Source code for visualization

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file is part of PyFrac.

Created by Haseeb Zia on Friday, July 06, 2018.
Copyright (c) ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Geo-Energy Laboratory, 2016-2020. All rights
reserved. See the LICENSE.TXT file for more details.
import logging
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import matplotlib.path as mpath
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d as art3d
from matplotlib.text import TextPath
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D
import copy
import pickle
import io

# local imports
from postprocess_fracture import *
from properties import PlotProperties, LabelProperties
from labels import supported_variables, supported_projections, \
                   unidimensional_variables, suitable_elements

[docs]def plot_fracture_list(fracture_list, variable='footprint', projection=None, elements=None, plot_prop=None, fig=None, edge=4, contours_at=None, labels=None, mat_properties=None, backGround_param=None, plot_non_zero=True, source_loc=np.asarray([0,0])): """ This function plots the fracture evolution with time. The state of the fracture at different times is provided in the form of a list of Fracture objects. Args: fracture_list (list): -- the list of Fracture objects giving the evolution of fracture with time. variable (string): -- the variable to be plotted. See :py:data:`supported_variables` of the :py:mod:`labels` module for a list of supported variables. mat_properties (MaterialProperties):-- the material properties. It is mainly used to colormap the mesh. projection (string): -- a string specifying the projection. See :py:data:`supported_projections` for the supported projections for each of the supported variable. If not provided, the default will be used. elements (ndarray): -- the elements to be plotted. backGround_param (string): -- the parameter according to which the the mesh will be colormapped. plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. fig (Figure): -- the figure to superimpose on. New figure will be made if not provided. edge (int): -- the edge of the cell that will be plotted. This is for variables that are evaluated on the cell edges instead of cell center. It can have a value from 0 to 4 (0->left, 1->right, 2->bottom, 3->top, 4->average). contours_at (list): -- the values at which the contours are to be plotted. labels (LabelProperties): -- the labels to be used for the plot. plot_non_zero (bool): -- if true, only non-zero values will be plotted. Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.plot_fracture_list')"Plotting " + variable + '...') if not isinstance(fracture_list, list): raise ValueError("The provided fracture_list is not list type object!") if len(fracture_list) == 0: raise ValueError("Provided fracture list is empty!") if variable not in supported_variables: raise ValueError(err_msg_variable) if projection is None: projection = supported_projections[variable][0] elif projection not in supported_projections[variable]: raise ValueError("The given projection is not supported for \'" + variable + '\'. Select one of the following\n' + repr(supported_projections[variable])) if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() if labels is None: labels = LabelProperties(variable, 'whole mesh', projection) max_Lx = 0. max_Ly = 0. for i in fracture_list: if i.mesh.Lx > max_Lx: largest_mesh = i.mesh max_Lx = i.mesh.Lx if i.mesh.Ly > max_Ly: largest_mesh = i.mesh max_Ly = i.mesh.Ly if variable == 'mesh': if backGround_param is not None and mat_properties is None: raise ValueError("Material properties are required to color code background") if projection == '2D': fig = largest_mesh.plot(fig=fig, material_prop=mat_properties, backGround_param=backGround_param, plot_prop=plot_prop) else: fig = largest_mesh.plot_3D(fig=fig, material_prop=mat_properties, backGround_param=backGround_param, plot_prop=plot_prop) elif variable == 'footprint': if projection == '2D': for i in fracture_list: fig = i.plot_front(fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop) else: for i in fracture_list: fig = i.plot_front_3D(fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop) elif variable in ['source elements', 'se']: for fr in fracture_list: fig = plot_injection_source(fr, fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop) else: if variable == 'chi': vel_list, time_list = get_fracture_variable(fracture_list, 'v', edge=edge, return_time=True) var_val_list = [] for i in vel_list: actual_ki = 2 * mat_properties.Cprime * mat_properties.Eprime / \ (np.sqrt(np.asarray(i)) * mat_properties.Kprime) var_val_list.append(actual_ki.tolist()) elif variable == 'regime': var_val_list, legend_coord, time_list = get_fracture_variable(fracture_list, variable, edge=edge, return_time=True) else: var_val_list, time_list = get_fracture_variable(fracture_list, variable, edge=edge, return_time=True) var_val_copy = np.copy(var_val_list) for i in range(len(var_val_copy)): var_val_copy[i] /= labels.unitConversion if projection != '2D_vectorfield': var_value_tmp = np.copy(var_val_copy) if elements is not None: var_value_tmp = var_value_tmp[:, elements] if plot_non_zero: var_value_tmp = var_value_tmp[var_value_tmp != 