# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file is part of PyFrac.
Created by Haseeb Zia on Tue Nov 01 15:22:00 2016.
Copyright (c) "ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Geo-Energy Laboratory", 2016-2020.
All rights reserved. See the LICENSE.TXT file for more details.
# imports
import logging
from properties import instrument_start, instrument_close
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brentq
import warnings
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
beta_m = 2**(1/3) * 3**(5/6)
beta_mtld = 4/(15**(1/4) * (2**0.5 - 1)**(1/4))
cnst_mc = 3 * beta_mtld**4 / (4 * beta_m**3)
cnst_m = beta_m**3 / 3
Ki_c = 3000
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def C1(delta):
if (delta >= 1 or delta <= 0):
return cnst_m
return 4 * (1 - 2 * delta) / (delta * (1 - delta)) * np.tan(np.pi * delta)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def C2(delta):
if delta == 1/3:
return beta_mtld ** 4 / 4
return 16 * (1 - 3 * delta) / (3 * delta * (2 - 3 * delta)) * np.tan(3 * np.pi / 2 * delta)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_k_exp(dist, *args):
"""Residual function for the near-field k expansion (Garagash & Detournay, 2011)"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
V = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
l_mk = (Kprime ** 3 / (Eprime ** 2 * fluidProp.muPrime * V)) ** 2
l_mtk = Kprime ** 8 / (Eprime ** 6 * fluidProp.muPrime ** 2 * (2 * Cbar) ** 2 * V)
l1 = (l_mk ** (-1/2) + l_mtk ** (-1/2)) ** (-2)
l2 = (2 / 3 * l_mk ** (-1/2) + l_mtk ** (-1/2)) ** (-2)
return -wEltRibbon + ( Kprime / Eprime ) ** 2 * dist ** (1/2) * ( 1 + 4 * np.pi * (dist/l1) ** (1/2) + 64 *
(dist * np.log(dist) / (l1 * l2) ** (1/2)))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_m_exp(dist, *args):
"""Residual function for the far-field m expansion (Garagash & Detournay, 2011)"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
V = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
l_mmt = (2 * Cbar) ** 6 * Eprime ** 2 / ( V ** 5 * fluidProp.muPrime ** 2)
return -wEltRibbon + ( V * fluidProp.muPrime / Eprime ) ** (1/3) * dist ** (2/3) * ( beta_m + 1 / 2 * (l_mmt / dist) ** (1/6)
- 3 ** (1/6) / 2 ** (7/3) * (l_mmt / dist) ** (1/3)
+ 2 ** (7/3) / 3 ** (5/3) * (l_mmt / dist) ** (1/2)
- 0.7406 * (l_mmt / dist) ** (2/3 - 0.1387))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_mt_exp(dist, *args):
"""Residual function for the intermediate-field m expansion (Garagash & Detournay, 2011)"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
V = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
l_mtk = Kprime ** 8 / (Eprime ** 6 * fluidProp.muPrime ** 2 * (2 * Cbar) ** 2 * V)
l_mmt = (2 * Cbar) ** 6 * Eprime ** 2 / (V ** 5 * fluidProp.muPrime ** 2)
return -wEltRibbon + (2 * Cbar * V ** (1/2) * fluidProp.muPrime / Eprime ) ** (1/4) * dist ** (5/8) * (0.0161 * (l_mtk / dist) ** (5/8 - 0.06999)
+ 2.53356 + 1.30165 * (dist/l_mmt) ** (1/8)
- 0.451609 * (dist/l_mmt) ** (1/4)
+ 0.183355 * (dist/l_mmt) ** (3/8))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_viscStor_Res(dist, *args):
"""Residual function for viscosity dominate regime, without leak off"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
return wEltRibbon - (18 * 3 ** 0.5 * (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt * fluidProp.muPrime / Eprime) ** (1 / 3) * dist ** (
2 / 3)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_MDR_Res(dist, *args):
"""Residual function for viscosity dominate regime, without leak off"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
