided.")
elif Cij is None:
raise ValueError("The stiffness matrix (in the canonical basis) is to be provided")
self.FreeSurfDepth = free_surf_depth
self.TI_PlaneAngle = TI_plane_angle
self.K1cFunc = K1c_func
self.SigmaOFunc = confining_stress_func
self.ClFunc = Carters_coef_func
# overriding with the values evaluated by the given functions
if (K1c_func is not None) or (confining_stress_func is not None) or (Carters_coef_func is not None):
self.wc = minimum_width
self.porePressure = pore_pressure
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def remesh(self, mesh):
This function evaluates the toughness, confining stress and leak off coefficient on the given mesh using the
functions provided in the MaterialProperties object. It should be evaluated each time re-meshing is done.
mesh (CartesianMesh): -- the CartesianMesh object describing the new mesh.
if self.K1cFunc is not None and not self.anisotropic_K1c:
self.K1c = np.empty((mesh.NumberOfElts,), dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(mesh.NumberOfElts):
self.K1c[i] = self.K1cFunc(mesh.CenterCoor[i, 0], mesh.CenterCoor[i, 1])
self.Kprime = self.K1c * ((32 / math.pi) ** 0.5)
elif self.K1cFunc is not None and self.anisotropic_K1c:
self.K1c = np.empty((mesh.NumberOfElts,), dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(mesh.NumberOfElts):
self.K1c[i] = self.K1cFunc(np.pi/2)
self.Kprime = self.K1c * ((32 / math.pi) ** 0.5)
self.Kprime = np.full((mesh.NumberOfElts,), self.Kprime[0])
if self.SigmaOFunc is not None:
self.SigmaO = np.empty((mesh.NumberOfElts,), dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(mesh.NumberOfElts):
self.SigmaO[i] = self.SigmaOFunc(mesh.CenterCoor[i, 0], mesh.CenterCoor[i, 1])
self.SigmaO = np.full((mesh.NumberOfElts,), self.SigmaO[0])
if self.ClFunc is not None:
self.Cl = np.empty((mesh.NumberOfElts,), dtype=np.float64)
self.Cprime = np.empty((mesh.NumberOfElts,), dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(mesh.NumberOfElts):
self.Cl[i] = self.ClFunc(mesh.CenterCoor[i, 0], mesh.CenterCoor[i, 1])
self.Cprime = 2 * self.Cl
self.Cprime = np.full((mesh.NumberOfElts,), self.Cprime[0])
[docs]class FluidProperties:
Class defining the fluid properties.
viscosity (ndarray): -- viscosity of the fluid .
density (float): -- density of the fluid.
rheology (string): -- string specifying rheology of the fluid. Possible options:
- "Newtonian"
- "non-Newtonian"
turbulence (bool): -- turbulence flag. If true, turbulence will be taken into account
compressibility (float): -- the compressibility of the fluid.
viscosity (ndarray): -- Viscosity of the fluid (note its different from local viscosity, see
fracture class for local viscosity).
muPrime (float): -- 12 * viscosity (parallel plates viscosity factor).
rheology (string): -- string specifying rheology of the fluid. Possible options:
- "Newtonian"
- "Herschel-Bulkley" or "HBF"
- "power-law" or "PLF"
density (float): -- density of the fluid.
turbulence (bool): -- turbulence flag. If true, turbulence will be taken into account.
compressibility (float): -- the compressibility of the fluid.
n (float): -- flow index of the Herschel-Bulkey fluid.
k (float): -- consistency index of the Herschel-Bulkey fluid.
T0 (float): -- yield stress of the Herschel-Bulkey fluid.
Mprime -- 2**(n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)**n / n**n * k
def __init__(self, viscosity=None, density=1000., rheology="Newtonian", turbulence=False, compressibility=0,
n=None, k=None, T0=None):
Constructor function.
if viscosity is None:
# uniform viscosity
self.viscosity = None
self.muPrime = None
elif isinstance(viscosity, np.ndarray): # check if float or ndarray
raise ValueError('Viscosity of the fluid can not be an array!. Note that'
' its different from local viscosity')
self.viscosity = viscosity
self.muPrime = 12. * self.viscosity # the geometric viscosity in the parallel plate solution
rheologyOptions = ["Newtonian", "Herschel-Bulkley", "HBF", "power-law", "PLF"]
if rheology in rheologyOptions: # check if rheology match to any rheology option
self.rheology = rheology
if rheology in ["Herschel-Bulkley", "HBF"]:
if n is None or k is None or T0 is None:
raise ValueError("n (flow index), k(consistency index) and T0 (yield stress) are required for a \
Herscel-Bulkley type fluid!")
self.n = n
self.k = k
self.T0 = T0
self.Mprime = 2**(n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)**n / n**n * k
self.var1 = self.Mprime ** (-1 / n)
self.var2 = 1/n - 1.
self.var3 = 2. + 1/n
self.var4 = 1. + 1/n
self.var5 = n / (n + 1.)
elif rheology in ["power-law", "PLF"]:
if n is None or k is None:
raise ValueError("n (flow index) and k(consistency index) are required for a power-law type fluid!")
self.n = n
self.k = k
self.Mprime = 2**(n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)**n / n**n * k
else:# error
raise ValueError('Invalid input for fluid rheology. Possible options: ' + repr(rheologyOptions))
self.density = density
if isinstance(turbulence, bool):
self.turbulence = turbulence
# error
raise ValueError('Invalid turbulence flag. Can be either True or False')
self.compressibility = compressibility
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class InjectionProperties:
Class defining the injection parameters.
rate (ndarray): -- array specifying the time series (row 0) and the corresponding injection
rates (row 1). The times are instant where the injection rate changes.