0] vmin, vmax = np.inf, -np.inf if len(np.shape(var_value_tmp)) > 1: var_value_tmp = list(var_value_tmp[0]) for i in var_value_tmp: if plot_non_zero: i = i[i != 0] i = np.delete(i, np.where(np.isinf(i))[0]) i = np.delete(i, np.where(np.isnan(i))[0]) if not (not isinstance(i, float) and len(i) == 0): if variable in ('p', 'pressure'): non_zero = np.where(abs(i) > 0)[0] i_min, i_max = -0.2 * np.median(i[non_zero]), 1.5 * np.median(i[non_zero]) else: i_min, i_max = np.min(i), np.max(i) vmin, vmax = min(vmin, i_min), max(vmax, i_max) if variable == 'regime': for i in range(len(var_val_list)): fig = plot_regime(var_val_copy[i], fracture_list[i].mesh, elements=fracture_list[i].EltRibbon, fig=fig) elif variable in unidimensional_variables: fig = plot_variable_vs_time(time_list, var_val_list, fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop, label=labels.legend) #todo: the following was elif variable not in ['mesh', 'footprint']: elif variable in bidimensional_variables: if projection != '2D_vectorfield': if plot_non_zero: for indx, value in enumerate(var_val_copy): remove_zeros(value, fracture_list[indx].mesh)#i[np.where(abs(i) < 1e-16)[0]] = np.nan if variable == 'surface': plot_prop.colorMap = 'cool' for i in range(len(var_val_list)): fig = plot_fracture_surface(var_val_copy[i], fracture_list[i].mesh, fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop, plot_colorbar=False, elements=elements, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) elif projection == '2D_clrmap': for i in range(len(var_val_list)): fig = plot_fracture_variable_as_image(var_val_copy[i], fracture_list[i].mesh, fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop, elements=elements, plt_colorbar=False, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) elif projection == '2D_contours': for i in range(len(var_val_list)): labels.legend = 't= ' + to_precision(time_list[i], plot_prop.dispPrecision) plot_prop.lineColor = plot_prop.colorsList[i % len(plot_prop.colorsList)] fig = plot_fracture_variable_as_contours(var_val_copy[i], fracture_list[i].mesh, fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop, contours_at=contours_at, plt_colorbar=False, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) elif projection == '3D': for i in range(len(var_val_list)): fig = plot_fracture_variable_as_surface(var_val_copy[i], fracture_list[i].mesh, fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop, plot_colorbar=False, elements=elements, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) elif projection == '2D_vectorfield' and not np.isnan(var_val_copy[i]).any(): # fracture_list[i].EltCrack => ribbon+tip+other in crack # fracture_list[i].EltChannel => ribbon+other in crack # multiple options: # elements_where_to_plot = fracture_list[i].EltCrack elements_where_to_plot = fracture_list[i].EltChannel # elements_where_to_plot = np.setdiff1d(fracture_list[i].EltChannel,fracture_list[i].EltRibbon) # elements_where_to_plot = np.setdiff1d(elements_where_to_plot, np.unique(np.ndarray.flatten(fracture_list[i].mesh.NeiElements[fracture_list[i].EltRibbon]))) fig = plot_fracture_variable_as_vector(var_val_copy[i], fracture_list[i].mesh, elements_where_to_plot, fig=fig) ax = fig.get_axes()[0] ax.set_xlabel(labels.xLabel) ax.set_ylabel(labels.yLabel) ax.set_title(labels.figLabel) if projection == '3D' and variable not in ['mesh', 'footprint', 'se', 'source elements']: ax.set_zlabel(labels.zLabel) sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) sm._A = [] cb = plt.colorbar(sm, alpha=plot_prop.alpha) cb.set_label(labels.colorbarLabel) elif projection in ('2D_clrmap', '2D_contours') and variable != 'regime': im = ax.images divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) cb = fig.colorbar(im[-1], cax=cax, orientation='vertical') cb.set_label(labels.colorbarLabel) return fig
[docs]def plot_fracture_list_slice(fracture_list, variable='width', point1=None, point2=None, projection='2D', plot_prop=None, fig=None, edge=4, labels=None, plot_cell_center=False, orientation='horizontal', extreme_points=None, export2Json=False, export2Json_assuming_no_remeshing=True): """ This function plots the fracture evolution on a given slice of the domain. Two points are to be given that will be joined to form the slice. The values on the slice are either interpolated from the values available on the cell centers. Exact values on the cell centers can also be plotted. Args: fracture_list (list): -- the list of Fracture objects giving the evolution of fracture with time. variable (string): -- the variable to be plotted. See :py:data:`supported_variables` of the :py:mod:`labels` module for a list of supported variables. point1 (list or ndarray): -- the left point from which the slice should pass [x, y]. point2 (list or ndarray): -- the right point from which the slice should pass [x, y]. projection (string): -- a string specifying the projection. It can either '3D' or '2D'. plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. fig (Figure): -- the figure to superimpose on. New figure will be made if not provided. edge (int): -- the edge of the cell that will be plotted. This is for variables that are evaluated on the cell edges instead of cell center. It can have a value from 0 to 4 (0->left, 1->right, 