density = 1000
return wEltRibbon - (1.89812 * dist ** 0.740741 * ((dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt) ** 0.481481 * (
fluidProp.muPrime ** 0.7 * density ** 0.3) ** 0.37037) / Eprime ** 0.37037
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_M_MDR_Res(dist, *args):
"""Residual function for viscosity dominate regime, without leak off"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
density = 1000
Vel = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
return wEltRibbon - 3.14735 * dist ** (2/3) * ((dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt) ** (1/3) * fluidProp.muPrime ** (1/3) * (1 +
0.255286 * dist ** 0.2 * Vel ** 0.4 * density ** 0.3 / (Eprime ** 0.1 * fluidProp.muPrime ** 0.2)) ** 0.37037 / Eprime**(1/3)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_viscLeakOff_Res(dist, *args):
"""Residual function for viscosity dominated regime, with leak off"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
return wEltRibbon - 4 / (15 * np.tan(np.pi / 8)) ** 0.25 * (2 * Cbar * fluidProp.muPrime / Eprime) ** 0.25 * ((dist -
DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt) ** 0.125 * dist ** (5 / 8)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_MK_zrthOrder_Res(dist, *args):
"""Residual function for viscosity to toughness regime with transition, without leak off"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
if Kprime == 0:
return TipAsym_viscStor_Res(dist, *args)
if fluidProp.muPrime == 0:
# return toughness dominated asymptote
return dist - wEltRibbon ** 2 * (Eprime / Kprime) ** 2
w_tld = Eprime * wEltRibbon / (Kprime * dist**0.5)
V = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
return w_tld - (1 + beta_m**3 * Eprime**2 * V * dist**0.5 * fluidProp.muPrime / Kprime**3)**(1/3)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_MK_deltaC_Res(dist, *args):
"""Residual function for viscosity to toughness regime with transition, without leak off"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
if Kprime == 0:
return TipAsym_viscStor_Res(dist, *args)
if fluidProp.muPrime == 0:
# return toughness dominated asymptote
return dist - wEltRibbon ** 2 * (Eprime / Kprime) ** 2
w_tld = Eprime * wEltRibbon / (Kprime * dist ** 0.5)
V = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
l_mk = (Kprime ** 3 / (Eprime ** 2 * fluidProp.muPrime * V)) ** 2
x_tld = (dist / l_mk) ** (1/2)
delta = 1 / 3 * beta_m ** 3 * x_tld / (1 + beta_m ** 3 * x_tld)
return w_tld - (1 + 3 * C1(delta) * x_tld) ** (1/3)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_MTildeK_zrthOrder_Res(dist, *args):
"""Residual function for zeroth-order solution for M~K edge tip asymptote"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
w_tld = Eprime * wEltRibbon / (Kprime * dist ** 0.5)
V = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
return -w_tld + (1 + beta_mtld**4 * 2 * Cbar * Eprime**3 * dist**0.5 * V**0.5 * fluidProp.muPrime / Kprime**4)**(1/4)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_MTildeK_deltaC_Res(dist, *args):
"""Residual function for viscosity to toughness regime with transition, without leak off"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
w_tld = Eprime * wEltRibbon / (Kprime * dist ** 0.5)
V = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
l_mk = (Kprime ** 3 / (Eprime ** 2 * fluidProp.muPrime * V)) ** 2
chi = 2 * Cbar * Eprime / (V**0.5 * Kprime)
x_tld = (dist / l_mk) ** (1/2)
delta = 1 / 4 * beta_mtld ** 4 * chi * x_tld / (1 + beta_mtld ** 4 * chi * x_tld)