The first time should be zero. The corresponding injection rate would
be taken for initialization of the fracture with an analytical solution,
if required.
mesh (CartesianMesh): -- the CartesianMesh object defining mesh.
source_coordinates (ndarray): -- list or ndarray with a length of 2, specifying the x and y coordinates
of the injection point. Not used if source_loc_func is provided (See below).
source_loc_func (function): -- the source location function is used to get the elements in which the fluid is
injected. It should take the x and y coordinates and return True or False
depending upon if the source is present on these coordinates. This function is
evaluated at each of the cell centre coordinates to determine if the cell is
a source element. It should have to arguments (x, y) and return True or False.
It is also called upon re-meshing to get the source elements on the coarse
sink_loc_func (function): -- the sink location function is used to get the elements where there is a fixed rate
sink. It should take the x and y coordinates and return True or False
depending upon if the sink is present on these coordinates. This function is
evaluated at each of the cell centre coordinates to determine if the cell is
a sink element. It should have to arguments (x, y) and return True or False.
It is also called upon re-meshing to get the source elements on the coarse
sink_vel_func (function): -- this function gives the sink velocity at the given (x, y) point.
injectionRate (ndarray): -- array specifying the time series (row 0) and the corresponding injection
rates (row 1). The time series provide the time when the injection rate
sourceCoordinates (ndarray): -- array with a single row and two columns specifying the x and y coordinate
of the injection point coordinates. If there are more than one source elements,
the average is taken to get an estimate injection cell at the center.
sourceElem (ndarray): -- the element(s) where the fluid is injected in the cartesian mesh.
sourceLocFunc (function): -- the source location function is used to get the elements in which the fluid is
injected. It should take the x and y coordinates and return True or False
depending upon if the source is present on these coordinates. This function is
evaluated at each of the cell centre coordinates to determine if the cell is
a source element. It should have to arguments (x, y) and return True or False.
It is also called upon re-meshing to get the source elements on the coarse
sinkLocFunc (function): -- see description of arguments.
sink_vel_func (function): -- see description of arguments.
def __init__(self, rate, mesh, source_coordinates=None,
The constructor of the InjectionProperties class.
# check if the rate is provided otherwise throw an error
log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.InjectionProperties')
if isinstance(rate, np.ndarray):
if rate.shape[0] != 2:
raise ValueError('Invalid injection rate. The list should have 2 rows (to specify time and'
' corresponding injection rate) for each entry')
elif rate[0, 0] != 0:
raise ValueError("The injection rate should start from zero second i.e. rate[0, 0] should"
" be zero.")
self.injectionRate = rate
self.injectionRate = np.asarray([[0], [rate]])
if rate_delayed_second_injpoint is not None and rate_delayed_inj_pt_func is None:
if isinstance(rate_delayed_second_injpoint, np.ndarray):
if rate_delayed_second_injpoint.shape[0] != 2: #todo: check the condition
raise ValueError('Invalid injection rate of the delayed injection point. The list should have 2 rows (to specify time and'
' corresponding injection rate) for each entry')
elif rate_delayed_second_injpoint[0, 0] == 0: #todo: check the condition
raise ValueError("The injection rate of the delayed injection point should start from a time >0 second i.e. rate[0, 0] should"
" be nonzero.")
self.injectionRate_delayed_second_injpoint = rate_delayed_second_injpoint[1]
self.injectionTime_delayed_second_injpoint = rate_delayed_second_injpoint[0]
raise ValueError("Bad specification of the delayed injection point"
" it should be a np.ndarray prescribing the initial nonzero time of injection and the rate.")
if initial_rate_delayed_second_injpoint is not None:
self.init_rate_delayed_second_injpoint = np.asarray(initial_rate_delayed_second_injpoint)
self.init_rate_delayed_second_injpoint = 0
self.sourceElem = None
if delayed_second_injpoint_loc is not None:
if isinstance(delayed_second_injpoint_loc, np.ndarray):
self.delayed_second_injpoint_Coordinates = delayed_second_injpoint_loc
self.delayed_second_injpoint_elem = [mesh.locate_element(self.delayed_second_injpoint_Coordinates[0], self.delayed_second_injpoint_Coordinates[1])]
self.delayed_second_injpoint_loc_func = None
raise ValueError("Bad specification of the delayed injection point"
" it should be a np.array prescribing the coordinates of the point.")
elif delayed_second_injpoint_loc_func is not None:
self.delayed_second_injpoint_loc_func = delayed_second_injpoint_loc_func
if self.sourceElem is None:
self.sourceElem = []
self.delayed_second_injpoint_elem = []
for i in range(mesh.NumberOfElts):
if self.delayed_second_injpoint_loc_func(mesh.CenterCoor[i, 0], mesh.CenterCoor[i, 1], mesh.hx, mesh.hy):
self.delayed_second_injpoint_elem = None
self.delayed_second_injpoint_loc_func = None
if source_loc_func is None:
if source_coordinates is not None:
if len(source_coordinates) == 2:
log.info("Setting the source coordinates to the closest cell center...")
self.sourceCoordinates = source_coordinates
# error
raise ValueError('Invalid source coordinates. Correct format: a list or numpy array with a single'
' row and two columns to \n specify x and y coordinate of the source e.g.'