2->bottom, 3->top, 4->average). labels (LabelProperties): -- the labels to be used for the plot. plot_cell_center (bool): -- if True, the discrete values at the cell centers will be plotted. In this case, the slice passing through the center of the cell containing point1 will be taken. The slice will be made according to the given orientation (see orientation). If False, the values will be interpolated on the line joining the given two points. orientation (string): -- the orientation according to which the slice is made in the case the plotted values are not interpolated and are taken at the cell centers. Any of the four ('vertical', 'horizontal', 'ascending' and 'descending') orientation can be used. extreme_points (ndarray) -- An empty array of shape (2, 2). It will be used to return the extreme points of the plotted slice. These points can be used to plot analytical solution. export2Json (bool) -- If you set it to True the function will return a dictionary with the data of the corresponding plot Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ if variable not in supported_variables: raise ValueError(err_msg_variable) if variable in unidimensional_variables: raise ValueError("The given variable does not vary spatially.") if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() if plot_cell_center: plot_prop.lineStyle = '.' if labels is None: labels = LabelProperties(variable, 'slice', projection) mesh_list = get_fracture_variable(fracture_list, 'mesh', edge=edge, return_time=False) var_val_list, time_list = get_fracture_variable(fracture_list, variable, edge=edge, return_time=True) var_val_copy = np.copy(var_val_list) for i in range(len(var_val_copy)): var_val_copy[i] /= labels.unitConversion # find maximum and minimum to set the viewing limits on axis var_value_tmp = np.copy(var_val_copy) vmin, vmax = np.inf, -np.inf for i in var_value_tmp: i = np.delete(i, np.where(np.isinf(i))[0]) i = np.delete(i, np.where(np.isnan(i))[0]) if not (not isinstance(i, float) and len(i) == 0): if variable in ('p', 'pressure'): non_zero = np.where(abs(i) > 0)[0] i_min, i_max = -0.2 * np.median(i[non_zero]), 1.5 * np.median(i[non_zero]) else: if len(i) > 0: i_min, i_max = np.min(i), np.max(i) else: i_min, i_max = np.inf, -np.inf vmin, vmax = min(vmin, i_min), max(vmax, i_max) label = labels.legend if export2Json: to_write = { 'size_of_data': len(time_list), 'time_list': time_list} for i in range(len(var_val_list)): labels.legend = label + ' t= ' + to_precision(time_list[i], plot_prop.dispPrecision) plot_prop.lineColor = plot_prop.colorsList[i % len(plot_prop.colorsList)] if '2D' in projection: if plot_cell_center: fig ,sampling_line_out, var_value_selected, sampling_cells = plot_fracture_slice_cell_center(var_val_copy[i], mesh_list[i], point=point1, orientation=orientation, fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, plot_colorbar=False, labels=labels, extreme_points=extreme_points, export2Json = export2Json) if i == 0 and export2Json and export2Json_assuming_no_remeshing: #write ones the sampling line, assuming no remeshing to_write[variable+'_sampling_coords_'] = sampling_line_out.tolist() to_write[variable+'_sampling_cells'] = sampling_cells.tolist() if export2Json and not export2Json_assuming_no_remeshing: to_write[variable+'_sampling_coords_'+str(i)] = sampling_line_out.tolist() to_write[variable+'_sampling_cells_'+str(i)] = sampling_cells.tolist() to_write[variable+'_'+str(i)] = var_value_selected.tolist() if export2Json and export2Json_assuming_no_remeshing: to_write[str(i)] = var_value_selected.tolist() else: fig = plot_fracture_slice_interpolated(var_val_copy[i], mesh_list[i], point1=point1, point2=point2, fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, plot_colorbar=False, labels=labels, export2Json = export2Json) if not export2Json: ax_tv = fig.get_axes()[0] ax_tv.set_xlabel('meter') ax_tv.set_ylabel('meter') ax_tv.set_title('Top View') # making colorbar im = ax_tv.images divider = make_axes_locatable(ax_tv) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) cb = fig.colorbar(im[-1], cax=cax, orientation='vertical') cb.set_label(labels.colorbarLabel) ax_slice = fig.get_axes()[1] ax_slice.set_ylabel(labels.colorbarLabel) ax_slice.set_xlabel('(x,y) ' + labels.xLabel) elif projection == '3D' and not export2Json: fig = plot_slice_3D(var_val_copy[i], mesh_list[i], point1=point1, point2=point2, fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, label=labels.legend) ax_slice = fig.get_axes()[0] ax_slice.set_xlabel('meter') ax_slice.set_ylabel('meter') ax_slice.set_zlabel(labels.zLabel) ax_slice.title(labels.figLabel) else: raise ValueError("Given Projection is not correct!") if plot_prop.plotLegend and not export2Json: ax_slice.legend() if export2Json: return to_write else: return fig