return w_tld - (1 + 4 * C2(delta) * x_tld * chi) ** (1/3)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def f(K, Cb, Con):
if K >= 1:
return 0
elif Cb > 100:
return (1 - K ** 4) / (4 * cnst_m * Cb)
elif Cb == 0 and K == 0:
return 1 / (3 * Con)
elif Cb == 0:
return 1 / (3 * Con) * ( 1 - K ** 3)
return 1 / (3 * Con) * (
1 - K ** 3 - 3 * Cb * (1 - K ** 2) / 2 + 3 * Cb ** 2 * (1 - K) - 3 * Cb ** 3 * np.log((Cb + 1) / (Cb + K)))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_Universal_1stOrder_Res(dist, *args):
"""More precise function to be minimized to find root for universal Tip asymptote (see Donstov and Pierce)"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
if Cbar == 0:
return TipAsym_MK_deltaC_Res(dist, *args)
Vel = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
Kh = Kprime * dist ** 0.5 / (Eprime * wEltRibbon)
Ch = 2 * Cbar * dist ** 0.5 / (Vel ** 0.5 * wEltRibbon)
sh = fluidProp.muPrime * Vel * dist ** 2 / (Eprime * wEltRibbon ** 3)
g0 = f(Kh, cnst_mc * Ch, cnst_m)
delt = cnst_m * (1 + cnst_mc * Ch) * g0
gdelt = f(Kh, Ch * C2(delt) / C1(delt), C1(delt))
return sh - gdelt
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_Universal_zrthOrder_Res(dist, *args):
"""Function to be minimized to find root for universal Tip asymptote (see Donstov and Pierce 2017)"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
if Cbar == 0:
return TipAsym_MK_zrthOrder_Res(dist, *args)
Vel = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
Kh = Kprime * dist ** 0.5 / (Eprime * wEltRibbon)
Ch = 2 * Cbar * dist ** 0.5 / (Vel ** 0.5 * wEltRibbon)
g0 = f(Kh, cnst_mc * Ch, cnst_m)
sh = fluidProp.muPrime * Vel * dist ** 2 / (Eprime * wEltRibbon ** 3)
return sh - g0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_Hershcel_Burkley_Res(dist, *args):
"""Function to be minimized to find root for Herschel Bulkley (see Bessmertnykh and Donstov 2019)"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
if Cbar == 0:
return TipAsym_power_law_MK_Res(dist, *args)
Vel = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
n = fluidProp.n
alpha = -0.3107 * n + 1.9924
X = 2 * Cbar * Eprime / np.sqrt(Vel) / Kprime
Mprime = 2**(n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)**n / n**n * fluidProp.k
ell = (Kprime**(n + 2) / Mprime / Vel**n / Eprime**(n + 1))**(2 / (2 - n))
xt = np.sqrt(dist / ell)
T0t = fluidProp.T0 * 2 * Eprime * ell / Kprime / Kprime
wtTau = 2 * np.sqrt(np.pi * T0t) * xt
wt = ((wEltRibbon * Eprime / Kprime / np.sqrt(dist))**alpha - wtTau**alpha)**(1 / alpha)
theta = 0.0452 * n**2 - 0.178 * n + 0.1753
Vm = 1 - wt ** -((2 + n) / (1 + theta))
Vmt = 1 - wt ** -((2 + 2 * n) / (1 + theta))
dm = (2 - n) / (2 + n)
dmt = (2 - n) / (2 + 2 * n)
Bm = (2 * (2 + n)**2 / n * np.tan(np.pi * n / (2 + n)))**(1 / (2 + n))
Bmt = (64 * (1 + n) ** 2 / (3 * n *(4 + n)) * np.tan(3 * np.pi * n / (4 * (1 + n))))**(1 / (2 + 2 * n))
dt1 = dmt * dm * Vmt * Vm * \
(Bm**((2 + n) / n) * Vmt**((1 + theta) / n) + X / wt * Bmt**(2 * (1 + n) / n) * Vm**((1 + theta) / n)) / \
(dmt * Vmt * Bm**((2 + n) / n) * Vmt**((1 + theta) / n) +
dm * Vm * X / wt * Bmt**(2 * (1 + n) / n) * Vm**((1 + theta) / n))
return xt**((2 - n) / (1 + theta)) - dt1 * wt**((2 + n) / (1 + theta)) * (dm**(1 + theta) * Bm**(2 + n) +
dmt**(1 + theta) * Bmt**(2 * (1 + n)) * ((1 + X / wt)**n - 1))**(-1 / (1 + theta))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_power_law_Res(dist, *args):