' np.array([x_coordinate, y_coordinate])')
self.sourceCoordinates = [0., 0.]
self.sourceElem = mesh.locate_element(self.sourceCoordinates[0], self.sourceCoordinates[1])
if np.isnan(self.sourceElem).any():
raise ValueError("The given source location is out of the mesh!")
self.sourceCoordinates = mesh.CenterCoor[self.sourceElem]
log.info("Injection point: " + '(x, y) = (' + repr(mesh.CenterCoor[self.sourceElem, 0][0]) +
',' + repr(mesh.CenterCoor[self.sourceElem, 1][0]) + ')')
self.sourceLocFunc = None
self.sourceLocFunc = source_loc_func
if self.sourceElem is None:
self.sourceElem = []
for i in range(mesh.NumberOfElts):
if self.sourceLocFunc(mesh.CenterCoor[i, 0], mesh.CenterCoor[i, 1], mesh.hx, mesh.hy):
if self.delayed_second_injpoint_elem is not None and not all(elem in self.sourceElem for elem in self.delayed_second_injpoint_elem) :
raise ValueError("The delayed injection points elements are not contained in the list of all the injection elements")
if len(self.sourceElem) == 0:
raise ValueError("No source element found!")
self.sourceCoordinates = [np.mean(mesh.CenterCoor[self.sourceElem, 0]),
np.mean(mesh.CenterCoor[self.sourceElem, 1])]
self.sinkLocFunc = sink_loc_func
self.sinkVelFunc = sink_vel_func
if sink_loc_func is not None:
if sink_vel_func is None:
raise ValueError("Sink velocity function is required for sink elements!")
self.sinkElem = []
for i in range(mesh.NumberOfElts):
if self.sinkLocFunc(mesh.CenterCoor[i, 0], mesh.CenterCoor[i, 1]):
self.sinkVel = np.empty(len(self.sinkElem))
for i in range(len(self.sinkElem)):
self.sinkVel[i] = sink_vel_func(mesh.CenterCoor[self.sinkElem[i], 0],
mesh.CenterCoor[self.sinkElem[i], 1])
[docs] def get_injection_rate(self, tm, frac):
""" This function gives the current injection rate at all of the cells in the domain.
tm (float): -- the time at which the injection rate is required.
frac (CartesianMesh): -- the Fracture object containing the mesh and the current fracture elements.
Qin (ndarray): -- an numpy array of the size of the mesh with injection rates in each of the cell
Qin = np.zeros(frac.mesh.NumberOfElts, float)
indxCurTime = max(np.where(tm >= self.injectionRate[0, :])[0])
currentRate = self.injectionRate[1, indxCurTime] # current injection rate
currentSource = np.intersect1d(self.sourceElem, frac.EltCrack)
Qin[currentSource] = currentRate / len(currentSource)
return Qin
[docs] def remesh(self, new_mesh, old_mesh):
""" This function is called every time the domian is remeshed.
new_mesh (CartesianMesh): -- the CartesianMesh object describing the new coarse mesh.
old_mesh (CartesianMesh): -- the CartesianMesh object describing the old mesh.
# update source elements according to the new mesh.
if self.sourceLocFunc is None:
actv_cells = np.asarray([1])
for i in self.sourceElem:
actv_cells = np.append(actv_cells, new_mesh.locate_element(old_mesh.CenterCoor[i, 0],
old_mesh.CenterCoor[i, 1]))
self.sourceElem = list(actv_cells[1::])
self.sourceElem = []
for i in range(new_mesh.NumberOfElts):
if self.sourceLocFunc(new_mesh.CenterCoor[i, 0], new_mesh.CenterCoor[i, 1], new_mesh.hx, new_mesh.hy):
if self.delayed_second_injpoint_loc_func is not None:
if self.sourceElem is None:
self.sourceElem = []
self.delayed_second_injpoint_elem = []
for i in range(new_mesh.NumberOfElts):
if self.delayed_second_injpoint_loc_func(new_mesh.CenterCoor[i, 0], new_mesh.CenterCoor[i, 1], new_mesh.hx, new_mesh.hy):
self.delayed_second_injpoint_elem = None
if self.sinkLocFunc is not None:
self.sinkElem = []
for i in range(new_mesh.NumberOfElts):
if self.sinkLocFunc(new_mesh.CenterCoor[i, 0], new_mesh.CenterCoor[i, 1]):
self.sinkVel = np.empty(len(self.sinkElem))
for i in range(len(self.sinkElem)):
self.sinkVel[i] = self.sinkVelFunc(new_mesh.CenterCoor[self.sinkElem[i], 0],
new_mesh.CenterCoor[self.sinkElem[i], 1])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class LoadingProperties:
Class defining the mechanical loading properties
EltLoaded (ndarray): -- array of elements that are loaded.
displ_rate (float): -- the rate at which the elements in the EltLoaded list are displaced due to the
applied mechanical loading
def __init__(self, displ_rate=0., loaded_elts=None):
The constructor of the LoadingProperties class.
displ_rate (float): -- the rate at which the elements in the EltLoaded list are displaced due to the
applied mechanical loading.
loaded_elts (ndarray): -- array of elements that are loaded.
self.displRate = displ_rate
if isinstance(loaded_elts, np.ndarray):
self.EltLoaded = loaded_elts
raise ValueError("The loaded elements should be given in the form an ndarray of integers.")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class SimulationProperties:
Class defining the simulation properties.