[docs]def plot_fracture_list_at_point(fracture_list, variable='width', point=None, plot_prop=None, fig=None, edge=4, labels=None): """ This function plots the fracture evolution on a given point. Args: fracture_list (list): -- the list of Fracture objects giving the evolution of fracture with time. variable (string): -- the variable to be plotted. See :py:data:`supported_variables` of the :py:mod:`labels` module for a list of supported variables. point (list or ndarray): -- the point at which the given variable is plotted against time [x, y]. plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. fig (Figure): -- the figure to superimpose on. New figure will be made if not provided. edge (int): -- the edge of the cell that will be plotted. This is for variables that are evaluated on the cell edges instead of cell center. It can have a value from 0 to 4 (0->left, 1->right, 2->bottome, 3->top, 4->average). labels (LabelProperties): -- the labels to be used for the plot. Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ if variable not in supported_variables: raise ValueError(err_msg_variable) if variable in unidimensional_variables: raise ValueError("The given variable does not vary spatially.") if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() if labels is None: labels = LabelProperties(variable, 'point', '2D') if point is None: point = [0., 0.] point_values, time_list = get_fracture_variable_at_point(fracture_list, variable, point=point, edge=edge) point_values = np.asarray(point_values) / labels.unitConversion fig = plot_variable_vs_time(time_list, point_values, fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop, label=labels.legend) ax = fig.get_axes()[0] ax.set_xlabel('time ($s$)') ax.set_ylabel(labels.colorbarLabel) ax.set_title(labels.figLabel) if plot_prop.plotLegend: ax.legend() plot_prop_fp = PlotProperties(line_color='k') labels_fp = LabelProperties('footprint', 'whole mesh', '2D') labels_fp.figLabel = '' fig_image = plot_fracture_list([fracture_list[-1]], variable='footprint', projection='2D', plot_prop=plot_prop_fp, labels=labels_fp) labels_2D = LabelProperties(variable, 'whole mesh', '2D_clrmap') labels_2D.figLabel = 'Sampling Point' fig_image = plot_fracture_list([fracture_list[-1]], variable=variable, projection='2D_clrmap', fig=fig_image, plot_prop=plot_prop, edge=edge, labels=labels_2D) ax_image = fig_image.get_axes()[0] ax_image.plot([point[0]], [point[1]], 'ko') return fig
[docs]def plot_fracture_variable_as_vector(var_value, mesh, Elements_to_plot, fig=None): """ This function plots a given 2D vector field. Args: var_value: -- an array with each column having the following information: [fx left edge, fy left edge, fx right edge, fy right edge, fx bottom edge, fy bottom edge, fx top edge, fy top edge] note that "fx left edge" is the component along the x direction of the vector at the left edge of the cell. The name of the cell is coincident with the column position. mesh (CartesianMesh): -- a CartesianMesh object giving the descritization of the domain. Elements_to_plot: -- list of cell names on whose edges plot the vectors. fig (Figure): -- the figure to superimpose on. New figure will be made if not provided. Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = fig.get_axes()[0] U = np.vstack((var_value[0,Elements_to_plot], var_value[2,Elements_to_plot])) U = np.vstack((U, var_value[4,Elements_to_plot])) U = np.vstack((U, var_value[6,Elements_to_plot])) U = np.ndarray.flatten(U) V = np.vstack((var_value[1,Elements_to_plot], var_value[3,Elements_to_plot])) V = np.vstack((V, var_value[5,Elements_to_plot])) V = np.vstack((V, var_value[7,Elements_to_plot])) V = np.ndarray.flatten(V) X = np.vstack((mesh.CenterCoor[Elements_to_plot,0]-mesh.hx*0.5, mesh.CenterCoor[Elements_to_plot,0]+mesh.hx*0.5)) X = np.vstack((X, mesh.CenterCoor[Elements_to_plot,0])) X = np.vstack((X, mesh.CenterCoor[Elements_to_plot,0])) X = np.ndarray.flatten(X) Y = np.vstack((mesh.CenterCoor[Elements_to_plot,1], mesh.CenterCoor[Elements_to_plot,1])) Y = np.vstack((Y, mesh.CenterCoor[Elements_to_plot,1]-mesh.hy*0.5)) Y = np.vstack((Y, mesh.CenterCoor[Elements_to_plot,1]+mesh.hy*0.5)) Y = np.ndarray.flatten(Y) M = np.hypot(U, V) ax.quiver(X,Y,U,V,M,pivot='mid') return fig
[docs]def plot_variable_vs_time(time_list, value_list, fig=None, plot_prop=None, label=None): """ This function plots a given list of values against time. Args: time_list (list or array): -- the list of times. value_list (list or array): -- the list of values. fig (Figure): -- the figure to superimpose on. New figure will be made if not provided. plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. label (string): -- the label given to the plot line. Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = fig.get_axes()[0] if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() if plot_prop.plotLegend and label is not None: label_copy = label else: label_copy = None if plot_prop.graphScaling == 'linear': ax.plot(time_list, value_list, plot_prop.lineStyle, color=plot_prop.lineColor, label=label_copy) elif plot_prop.graphScaling == 'loglog': ax.loglog(time_list, value_list, plot_prop.lineStyle, color=plot_prop.lineColor, label=label_copy) elif plot_prop.graphScaling == 'semilogx': ax.semilogx(time_list, value_list, plot_prop.lineStyle, color=plot_prop.lineColor, label=label_copy) elif plot_prop.graphScaling == 'semilogy': ax.semilogy(time_list, value_list, plot_prop.lineStyle, color=plot_prop.lineColor, label=label_copy) else: raise ValueError("Graph scaling type not supported") return fig