"""Function to be minimized to find root for power-law fluid (see e.g. Bessmertnykh and Donstov 2019)"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
if Cbar == 0:
return TipAsym_power_law_MK_Res(dist, *args)
Vel = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
n = fluidProp.n
X = 2 * Cbar * Eprime / np.sqrt(Vel) / Kprime
Mprime = 2**(n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)**n / n**n * fluidProp.k
ell = (Kprime**(n + 2) / Mprime / Vel**n / Eprime**(n + 1))**(2 / (2 - n))
xt = np.sqrt(dist / ell)
wt = wEltRibbon * Eprime / Kprime / np.sqrt(dist)
theta = 0.0452 * n**2 - 0.178 * n + 0.1753
Vm = 1 - wt ** -((2 + n) / (1 + theta))
Vmt = 1 - wt ** -((2 + 2 * n) / (1 + theta))
dm = (2 - n) / (2 + n)
dmt = (2 - n) / (2 + 2 * n)
Bm = (2 * (2 + n)**2 / n * np.tan(np.pi * n / (2 + n)))**(1 / (2 + n))
Bmt = (64 * (1 + n) ** 2 / (3 * n *(4 + n)) * np.tan(3 * np.pi * n / (4 * (1 + n))))**(1 / (2 + 2 * n))
dt1 = dmt * dm * Vmt * Vm * \
(Bm**((2 + n) / n) * Vmt**((1 + theta) / n) + X / wt * Bmt**(2 * (1 + n) / n) * Vm**((1 + theta) / n)) / \
(dmt * Vmt * Bm**((2 + n) / n) * Vmt**((1 + theta) / n) +
dm * Vm * X / wt * Bmt**(2 * (1 + n) / n) * Vm**((1 + theta) / n))
return xt**((2 - n) / (1 + theta)) - dt1 * wt**((2 + n) / (1 + theta)) * (dm**(1 + theta) * Bm**(2 + n) +
dmt**(1 + theta) * Bmt**(2 * (1 + n)) * ((1 + X / wt)**n - 1))**(-1 / (1 + theta))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_Hershcel_Burkley_MK_Res(dist, *args):
"""Function to be minimized to find root for power-law fluid (see e.g. Bessmertnykh and Donstov 2019)"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
Vel = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
n = fluidProp.n
alpha = -0.3107 * n + 1.9924
X = 2 * Cbar * Eprime / np.sqrt(Vel) / Kprime
Mprime = 2**(n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)**n / n**n * fluidProp.k
ell = (Kprime**(n + 2) / Mprime / Vel**n / Eprime**(n + 1))**(2 / (2 - n))
xt = np.sqrt(dist / ell)
T0t = fluidProp.T0 * 2 * Eprime * ell / Kprime / Kprime
wtTau = 2 * np.sqrt(np.pi * T0t) * xt
wt = ((wEltRibbon * Eprime / Kprime / np.sqrt(dist))**alpha - wtTau**alpha)**(1 / alpha)
theta = 0.0452 * n**2 - 0.178 * n + 0.1753
dm = (2 - n) / (2 + n)
Bm = (2 * (2 + n)**2 / n * np.tan(np.pi * n / (2 + n)))**(1 / (2 + n))
return wt - (1 + (Bm**(2 + n) * xt**(2 - n))**(1 / (1 + theta)))**((1 + theta) / (2 + n))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_power_law_MK_Res(dist, *args):
"""Function to be minimized to find root for power-law fluid (see e.g. Bessmertnykh and Donstov 2019)"""
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
Vel = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
n = fluidProp.n
Mprime = 2**(n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)**n / n**n * fluidProp.k
ell = (Kprime**(n + 2) / Mprime / Vel**n / Eprime**(n + 1))**(2 / (2 - n))
xt = np.sqrt(dist / ell)
wt = wEltRibbon * Eprime / Kprime / np.sqrt(dist)
theta = 0.0452 * n**2 - 0.178 * n + 0.1753
dm = (2 - n) / (2 + n)
Bm = (2 * (2 + n)**2 / n * np.tan(np.pi * n / (2 + n)))**(1 / (2 + n))
return wt - (1 + (Bm**(2 + n) * xt**(2 - n))**(1 / (1 + theta)))**((1 + theta) / (2 + n))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_PowerLaw_M_vertex_Res(dist, *args):
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
n = fluidProp.n
Mprime = 2**(n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)**n / n**n * fluidProp.k
Vel = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
Bm = (2 * (2 + n)**2 / n * np.tan(np.pi * n / (2 + n)))**(1 / (2 + n))