address (str) -- the folder where the simulation parameters file is located. The file must be
named 'simul_param'. For the description of the arguments and there default
values, see the py:module::default_SimParam .
tolFractFront (float): -- tolerance for the fracture front loop.
toleranceEHL (float): -- tolerance for the Elastohydrodynamic solver.
toleranceVStagnant (float): -- tolerance on the velocity to decide if a cell is stagnant.
toleranceProjection (float): -- tolerance for projection iteration for anisotropic case
maxFrontItrs (int): -- maximum iterations to for the fracture front loop.
maxSolverItrs (int): -- maximum iterations for the EHL iterative solver (Picard-Newton hybrid) in this
maxProjItrs (int): -- maximum iterations for the loop to find projection on the front from ribbon.
tmStpPrefactor (float): -- factor for time-step adaptivity.
maxTimeSteps (integer): -- maximum number of time steps.
finalTime (float): -- time where the simulation ends.
timeStepLimit (float): -- limit above which time step will not exceed.
fixedTmStp (ndarray): -- a float or an array giving the fixed time step. The array should have two rows,
with the first row giving the time at which the time step would change and the
second row giving the corresponding time step. If None is given as time step,
appropriate time step would be calculated.
maxReattempts (int): -- maximum number of reattempts in case of failure of a time step. A smaller
time step will be attempted the given number of times.
reAttemptFactor (float): -- the factor by which time step is reduced on reattempts.
plotFigure (boolean): -- flag specifying to plot fracture trace after the given time period.
saveToDisk (boolean): -- flag specifying to save fracture to dist after the given time period.
plotAnalytical (boolean): -- if true, analytical solution will also be plotted along with the computed
analyticalSol (String): -- the analytical solution of the radial fracture to be plotted on the fracture. \
Possible options:
- K (toughness dominated regime, without leak off)
- Kt (toughness dominated regime , with leak off)
- M (viscosity dominated regime, without leak off)
- Mt (viscosity dominated regime , with leak off)
- E (elliptical, toughness dominated without leak off)
bckColor (String): -- the string specifying the parameter according to which the background of the\
domain is color coded. Possible options:
- sigma0 or confining stress
- K1c or fracture toughness
- Cl or leak-off coefficient
plotTimePeriod (float): -- the time period after which the figures are plotted during simulation.
blockFigure (bool): -- if True, the plotted figure(s) will be blocked after every time they are
plotted. The simulation will advance when any key will be pressed from keyboard.
plotTSJump (int): -- the number of time steps after which the variables given in plotVar attribute
are plotted. E.g. a value of 4 will result in plotting every four time steps.
plotVar (list): -- a list of variable(s) to be plotted during simulation. The time / time steps
after which the output is done can be controlled with a number of parameters (
see above).
saveTimePeriod (float): -- the time period after which the results are saved to disk during simulation.
saveTSJump (int): -- the number of time steps after which the results are saved to disk, e.g. a value
of 4 will result in plotting every four time steps.
elastohydrSolver (string): -- the type of solver to solve the elasto-hydrodynamic system. At the moment, two
main solvers can be specified.
- 'implicit_Picard'
- 'implicit_Anderson'
- 'RKL2'
substitutePressure(bool): -- a flag specifying the solver to be used. If True, the pressure will be
substituted in the channel elements (see Zia and Lecampion, 2019).
solveDeltaP (bool): -- a flag specifying the solver to be used. If True, the change in pressure,
instead of pressure will be solved in the tip cells and the cells where the
width constraint is active (see Zia and Lecampion, 2019).
solveStagnantTip (bool): -- if True, the stagnant tip cells will also be solved for width. This may result
in more stable pressure as the elasticity equation will also be solved in those
solveTipCorrRib (bool): -- if True, the tip cells corresponding to the closed ribbon cells will also be
considered as closed and the width will be imposed on them.
solveSparse (bool): -- if True, the fluid conductivity matrix will be made with sparse matrix.
saveRegime (boolean): -- if True, the regime of the propagation as observed in the ribbon cell (see Zia
and Lecampion 2018, IJF) will be saved.
verbosity (string): -- the level of details about the ongoing simulation to be written on the log file
(currently the levels 'debug', 'info', 'warning' and 'error' are supported).
log2file (bool): -- True if you want to log to a file, otherwise set it to false
enableRemeshing (bool): -- if True, the computational domain will be compressed by the factor given by
by the variable remeshFactor after the fracture front reaches the end of the
remeshFactor (float): -- the factor by which the domain is compressed on re-meshing.
meshExtension (bool array): -- an array of booleans defining if the mesh should be extended in the given
direction or if it should get compressed. The distribution is bottom, top,
left, right
meshExtensionFactor (float): -- factor by which the current mesh is extended in the extension direction
meshExtendAllDir (bool): -- allow the mesh to extend in all directions
frontAdvancing (string): -- The type of front advancing to be done. Possible options are:
- 'explicit'
- 'predictor-corrector'
- 'implicit'
gravity (bool): -- if True, the effect of gravity will be taken into account.
collectPerfData (bool): -- if True, the performance data will be collected in the form of a tree.
paramFromTip (bool): -- if True, the space dependant parameters such as toughness and leak-off
coefficients will be taken from the tip by projections instead of taking them
from the ribbon cell center. The numerical scheme as a result will become
unstable due to the complexities in finding the projection
saveReynNumb (boolean): -- if True, the Reynold's number at each edge of the cells inside the fracture
will be saved.
saveFluidFlux (boolean): -- if True, the fluid flux at each edge of the cells inside the fracture
will be saved.
saveFluidVel (boolean): -- if True, the fluid velocity at each edge of the cells inside the fracture
will be saved.
saveEffVisc (boolean)L -- if True, the Newtonian equivalent viscosity of the non-Newtonian fluid will
be saved.