[docs]def plot_fracture_variable_as_image(var_value, mesh, fig=None, plot_prop=None, elements=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, plt_colorbar=True): """ This function plots the 2D fracture variable in the form of a colormap. Args: var_value (ndarray): -- a ndarray of the length of the number of cells in the mesh. mesh (CartesianMesh): -- a CartesianMesh object giving the descritization of the domain. fig (Figure): -- the figure to superimpose on. New figure will be made if not provided. plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. elements (ndarray): -- the elements to be plotted. vmin (float): -- the minimum value to be used to colormap and make the colorbar. vmax (float): -- the maximum value to be used to colormap and make the colorbar. plt_colorbar (bool): -- if True, colorbar will be plotted. Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ if elements is not None: var_value_fullMesh = np.full((mesh.NumberOfElts, ), np.nan) var_value_fullMesh[elements] = var_value[elements] var_value = var_value_fullMesh if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = fig.get_axes()[0] x = mesh.CenterCoor[:, 0].reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx)) y = mesh.CenterCoor[:, 1].reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx)) var_value_2D = var_value.reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx)) dx = (x[0, 1] - x[0, 0]) / 2. dy = (y[1, 0] - y[0, 0]) / 2. extent = [x[0, 0] - dx, x[-1, -1] + dx, y[0, 0] - dy, y[-1, -1] + dy] if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() if vmin is None and vmax is None: var_value = np.delete(var_value, np.where(np.isinf(var_value))[0]) var_value = np.delete(var_value, np.where(np.isnan(var_value))[0]) vmin, vmax = np.min(var_value), np.max(var_value) cax = ax.imshow(var_value_2D, cmap=plot_prop.colorMap, interpolation=plot_prop.interpolation, extent=extent, alpha=0.8, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower') if plt_colorbar: fig.colorbar(cax) return fig
[docs]def plot_fracture_variable_as_surface(var_value, mesh, fig=None, plot_prop=None, plot_colorbar=True, elements=None, vmin=None, vmax=None): """ This function plots the 2D fracture variable in the form of a surface. Args: var_value (ndarray): -- a ndarray of the length of the number of cells in the mesh. mesh (CartesianMesh): -- a CartesianMesh object giving the descritization of the domain. fig (Figure): -- the figure to superimpose on. New figure will be made if not provided. plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. elements (ndarray): -- the elements to be plotted. vmin (float): -- the minimum value to be used to colormap and make the colorbar. vmax (float): -- the maximum value to be used to colormap and make the colorbar. plot_colorbar (bool): -- if True, colorbar will be plotted. Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') scale = 1.1 zoom_factory(ax, base_scale=scale) else: ax = fig.get_axes()[0] if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() if elements is None: elements = np.arange(0, mesh.NumberOfElts) if vmin is None and vmax is None: var_value = np.delete(var_value, np.where(np.isinf(var_value))[0]) var_value = np.delete(var_value, np.where(np.isnan(var_value))[0]) vmin, vmax = np.min(var_value), np.max(var_value) ax.plot_trisurf(mesh.CenterCoor[elements, 0], mesh.CenterCoor[elements, 1], var_value[elements], cmap=plot_prop.colorMap, linewidth=plot_prop.lineWidth, alpha=plot_prop.alpha, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if plot_colorbar: sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) sm._A = [] plt.colorbar(sm, alpha=plot_prop.alpha) ax.set_zlim(vmin, vmax) return fig
[docs]def plot_fracture_surface(width, mesh, fig=None, plot_prop=None, plot_colorbar=True, elements=None, vmin=None, vmax=None): """ This function plots the 2D fracture variable in the form of a surface. Args: width (ndarray): -- the fracture width. mesh (CartesianMesh): -- a CartesianMesh object giving the descritization of the domain. fig (Figure): -- the figure to superimpose on. New figure will be made if not provided. plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. elements (ndarray): -- the elements to be plotted. vmin (float): -- the minimum value to be used to colormap and make the colorbar. vmax (float): -- the maximum value to be used to colormap and make the colorbar. plt_colorbar (bool): -- if True, colorbar will be plotted. Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') scale = 1.1 zoom_factory(ax, base_scale=scale) else: ax = fig.get_axes()[0] if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() if elements is None: elements = np.arange(0, mesh.NumberOfElts) if vmin is None and vmax is None: width = np.delete(width, np.where(np.isinf(width))[0]) width = np.delete(width, np.where(np.isnan(width))[0]) vmin, vmax = np.min(width), np.max(width) ax.plot_trisurf(mesh.CenterCoor[elements, 0], mesh.CenterCoor[elements, 1], width[elements] / 2, cmap=plot_prop.colorMap, linewidth=plot_prop.lineWidth, alpha=plot_prop.alpha, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax.plot_trisurf(mesh.CenterCoor[elements, 0], mesh.CenterCoor[elements, 1], -width[elements] / 2, cmap=plot_prop.colorMap, linewidth=plot_prop.lineWidth, alpha=plot_prop.alpha, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if plot_colorbar: sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) sm._A = [] plt.colorbar(sm, alpha=plot_prop.alpha) ax.set_zlim(vmin, vmax) return fig