return wEltRibbon - Bm * (Mprime * Vel**n / Eprime) ** (1 / (2 + n)) * dist ** (2 / (2 + n))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_variable_Toughness_Res(dist, *args):
(wEltRibbon, Eprime, Kprime_func, anisotropic_flag, alpha, zero_vertex, center_coord) = args
if zero_vertex == 0:
x = center_coord[0] + dist * np.cos(alpha)
y = center_coord[1] + dist * np.sin(alpha)
elif zero_vertex == 1:
x = center_coord[0] - dist * np.cos(alpha)
y = center_coord[1] + dist * np.sin(alpha)
elif zero_vertex == 2:
x = center_coord[0] - dist * np.cos(alpha)
y = center_coord[1] - dist * np.sin(alpha)
elif zero_vertex == 3:
x = center_coord[0] + dist * np.cos(alpha)
y = center_coord[1] - dist * np.sin(alpha)
if anisotropic_flag:
Kprime = Kprime_func(alpha)
Kprime = Kprime_func(x,y)
return dist - wEltRibbon ** 2 * (Eprime / Kprime) ** 2
[docs]def Vm_residual(dist, *args):
(wEltRibbon, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cbar, DistLstTSEltRibbon, dt) = args
Vel = (dist - DistLstTSEltRibbon) / dt
n = fluidProp.n
alpha = -0.3107 * n + 1.9924
X = 2 * Cbar * Eprime / np.sqrt(Vel) / Kprime
Mprime = 2**(n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)**n / n**n * fluidProp.k
ell = (Kprime**(n + 2) / Mprime / Vel**n / Eprime**(n + 1))**(2 / (2 - n))
xt = np.sqrt(dist / ell)
T0t = fluidProp.T0 * 2 * Eprime * ell / Kprime / Kprime
wtTau = 2 * np.sqrt(np.pi * T0t) * xt
wt = ((wEltRibbon * Eprime / Kprime / np.sqrt(dist))**alpha - wtTau**alpha)**(1 / alpha)
theta = 0.0452 * n**2 - 0.178 * n + 0.1753
return 100 * np.finfo(float).eps - 1 + wt ** -((2 + 2 * n) / (1 + theta))
[docs]def FindBracket_dist(w, Kprime, Eprime, fluidProp, Cprime, DistLstTS, dt, mesh, ResFunc, simProp):
Find the valid bracket for the root evaluation function.
a = -DistLstTS * (1 + 5e3 * np.finfo(float).eps)
if fluidProp.rheology == "Newtonian" or sum(Cprime) == 0:
b = np.full((len(w),), 6 * (mesh.hx**2 + mesh.hy**2)**0.5, dtype=np.float64)
elif simProp.get_tipAsymptote() in ["PLF", "PLF_aprox", "PLF_num_quad"]:
b = (w * Eprime / Kprime)**2 - np.finfo(float).eps
elif simProp.get_tipAsymptote() in ["HBF", "HBF_aprox", "HBF_num_quad"]:
b = np.zeros(len(w), dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(0, len(w)):
TipAsmptargs = (w[i], Kprime[i], Eprime[i], fluidProp, Cprime[i], -DistLstTS[i], dt)
b[i] = fsolve(Vm_residual, (w[i] * Eprime[i] / Kprime[i])**2, args=TipAsmptargs)
for i in range(0, len(w)):
TipAsmptargs = (w[i], Kprime[i], Eprime[i], fluidProp, Cprime[i], -DistLstTS[i], dt)
Res_a = ResFunc(a[i], *TipAsmptargs)
Res_b = ResFunc(b[i], *TipAsmptargs)
cnt = 0
mid = b[i]
while Res_a * Res_b > 0:
mid = (a[i] + 2 * mid) / 3 # weighted
Res_a = ResFunc(mid, *TipAsmptargs)
cnt += 1
if Res_a * Res_b < 0:
a[i] = mid
elif Res_a > 0.0 and Res_b > 0.0:
mid_b = b[i] * 2 ** cnt
Res_b = ResFunc(mid_b, *TipAsmptargs)
if Res_a * Res_b < 0:
a[i] = mid
b[i] = mid_b
if cnt >= 100: # Should assume not propagating. not set to check how frequently it happens.
a[i] = np.nan
b[i] = np.nan
return a, b
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsymInversion(w, frac, matProp, fluidProp, simParmtrs, dt=None, Kprime_k=None, Eprime_k=None, perfNode=None):
Evaluate distance from the front using tip assymptotics according to the given regime, given the fracture width in
the ribbon cells.
w (ndarray): -- fracture width.
frac (Fracture): -- current fracture object.
matProp (MaterialProperties): -- material properties.
fluidProp (FluidProperties): -- fluid properties.
simParmtrs (SimulationParameters): -- Simulation parameters.
dt (float): -- time step.