TI_KernelExecPath (string): -- the folder containing the executable to calculate transverse isotropic
kernel or kernel with free surface.
explicitProjection (bool): -- if True, direction from last time step will be used to evaluate TI parameters.
symmetric (bool): -- if True, the four quadrant of the domain will be considered symmetric and only
one will be solved for. The rest will be replaced by its reflection along the x
and y axes.
The symmetric fracture is only implemented in the toughness dominated case.\
Use full domain if viscous fluid is injected.
enableGPU -- if True, the dense matrix vector product for the RKL scheme would be done using
GPU. If False, multithreaded dot product implemented in the explicit_RKL module
will be used to do it.
nThreads -- The number of threads to be used for the dense matrix dot product in the RKL
scheme. By default set to 4.
projMethod (string): -- the method by which the angle prescribed by the projections onto the front
are evaluated. Possible options are:
- 'ILSA_orig' (the method described in the original ILSA scheme).
- 'LS_grad' (using gradient of the level set).
height (float): -- this parameters is only used in the case of height contained hydraulic fracture
plots, e.g. to plot analytical solutions of PKN and KGD fractures.
aspectRatio (float): -- this parameters is only used in the case of elliptical hydraulic fracture
plots, e.g. to plot analytical solutions of anisotropic toughness or TI
maxReattemptsFracAdvMore2Cells -- number of time reduction that are made if the fracture is advancing more than two cells (e.g. because of an heterogeneity)
These attributes below are private:
__outputAddress (string): -- disk address of the files to be saved. If not given, a new\
./Data/"tim stamp" folder will be automatically created.
__solTimeSeries (ndarray): -- time series where the solution is required. The time stepping would \
be adjusted to get solution exactly at the given times.
__dryCrack_mechLoading(bool):-- if True, the mechanical loading solver will be used.
__viscousInjection (bool): -- if True, the the solver will also take the fluid viscosity into \
__volumeControl (bool): -- if True, the the volume control solver will be used.
__simName (string): -- the name of the simulation.
__timeStamp (string): -- the time at which the simulation properties was created.
__tipAsymptote (string): -- the tip asymptote to be used. Can be modified with the provided function.
def __init__(self, address=None):
The constructor of the SimulationParameters class. See documentation of the class.
import sys
if "win32" in sys.platform or "win64" in sys.platform:
slash = "\\"
slash = "/"
if address is None:
import default_parameters as simul_param
import sys
import simul_param
# tolerances
self.tolFractFront = simul_param.toleranceFractureFront
self.toleranceEHL = simul_param.toleranceEHL
self.toleranceProjection = simul_param.tol_projection
self.toleranceVStagnant = simul_param.toleranceVStagnant
# max iterations
self.maxFrontItrs = simul_param.max_front_itrs
self.maxSolverItrs = simul_param.max_solver_itrs
self.maxProjItrs = simul_param.max_proj_Itrs
# time and time stepping
self.maxTimeSteps = simul_param.maximum_steps
self.tmStpPrefactor = simul_param.tmStp_prefactor
self.finalTime = simul_param.final_time
self.timeStepLimit = simul_param.timeStep_limit
self.fixedTmStp = simul_param.fixed_time_step
if isinstance(self.fixedTmStp, np.ndarray):
if self.fixedTmStp.shape[0] != 2:
raise ValueError('Invalid fixed time step. The list should have 2 rows (to specify time and '
'corresponding time step) for each entry')
# time step re-attempt
self.maxReattempts = simul_param.max_reattemps
self.reAttemptFactor = simul_param.reattempt_factor
self.maxReattemptsFracAdvMore2Cells = simul_param.max_reattemps_FracAdvMore2Cells
# output parameters
self.plotFigure = simul_param.plot_figure
self.plotAnalytical = simul_param.plot_analytical
self.analyticalSol = simul_param.analytical_sol
self.saveToDisk = simul_param.save_to_disk
self.bckColor = simul_param.bck_color
self.blockFigure = simul_param.block_figure
self.plotTSJump = simul_param.plot_TS_jump
self.plotTimePeriod = simul_param.plot_time_period
self.plotVar = simul_param.plot_var
self.saveTSJump = simul_param.save_TS_jump
self.saveTimePeriod = simul_param.save_time_period
self.plotATsolTimeSeries = simul_param.plot_at_sol_time_series
# solver type
self.elastohydrSolver = simul_param.elastohydr_solver
self.Anderson_parameter = simul_param.m_Anderson
self.relaxation_factor = simul_param.relaxation_param
self.substitutePressure = simul_param.substitute_pressure
self.solveDeltaP = simul_param.solve_deltaP
self.solveStagnantTip = simul_param.solve_stagnant_tip
self.solveTipCorrRib = simul_param.solve_tip_corr_rib
self.solveSparse = simul_param.solve_sparse
# miscellaneous
self.verbositylevel = simul_param.verbosity_level
self.log2file = simul_param.log_to_file
self.saveRegime = simul_param.save_regime
self.enableRemeshing = simul_param.enable_remeshing
self.remeshFactor = simul_param.remesh_factor
self.meshExtension = simul_param.mesh_extension_direction
self.meshExtensionFactor = simul_param.mesh_extension_factor
self.meshExtensionAllDir = simul_param.mesh_extension_all_sides
self.maxElementIn = np.inf
self.maxCellSize = np.inf
self.meshReductionFactor = simul_param.mesh_reduction_factor
self.meshReductionPossible = True
self.limitAdancementTo2cells = simul_param.limit_Adancement_To_2_cells
self.frontAdvancing = simul_param.front_advancing
self.collectPerfData = simul_param.collect_perf_data
self.paramFromTip = simul_param.param_from_tip
if simul_param.param_from_tip:
raise ValueError("Parameters from tip not yet supported!")