[docs]def plot_fracture_variable_as_contours(var_value, mesh, fig=None, plot_prop=None, plt_backGround=True, plt_colorbar=True, contours_at=None, vmin=None, vmax=None): """ This function plots the contours of the 2D fracture variable. Args: var_value (ndarray): -- a ndarray of the length of the number of cells in the mesh. mesh (CartesianMesh): -- a CartesianMesh object giving the descritization of the domain. fig (Figure): -- the figure to superimpose on. New figure will be made if not provided. plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. plt_backGround(bool): -- if True, the colormap of the variable will also be plotted. plt_colorbar (bool): -- if True, colorbar will be plotted. contours_at (list or ndarray): -- the values at which the countours are to be plotted. vmin (float): -- the minimum value to be used to colormap and make the colorbar. vmax (float): -- the maximum value to be used to colormap and make the colorbar. Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = fig.get_axes()[0] if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() x = mesh.CenterCoor[:, 0].reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx)) y = mesh.CenterCoor[:, 1].reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx)) var_value_2D = var_value.reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx)) dx = (x[0,1] - x[0,0]) / 2. dy = (y[1,0] - y[0,0]) / 2. extent = [x[0,0] - dx, x[-1, -1] + dx, y[0,0] - dy, y[-1, -1] + dy] if vmin is None and vmax is None: var_value = np.delete(var_value, np.where(np.isinf(var_value))[0]) var_value = np.delete(var_value, np.where(np.isnan(var_value))[0]) vmin, vmax = np.min(var_value), np.max(var_value) if plt_backGround: cax = ax.imshow(var_value_2D, cmap=plot_prop.colorMap, interpolation=plot_prop.interpolation, extent=extent, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower') if plt_colorbar: cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) if contours_at is None: contours_at = vmin + (vmax-vmin) * np.asarray([0.01, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9]) CS = ax.contour(x, y, var_value_2D, contours_at, colors=plot_prop.lineColor, label='fsd' ) plt.clabel(CS) return fig
[docs]def plot_fracture_slice_interpolated(var_value, mesh, point1=None, point2=None, fig=None, plot_prop=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, plot_colorbar=True, labels=None, plt_2D_image=True, export2Json = False): """ This function plots the fracture on a given slice of the domain. Two points are to be given that will be joined to form the slice. The values on the slice are interpolated from the values available on the cell centers. Args: var_value (ndarray): -- a ndarray with the length of the number of cells in the mesh. mesh (CartesianMesh): -- a CartesianMesh object giving the descritization of the domain. point1 (list or ndarray): -- the left point from which the slice should pass [x, y]. point2 (list or ndarray): -- the right point from which the slice should pass [x, y]. fig (Figure): -- the figure to superimpose on. New figure will be made if not provided. plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. vmin (float): -- the minimum value to be used to colormap and make the colorbar. vmax (float): -- the maximum value to be used to colormap and make the colorbar. plot_colorbar (bool): -- if True, colorbar will be plotted. labels (LabelProperties): -- the labels to be used for the plot. plt_2D_image (bool): -- if True, a subplot showing the colormap and the slice will also be plotted. Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.plot_fracture_slice_interpolated') if not export2Json:"Plotting slice...") if plt_2D_image: if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax_2D = fig.add_subplot(211) ax_slice = fig.add_subplot(212) else: ax_2D = fig.get_axes()[0] ax_slice = fig.get_axes()[1] else: if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax_slice = fig.add_subplot(111) else: if len(fig.get_axes()) > 1: ax_slice = fig.get_axes()[1] else: ax_slice = fig.get_axes()[0] if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() if plt_2D_image: x = mesh.CenterCoor[:, 0].reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx)) y = mesh.CenterCoor[:, 1].reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx)) var_value_2D = var_value.reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx)) dx = (x[0,1] - x[0,0]) / 2. dy = (y[1,0] - y[0,0]) / 2. extent = [x[0,0] - dx, x[-1, -1] + dx, y[0,0] - dy, y[-1, -1] + dy] im_2D = ax_2D.imshow(var_value_2D, cmap=plot_prop.colorMap, interpolation=plot_prop.interpolation, extent=extent, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower') if plot_colorbar: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax_2D) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(im_2D, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') if point1 is None: point1 = np.array([-mesh.Lx, 0.]) if point2 is None: point2 = np.array([mesh.Lx, 0.]) # the code below find the extreme points of the line joining the two given points with the current mesh if point2[0] == point1[0]: point1[1] = -mesh.Ly point2[1] = mesh.Ly elif point2[1] == point1[1]: point1[0] = -mesh.Lx point2[0] = mesh.Lx