Kprime_k (ndarray-float): -- Kprime for current iteration of toughness loop. if not given, the Kprime
from the given material properties object will be used.
Eprime_k (float): -- the plain strain modulus.
dist (ndarray): -- distance (unsigned) from the front to the ribbon cells.
log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.TipAsymInversion')
if Kprime_k is None:
Kprime = matProp.Kprime[frac.EltRibbon]
Kprime = Kprime_k
if Eprime_k is None:
Eprime = np.full((frac.EltRibbon.size,), matProp.Eprime)
Eprime = Eprime_k
if simParmtrs.get_tipAsymptote() == 'U':
ResFunc = TipAsym_Universal_zrthOrder_Res
elif simParmtrs.get_tipAsymptote() == 'U1':
ResFunc = TipAsym_Universal_1stOrder_Res
elif simParmtrs.get_tipAsymptote() == 'K':
return w[frac.EltRibbon] ** 2 * (Eprime / Kprime) ** 2
elif simParmtrs.get_tipAsymptote() == 'Kt':
return w[frac.EltRibbon] ** 2 * (Eprime / Kprime) ** 2
elif simParmtrs.get_tipAsymptote() == 'M':
ResFunc = TipAsym_viscStor_Res
elif simParmtrs.get_tipAsymptote() == 'Mt':
ResFunc = TipAsym_viscLeakOff_Res
elif simParmtrs.get_tipAsymptote() == 'MK':
ResFunc = TipAsym_MK_zrthOrder_Res
elif simParmtrs.get_tipAsymptote() == 'MDR':
ResFunc = TipAsym_MDR_Res
elif simParmtrs.get_tipAsymptote() == 'M_MDR':
ResFunc = TipAsym_M_MDR_Res
elif simParmtrs.get_tipAsymptote() in ["HBF", "HBF_aprox", "HBF_num_quad"]:
ResFunc = TipAsym_Hershcel_Burkley_Res
elif simParmtrs.get_tipAsymptote() in ["PLF", "PLF_aprox", "PLF_num_quad"]:
ResFunc = TipAsym_power_law_Res
elif simParmtrs.get_tipAsymptote() == 'PLF_M':
ResFunc = TipAsym_PowerLaw_M_vertex_Res
raise SystemExit("Tip asymptote type not supported!")
# checking propagation condition
stagnant = np.where(Kprime * (abs(frac.sgndDist[frac.EltRibbon]))**0.5 / (
Eprime * w[frac.EltRibbon]) > 1)[0]
moving = np.arange(frac.EltRibbon.shape[0])[~np.in1d(frac.EltRibbon, frac.EltRibbon[stagnant])]
a, b = FindBracket_dist(w[frac.EltRibbon[moving]],
## AM: part added to take care of nan's in the bracketing if bracketing is no longer possible.
if any(np.isnan(a)):
stagnant_from_bracketing = np.argwhere(np.isnan(a))[::,0]
a = np.delete(a, stagnant_from_bracketing)
b = np.delete(b, stagnant_from_bracketing)
if not stagnant.size == 0:
stagnant = np.sort(np.unique(np.hstack((stagnant, moving[stagnant_from_bracketing]))))
stagnant = stagnant_from_bracketing
moving = np.arange(frac.EltRibbon.shape[0])[~np.in1d(frac.EltRibbon, frac.EltRibbon[stagnant])]
## End of adaption
dist = -frac.sgndDist[frac.EltRibbon]
for i in range(0, len(moving)):
TipAsmptargs = (w[frac.EltRibbon[moving[i]]],
if perfNode is None:
dist[moving[i]] = brentq(ResFunc, a[i], b[i], TipAsmptargs)
brentq_itr = instrument_start('Brent method', perfNode)
dist[moving[i]], data = brentq(ResFunc, a[i], b[i], TipAsmptargs, full_output=True)
instrument_close(perfNode, brentq_itr, None, None, data.converged, None, None)
brentq_itr.iterations = data.iterations
except RuntimeError:
dist[moving[i]] = np.nan
except ValueError:
if simParmtrs.get_tipAsymptote() == 'U1':
log.warning("First order did not converged: try with zero order.")