self.saveReynNumb = simul_param.save_ReyNumb
self.gravity = simul_param.gravity
self.TI_KernelExecPath = simul_param.TI_Kernel_exec_path
self.saveReynNumb = simul_param.save_ReyNumb
self.saveFluidFlux = simul_param.save_fluid_flux
self.saveFluidVel = simul_param.save_fluid_vel
self.saveFluidFluxAsVector = simul_param.save_fluid_flux_as_vector
self.saveFluidVelAsVector = simul_param.save_fluid_vel_as_vector
self.saveEffVisc = simul_param.save_effective_viscosity
self.saveYieldRatio = simul_param.save_yield_ratio
self.explicitProjection = simul_param.explicit_projection
self.symmetric = simul_param.symmetric
self.doublefracture = simul_param.double_fracture_vol_contr
self.projMethod = simul_param.proj_method
self.enableGPU = simul_param.enable_GPU
self.nThreads = simul_param.n_threads
if self.projMethod not in ['ILSA_orig', 'LS_grad', 'LS_continousfront']:
raise ValueError("Projection method is not recognised!")
if self.projMethod != 'LS_continousfront' and self.doublefracture:
raise SystemExit('You set the option doublefracture=True but\n '
'The volume control solver has been implemented \n'
'only with the option projMethod==LS_continousfront activated')
# fracture geometry to calculate analytical solution for plotting
self.height = simul_param.height
self.aspectRatio = simul_param.aspect_ratio
# parameter deciding to save the leak-off tip parameter
self.saveChi = simul_param.save_chi
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_logging_to_file(self, address, verbosity_level=None):
"""This function sets up the log, both to the file and to the file
Note: from any module in the code you can use the logging capabilities. You just have to:
1) import the module
import logging
2) create a child of the logger named 'PyFrac' defined in this function. Use a pertinent name as 'Pyfrac.frontrec'
logger1 = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.frontrec')
3) use the object to send messages in the module, such as
logger1.debug('debug message')
logger1.info('info message')
logger1.warning('warn message')
logger1.error('error message')
logger1.critical('critical message')
1-If you want to log only to the file in the abobe example you have to use: logger1 = logging.getLogger('PyFrac_LF.frontrec')
2-SystemExit and KeyboardInterrupt exceptions are never swallowed by the logging package .
:param address: string that defines the location where to save the log file
:param verbosity_level: string that defines the level of logging concerning the file:
'debug' - Detailed information, typically of interest only when diagnosing problems.
'info' - Confirmation that things are working as expected.
'warning' - An indication that something unexpected happened, or indicative of some
problem in the near future (e.g. ‘disk space low’). The software is still
working as expected.
'error' - Due to a more serious problem, the software has not been able to perform
some function.
'critical' - A serious error, indicating that the program itself may be unable to
continue running.
:return: -
# check if you did setup the folder
from utility import logging_level
if verbosity_level is None:
fileLvl = logging_level(self.verbositylevel)
fileLvl = logging_level(verbosity_level)
logger = logging.getLogger('PyFrac')
# create file handler which logs debug messages to the file
fh = logging.FileHandler(address+'PyFrac_log.txt', mode='w')
# create formatter and add it to the handlers
formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)-15s %(name)-40s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
datefmt='%m-%d-%y %H:%M')
# add the handlers to logger
log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.general')
log.info('Log file set up')
# create a logger that logs only to the file and not on the console:
logger_to_file = logging.getLogger('PyFrac_LF')
# add the handlers to logger
# usage example
# logger_to_files = logging.getLogger('PyFrac_LF.set_logging_to_file')
# logger_to_files.info('this comment will go only to the log file')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# setter and getter functions
[docs] def set_tipAsymptote(self, tip_asymptote):
The function to set up the tip asymptote.
tip_asymptote (string): -- propagation regime. possible options are:
- K (toughness dominated regime, without leak off)
- M (viscosity dominated regime, without leak off)
- Mt (viscosity dominated regime , with leak off)
- U (Universal regime accommodating viscosity, toughness\
and leak off (see Donstov and Pierce, 2017), 0 order)
- U1 (Universal regime accommodating viscosity, toughness\
and leak off (see Donstov and Pierce, 2017), delta correction)
- MK (viscosity to toughness transition regime)
- MDR (Maximum drag reduction asymptote, see Lecampion & Zia 2019)
- M_MDR (Maximum drag reduction asymptote in viscosity sotrage \
regime, see Lecampion & Zia 2019)
- HBF or HBF_aprox (Herschel-Bulkley fluid, see Bessmertnykh and \
Dontsov 2019; the tip volume is evaluated with a fast aproximation)
- HBF_num_quad (Herschel-Bulkley fluid, see Bessmertnykh and \
Dontsov 2019; the tip volume is evaluated with numerical quadrature of the\
approximate function, which makes it very slow)
- PLF or PLF_aprox (power law fluid, see Dontsov and \
Kresse 2017; the tip volume is evaluated with a fast aproximation)
- PLF_num_quad (power law fluid, see Dontsov and \
Kresse 2017; the tip volume is evaluated with numerical quadrature of the\
approximate function, which makes it very slow)
= PLF_M (power law fluid in viscosity storage regime; see Desroche et al.)