else: slope = (point2[1] - point1[1]) / (point2[0] - point1[0]) y_intrcpt_lft = slope * (-mesh.Lx - point1[0]) + point1[1] y_intrcpt_rgt = slope * (mesh.Lx - point1[0]) + point1[1] x_intrcpt_btm = (-mesh.Ly - point1[1]) / slope + point1[0] x_intrcpt_top = (mesh.Ly - point1[1]) / slope + point1[0] if abs(y_intrcpt_lft) < mesh.Ly: point1[0] = -mesh.Lx point1[1] = y_intrcpt_lft if y_intrcpt_lft > mesh.Ly: point1[0] = x_intrcpt_top point1[1] = mesh.Ly if y_intrcpt_lft < -mesh.Ly: point1[0] = x_intrcpt_btm point1[1] = -mesh.Ly if abs(y_intrcpt_rgt) < mesh.Ly: point2[0] = mesh.Lx point2[1] = y_intrcpt_rgt if y_intrcpt_rgt > mesh.Ly: point2[0] = x_intrcpt_top point2[1] = mesh.Ly if y_intrcpt_rgt < -mesh.Ly: point2[0] = x_intrcpt_btm point2[1] = -mesh.Ly if plt_2D_image: ax_2D.plot(np.array([point1[0], point2[0]]), np.array([point1[1], point2[1]]), plot_prop.lineStyle, color=plot_prop.lineColor) sampling_points = np.hstack((np.linspace(point1[0], point2[0], 105).reshape((105, 1)), np.linspace(point1[1], point2[1], 105).reshape((105, 1)))) value_samp_points = griddata(mesh.CenterCoor, var_value, sampling_points, method='linear', fill_value=np.nan) sampling_line_lft = ((sampling_points[:52, 0] - sampling_points[52, 0]) ** 2 + (sampling_points[:52, 1] - sampling_points[52, 1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 sampling_line_rgt = ((sampling_points[52:, 0] - sampling_points[52, 0]) ** 2 + (sampling_points[52:, 1] - sampling_points[52, 1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 sampling_line = np.concatenate((-sampling_line_lft, sampling_line_rgt)) if labels is None: legend = None else: legend = labels.legend ax_slice.plot(sampling_line, value_samp_points, plot_prop.lineStyle, color=plot_prop.lineColor, label=legend) #ax_slice.set_xticks(np.hstack((sampling_line[[0, 20, 41, 62, 83, 104]], sampling_line[104]))) ax_slice.set_xticks(np.hstack((sampling_line[[0, 20, 41, 52, 62, 83, 104]]))) xtick_labels = [] for i in [0, 20, 41, 52, 62, 83, 104]: xtick_labels.append('(' + to_precision(sampling_points[i, 0], plot_prop.dispPrecision) + ', ' + to_precision(sampling_points[i, 1], plot_prop.dispPrecision) + ')') ax_slice.set_xticklabels(xtick_labels) if vmin is not None and vmax is not None: ax_slice.set_ylim((vmin - 0.1*vmin, vmax + 0.1*vmax)) return fig
[docs]def plot_fracture_slice_cell_center(var_value, mesh, point=None, orientation='horizontal', fig=None, plot_prop=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, plot_colorbar=True, labels=None, plt_2D_image=True, extreme_points=None,export2Json=False): """ This function plots the fracture on a given slice of the domain. A points along with the direction of the slice is given to form the slice. The slice is made from the center of the cell containing the given point along the given orientation. Args: var_value (ndarray): -- a ndarray with the length of the number of cells in the mesh. mesh (CartesianMesh): -- a CartesianMesh object giving the descritization of the domain. point (list or ndarray): -- the point from which the slice should pass [x, y]. orientation (string): -- the orientation according to which the slice is made. Any of the four ('vertical', 'horizontal', 'ascending' and 'descending') orientations can be used. fig (Figure): -- the figure to superimpose on. New figure will be made if not provided. plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. vmin (float): -- the minimum value to be used to colormap and make the colorbar. vmax (float): -- the maximum value to be used to colormap and make the colorbar. plot_colorbar (bool): -- if True, colorbar will be plotted. labels (LabelProperties): -- the labels to be used for the plot. plt_2D_image (bool): -- if True, a subplot showing the colormap and the slice will also be plotted. extreme_points (ndarray) -- An empty array of shape (2, 2). It will be used to return the extreme points of the plotted slice. These points can be used to plot analytical solution. Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.plot_fracture_slice_cell_center') if not export2Json:"Plotting slice...") if plt_2D_image: if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax_2D = fig.add_subplot(211) ax_slice = fig.add_subplot(212) else: ax_2D = fig.get_axes()[0] ax_slice = fig.get_axes()[1] else: if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax_slice = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax_slice = fig.get_axes()[0] if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() plot_prop.lineStyle = '.' if plt_2D_image and not export2Json: x = mesh.CenterCoor[:, 0].reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx)) y = mesh.CenterCoor[:, 1].reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx)) var_value_2D = var_value.reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx)) dx = (x[0, 1] - x[0, 0]) / 2. dy = (y[1, 0] - y[0, 0]) / 2. extent = [x[0, 0] - dx, x[-1, -1] + dx, y[0, 0] - dy, y[-1, -1] + dy] im_2D = ax_2D.imshow(var_value_2D, cmap=plot_prop.colorMap, interpolation=plot_prop.interpolation, extent=extent, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower') if plt_2D_image and plot_colorbar: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax_2D) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(im_2D, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') if