if perfNode is None:
dist[moving[i]] = brentq(TipAsym_Universal_zrthOrder_Res, a[i], b[i], TipAsmptargs)
brentq_itr = instrument_start('Brent method', perfNode)
dist[moving[i]], data = brentq(ResFunc, a[i], b[i], TipAsmptargs, full_output=True)
instrument_close(perfNode, brentq_itr, None, None, data.converged, None, None)
brentq_itr.iterations = data.iterations
except RuntimeError:
dist[moving[i]] = np.nan
except ValueError:
dist[moving[i]] = np.nan
dist[moving[i]] = np.nan
return dist
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def StressIntensityFactor(w, lvlSetData, EltTip, EltRibbon, stagnant, mesh, Eprime):
This function evaluate the stress intensity factor. See Donstov & Pierce Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrn. 2017
w (ndarray-float): fracture width
lvlSetData (ndarray-float): the level set values, i.e. distance from the fracture front
EltTip (ndarray-int): tip elements
EltRibbon (ndarray-int): ribbon elements
stagnant (ndarray-boolean): the stagnant tip cells
mesh (CartesianMesh object): mesh
Eprime (ndarray): the plain strain modulus
ndarray-float: the stress intensity factor of the stagnant cells. Zero is returned for the
tip cells that are moving.
KIPrime = np.zeros((EltTip.size,), float)
for i in range(0, len(EltTip)):
if stagnant[i]:
neighbors = mesh.NeiElements[EltTip[i]]
enclosing = np.append(neighbors, np.asarray(
[neighbors[2] - 1, neighbors[2] + 1, neighbors[3] - 1, neighbors[3] + 1])) # eight enclosing cells
InRibbon = np.asarray([], int) # find neighbors in Ribbon cells
for e in range(8):
found = np.where(EltRibbon == enclosing[e])[0]
if found.size > 0:
InRibbon = np.append(InRibbon, EltRibbon[found[0]])
if InRibbon.size == 1:
KIPrime[i] = w[InRibbon[0]] * Eprime[i] / (-lvlSetData[InRibbon[0]]) ** 0.5
elif InRibbon.size > 1: # evaluate using least squares method
KIPrime[i] = Eprime[i] * (w[InRibbon[0]] * (-lvlSetData[InRibbon[0]]) ** 0.5 + w[InRibbon[1]] * (
-lvlSetData[InRibbon[1]]) ** 0.5) / (-lvlSetData[InRibbon[0]] - lvlSetData[InRibbon[1]])
else: # ribbon cells not found in enclosure, evaluating with the closest ribbon cell
RibbonCellsDist = ((mesh.CenterCoor[EltRibbon, 0] - mesh.CenterCoor[EltTip[i], 0]) ** 2 + (
mesh.CenterCoor[EltRibbon, 1] - mesh.CenterCoor[EltTip[i], 1]) ** 2) ** 0.5
closest = EltRibbon[np.argmin(RibbonCellsDist)]
KIPrime[i] = w[closest] * Eprime[i] / (-lvlSetData[closest]) ** 0.5
if KIPrime[i] < 0.:
KIPrime[i] = 0.