tipAssymptOptions = ["K", "M", "Mt", "U", "U1", "MK", "MDR", "M_MDR", "HBF", "HBF_aprox",
"HBF_num_quad", "PLF", "PLF_aprox", "PLF_num_quad", "PLF_M"]
if tip_asymptote in tipAssymptOptions: # check if tip asymptote matches any option
self.__tipAsymptote = tip_asymptote
else: # error
raise ValueError('Invalid tip asymptote. Possible options: ' + repr(tipAssymptOptions))
[docs] def get_tipAsymptote(self):
return self.__tipAsymptote
[docs] def set_viscousInjection(self, visc_injection):
self.__viscousInjection = visc_injection
if visc_injection:
self.__volumeControl = False
self.__dryCrack_mechLoading = False
[docs] def get_viscousInjection(self):
return self.__viscousInjection
[docs] def set_volumeControl(self, vol_control):
self.__volumeControl = vol_control
if vol_control:
self.__viscousInjection = False
self.__dryCrack_mechLoading = False
[docs] def get_volumeControl(self):
return self.__volumeControl
[docs] def set_dryCrack_mechLoading(self, mech_loading):
self.__dryCrack_mechLoading = mech_loading
if mech_loading:
self.__viscousInjection = False
self.__volumeControl = False
[docs] def get_dryCrack_mechLoading(self):
return self.__dryCrack_mechLoading
[docs] def set_outputFolder(self, output_address):
# check operating system to get appropriate slash in the address
slash = '/'
if output_address is not None:
self.saveToDisk = True
if output_address[-1] == slash:
output_address = output_address[:-1]
self.__outputAddress = output_address
self.__outputFolder = output_address + slash + self.get_simulation_name() + slash
self.__outputAddress = output_address
self.__outputFolder = "." + slash + "_simulation_data_PyFrac" + slash + self.get_simulation_name() + slash
[docs] def get_outputFolder(self):
return self.__outputFolder
[docs] def set_solTimeSeries(self, sol_t_srs):
if sol_t_srs is None:
self.__solTimeSeries = None
elif isinstance(sol_t_srs, np.ndarray):
self.__solTimeSeries = sol_t_srs
raise ValueError("The given solution time series is not a numpy array!")
[docs] def get_solTimeSeries(self):
return self.__solTimeSeries
[docs] def set_simulation_name(self, simul_name):
time_stmp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d__%H_%M_%S')
if simul_name is None:
self.__simName = 'simulation' + '__' + time_stmp
if not isinstance(simul_name, str):
raise ValueError("The given simulation name is not a string")
self.__simName = simul_name + '__' + time_stmp
self.__timeStamp = time.time()
except AttributeError:
[docs] def get_simulation_name(self):
return self.__simName
[docs] def get_timeStamp(self):
return self.__timeStamp
[docs] def get_time_step_prefactor(self, t):
if isinstance(self.tmStpPrefactor, np.ndarray):
if self.tmStpPrefactor.shape[0] == 2:
indxCurTime = max(np.where(t >= self.tmStpPrefactor[0, :])[0])
return self.tmStpPrefactor[1, indxCurTime] # current pre-factor
raise ValueError("The time step pre-factor array should have two rows, where each column giving the"
" time at which the pre-factor is changed in the first rwo, and the corresponding "
"pre-factor in the second row.")
return self.tmStpPrefactor
[docs] def set_mesh_extension_direction(self, direction):
The function to set up in which directions the mesh should be extended
direction (string): -- direction where the mesh should be extended:
- top (mesh extension towards positive y)
- bottom (mesh extension towards negative y)
- Left (mesh extension towards negative x)
- Right (mesh extension towards positive x)
- vertical (mesh extension up and down)
- horizontal (mesh extension left and right)
- all (extend the mesh in all directions)
for i in direction:
if i == 'vertical':
self.meshExtension[:2:] = [True, True]
elif i == 'horizontal':
self.meshExtension[2:] = [True, True]
elif i == 'top':
self.meshExtension[1] = True
elif i == 'bottom':
self.meshExtension[0] = True
elif i == 'left':
self.meshExtension[2] = True
elif i == 'right':
self.meshExtension[3] = True
elif i == 'all':
self.meshExtension = [True, True, True, True]
else: # error
raise ValueError('Invalid mesh extension definition Possible options: top, bottom, left, right, vertical'
'horizontal or all')
[docs] def get_mesh_extension_direction(self):
return self.meshExtension
[docs] def set_mesh_extension_factor(self, ext_factor):
The function to set up the factor deciding on the number of elements to add in the corresponding direction
ext_factor (list or float): -- the factor either given:
- a float: all directions extend by the same amount
- a list with two entries: the first gives the factor in x the second in
y direction
- a list with four entries: the entries respectively correspond to
'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top'.
if not isinstance(ext_factor, list):
self.meshExtensionFactor = [ext_factor, ext_factor, ext_factor, ext_factor]
elif len(ext_factor) == 2:
self.meshExtensionFactor = [ext_factor[1], ext_factor[1], ext_factor[0], ext_factor[0]]
elif len(ext_factor) == 4:
self.meshExtensionFactor = [ext_factor[2], ext_factor[3], ext_factor[0], ext_factor[1]]
raise ValueError("The given form of the factor is not supporte. Either give a common factor (float) a "
"list of two entires (x and y direction) or a list of four entries "
"['left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top']")
[docs] def get_mesh_extension_factor(self):
return self.meshExtensionFactor
[docs]class IterationProperties:
This class stores performance data in the form of a tree.
itr_type (string): -- currently, the following iterations are profiled:
- 'time step'
- 'time step attempt'
- 'same front'
- 'extended front'
- 'tip inversion'
- 'tip width'
- 'nonlinear system solve'
- 'width constraint iteration'
- 'linear system solve'
- 'Brent method'
def __init__(self, itr_type="not initialized"):
self.iterations = 0
self.norm = None
self.itrType = itr_type
self.time = None
self.CpuTime_start = time.time()
self.CpuTime_end = None
self.status = None
self.failure_cause = None
self.NumbOfElts = None
# sub-iterations data
if itr_type == 'time step':
self.attempts_data = []
elif itr_type == 'time step attempt':
self.sameFront_data = []
self.extendedFront_data = []
elif itr_type == 'same front':
self.nonLinSolve_data = []
elif itr_type == 'extended front':
self.tipInv_data = []
self.tipWidth_data = []
self.nonLinSolve_data = []
elif itr_type == 'tip inversion':
self.brentMethod_data = []
elif itr_type == 'tip width':
self.brentMethod_data = []
elif itr_type == 'nonlinear system solve':
self.widthConstraintItr_data = []
elif itr_type == 'width constraint iteration':
self.linearSolve_data = []
self.RKL_data = []
elif itr_type == 'linear system solve':
elif itr_type == 'Brent method':
raise ValueError("The given iteration type is not supported!")
[docs]def instrument_start(itr_type, perfNode):
if perfNode is not None:
perfNode_return = IterationProperties(itr_type)
perfNode_return = None
return perfNode_return
[docs]def instrument_close(perfNode, perfNode_subItr, norm, n_elem, status, fail_cause, simulated_time):
perfNode_subItr.CpuTime_end = time.time()
perfNode_subItr.NumbOfElts = n_elem
perfNode.iterations += 1
perfNode_subItr.norm = norm
perfNode_subItr.status = status
perfNode_subItr.time = simulated_time
if not status:
perfNode_subItr.failure_cause = fail_cause
[docs]class PlotProperties:
This class stores the parameters used for plotting of the post-processed results
def __init__(self, color_map=None, line_color=None, line_style='-', line_width=1., line_style_anal='--',
line_color_anal='r', interpolation='none', alpha=0.8, line_width_anal=None, text_size=None,
disp_precision=3, mesh_color='yellowgreen', mesh_edge_color='grey', mesh_label_color='black',
graph_scaling='linear', color_maps=None, colors_list=None, plot_legend=True, plot_FP_time=True,
self.lineStyle = line_style
self.lineWidth = line_width
self.lineColor = line_color
self.colorMap = color_map
self.lineColorAnal = line_color_anal
self.lineStyleAnal = line_style_anal
self.lineWidthAnal = line_width_anal
self.textSize = text_size
self.dispPrecision = disp_precision
self.meshColor = mesh_color
self.meshEdgeColor = mesh_edge_color
self.meshLabelColor = mesh_label_color
self.interpolation = interpolation
self.alpha = alpha
self.graphScaling = graph_scaling
self.plotLegend = plot_legend
self.PlotFP_Time = plot_FP_time
self.useTex = use_tex
if color_maps is None:
self.colorMaps = ['cool', 'Wistia', 'summer', 'autumn']
self.colorMaps = color_maps
if colors_list is None:
self.colorsList = ['black', 'firebrick', 'olivedrab', 'royalblue', 'deeppink', 'darkmagenta']
self.colorsList = colors_list
if self.lineColor is None:
self.lineColor = to_rgb(self.colorsList[0])
self.colorsList = [line_color]
if self.colorMap is None:
self.colorMap = self.colorMaps[0]
self.colorMaps = [color_map]
[docs]class LabelProperties:
This class stores the labels of a plot figure.
def __init__(self, variable, data_subset='whole mesh', projection='2D', use_latex=True):
if variable not in supported_variables:
raise ValueError(err_msg_variable)
if variable in unidimensional_variables:
projection = '1D'
if data_subset in ('whole mesh', 'wm'):
if projection in ('2D_clrmap', '2D_contours', '2D_vectorfield', '3D', '2D'):
self.yLabel = 'meters'
self.xLabel = 'meters'
self.zLabel = var_labels[variable] + units[variable]
elif projection == '1D':
self.xLabel = 'time $(s)$'
self.yLabel = var_labels[variable] + units[variable]
elif data_subset in ('slice', 's'):
if '2D' in projection:
self.xLabel = 'meters'
self.yLabel = var_labels[variable] + units[variable]
elif projection == '3D':
self.yLabel = 'meters'
self.xLabel = 'meters'
self.zLabel = var_labels[variable] + units[variable]
elif data_subset in ('point', 'p'):
self.xLabel = 'time $(s)$'
self.yLabel = var_labels[variable] + units[variable]
self.colorbarLabel = var_labels[variable] + units[variable]
self.units = units[variable]
self.unitConversion = unit_conversion[variable]
self.figLabel = Fig_labels[variable]
self.legend = var_labels[variable]
self.useLatex = use_latex