return KIPrime
[docs]def TipAsymInversion_hetrogenous_toughness(w, frac, mat_prop, level_set):
This function inverts the tip asymptote with the toughness value taken at the tip instead of taking at the ribbon
w (ndarray-float): fracture width
frac (Fracture object): current fracture object
matProp (MaterialProperties object): material properties
level_set (ndarray-float): the level set values, i.e. signed distance from the fracture front
ndarray-float: the inverted tip asymptote for the ribbon cells
zero_vrtx = find_zero_vertex(frac.EltRibbon, level_set, frac.mesh)
dist = -level_set
alpha = np.zeros((frac.EltRibbon.size,), dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(0, len(frac.EltRibbon)):
if zero_vrtx[i]==0:
# north-east direction of propagation
alpha[i] = np.arccos((dist[frac.EltRibbon[i]] - dist[frac.mesh.NeiElements[frac.EltRibbon[i], 1]]) / frac.mesh.hx)
elif zero_vrtx[i]==1:
# north-west direction of propagation
alpha[i] = np.arccos((dist[frac.EltRibbon[i]] - dist[frac.mesh.NeiElements[frac.EltRibbon[i], 0]]) / frac.mesh.hx)
elif zero_vrtx[i]==2:
# south-west direction of propagation
alpha[i] = np.arccos((dist[frac.EltRibbon[i]] - dist[frac.mesh.NeiElements[frac.EltRibbon[i], 0]]) / frac.mesh.hx)
elif zero_vrtx[i]==3:
# south-east direction of propagation
alpha[i] = np.arccos((dist[frac.EltRibbon[i]] - dist[frac.mesh.NeiElements[frac.EltRibbon[i], 1]]) / frac.mesh.hx)
if abs(dist[frac.mesh.NeiElements[frac.EltRibbon[i], 0]] / dist[frac.mesh.NeiElements[frac.EltRibbon[i], 1]] - 1) < 1e-7:
# if the angle is 90 degrees
alpha[i] = np.pi / 2
if abs(dist[frac.mesh.NeiElements[frac.EltRibbon[i], 2]] / dist[frac.mesh.NeiElements[frac.EltRibbon[i], 3]] - 1) < 1e-7:
# if the angle is 0 degrees
alpha[i] = 0
sol = np.zeros((len(frac.EltRibbon),),dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(0, len(frac.EltRibbon)):
TipAsmptargs = (w[frac.EltRibbon[i]],
# residual for zero distance; used as lower bracket
residual_zero = TipAsym_variable_Toughness_Res(0, *TipAsmptargs)
# the lower bracket (0) and the upper bracker (4x the maximum possible length in a cell) is divided into 16
# equally distant points to sample the sign of the residual function. This is necessary to avoid missing a high
# resolution variation in toughness. This also means that the toughness variations below the upper_bracket/16 is
# not guaranteed to be caught.
sample_lngths = np.linspace(4*(frac.mesh.hx**2 + frac.mesh.hy**2)**0.5 /
16,4*(frac.mesh.hx**2 + frac.mesh.hy**2)**0.5,16)
cnt = 0
res_prdct = 0
while res_prdct >= 0 and cnt < 16:
res_prdct = residual_zero * TipAsym_variable_Toughness_Res(sample_lngths[cnt], *TipAsmptargs)
cnt += 1
if cnt == 16:
sol[i] = np.nan
return sol
upper_bracket = sample_lngths[cnt-1]
sol[i] = brentq(TipAsym_variable_Toughness_Res, 0, upper_bracket, TipAsmptargs)
except RuntimeError:
sol[i] = np.nan
return sol-sol*1e-10
[docs]def find_zero_vertex(Elts, level_set, mesh):
""" find the vertex opposite to the propagation direction from which the perpendicular on the front is drawn"""
zero_vertex = np.zeros((len(Elts),),dtype=int)
for i in range(0, len(Elts)):
neighbors = mesh.NeiElements[Elts]
if level_set[neighbors[i, 0]] <= level_set[neighbors[i, 1]] and level_set[neighbors[i, 2]] <= level_set[
neighbors[i, 3]]:
zero_vertex[i] = 0
elif level_set[neighbors[i, 0]] > level_set[neighbors[i, 1]] and level_set[neighbors[i, 2]] <= level_set[
neighbors[i, 3]]:
zero_vertex[i] = 1
elif level_set[neighbors[i, 0]] > level_set[neighbors[i, 1]] and level_set[neighbors[i, 2]] > level_set[
neighbors[i, 3]]:
zero_vertex[i] = 2
elif level_set[neighbors[i, 0]] <= level_set[neighbors[i, 1]] and level_set[neighbors[i, 2]] > level_set[
neighbors[i, 3]]:
zero_vertex[i] = 3
return zero_vertex