point is None: point = np.array([0., 0.]) if orientation not in ('horizontal', 'vertical', 'increasing', 'decreasing'): raise ValueError("Given orientation is not supported. Possible options:\n 'horizontal', 'vertical'," " 'increasing', 'decreasing'") zero_cell = mesh.locate_element(point[0], point[1])[0] if np.isnan(zero_cell).any(): raise ValueError("The given point does not lie in the grid!") if orientation == 'vertical': sampling_cells = np.hstack((np.arange(zero_cell, 0, -mesh.nx)[::-1], np.arange(zero_cell, mesh.NumberOfElts, mesh.nx))) x_plot_coord = mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells, 1] elif orientation == 'horizontal': sampling_cells = np.arange(zero_cell // mesh.nx * mesh.nx, (zero_cell // mesh.nx + 1) * mesh.nx) x_plot_coord = mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells, 0] elif orientation == 'increasing': bottom_half = np.arange(zero_cell, 0, -mesh.nx - 1) bottom_half = np.delete(bottom_half, np.where(mesh.CenterCoor[bottom_half, 0] > mesh.CenterCoor[zero_cell, 0])[0]) top_half = np.arange(zero_cell, mesh.NumberOfElts, mesh.nx + 1) top_half = np.delete(top_half, np.where(mesh.CenterCoor[top_half, 0] < mesh.CenterCoor[zero_cell, 0])[0]) sampling_cells = np.hstack((bottom_half[::-1], top_half)) x_plot_coord = np.hstack((- np.sqrt([sum(tup) for tup in (mesh.CenterCoor[bottom_half] - mesh.CenterCoor[zero_cell]) ** 2]), np.sqrt([sum(tup) for tup in (mesh.CenterCoor[top_half] - mesh.CenterCoor[zero_cell]) ** 2]))) elif orientation == 'decreasing': bottom_half = np.arange(zero_cell, 0, -mesh.nx + 1) bottom_half = np.delete(bottom_half, np.where(mesh.CenterCoor[bottom_half, 0] < mesh.CenterCoor[zero_cell, 0])[0]) top_half = np.arange(zero_cell, mesh.NumberOfElts, mesh.nx - 1) top_half = np.delete(top_half, np.where(mesh.CenterCoor[top_half, 0] > mesh.CenterCoor[zero_cell, 0])[0]) sampling_cells = np.hstack((bottom_half[::-1], top_half)) x_plot_coord = np.hstack((- np.sqrt([sum(tup) for tup in (mesh.CenterCoor[bottom_half] - mesh.CenterCoor[zero_cell]) ** 2]), np.sqrt([sum(tup) for tup in (mesh.CenterCoor[top_half] - mesh.CenterCoor[zero_cell]) ** 2]))) if plt_2D_image and not export2Json: ax_2D.plot(mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells, 0], mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells, 1], 'k.', linewidth=plot_prop.lineWidth, alpha=plot_prop.alpha, markersize='1') # sampling_len = ((mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells[0], 0] - mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells[-1], 0]) ** 2 + \ # (mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells[0], 1] - mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells[-1], 1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 # # # making x-axis centered at zero for the 1D slice. Necessary to have same reference with different meshes and # # analytical solution plots. # sampling_line = np.linspace(0, sampling_len, len(sampling_cells)) - sampling_len / 2 if not export2Json: # ax_slice.plot(sampling_line, # var_value[sampling_cells], # plot_prop.lineStyle, # color=plot_prop.lineColor, # label=labels.legend) ax_slice.plot(x_plot_coord, var_value[sampling_cells], plot_prop.lineStyle, color=plot_prop.lineColor, label=labels.legend) if len(sampling_cells) > 7: mid = len(sampling_cells) // 2 half_1st = np.arange(0, mid, mid // 3) half_2nd = np.arange(mid + mid // 3, len(sampling_cells), mid // 3) if len(half_2nd) < 3: half_2nd = np.append(half_2nd, len(sampling_cells) - 1) x_ticks = np.hstack((half_1st[:3], np.array([mid], dtype=int))) x_ticks = np.hstack((x_ticks, half_2nd)) else: x_ticks = len(sampling_cells) # if not export2Json: ax_slice.set_xticks(sampling_line[x_ticks]) if not export2Json: ax_slice.set_xticks(x_plot_coord[x_ticks]) xtick_labels = [] for i in x_ticks: xtick_labels.append('(' + to_precision(np.round(mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells[i], 0], 3), plot_prop.dispPrecision) + ', ' + to_precision(np.round(mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells[i], 1], 3), plot_prop.dispPrecision) + ')') if not export2Json: ax_slice.set_xticklabels(xtick_labels) if vmin is not None and vmax is not None: ax_slice.set_ylim((vmin - 0.1*vmin, vmax + 0.1*vmax)) if extreme_points is not None: extreme_points[0] = mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells[0]] extreme_points[1] = mesh.CenterCoor[sampling_cells[-1]] if export2Json: fig = None # return fig, sampling_line, var_value[sampling_cells], sampling_cells return fig, x_plot_coord, var_value[sampling_cells], sampling_cells
[docs]def plot_analytical_solution_slice(regime, variable, mat_prop, inj_prop, mesh=None, fluid_prop=None, fig=None, point1=None, point2=None, time_srs=None, length_srs=None, h=None, samp_cell=None, plot_prop=None, labels=None, gamma=None, plt_top_view=False): """ This function plots slice of the given analytical solution. It can be used to compare simulation results by superimposing on the figure obtained from the slice plot function. Args: regime (string): -- the string specifying the limiting case solution to be plotted. The available options are. ======== ============================ option limiting solution ======== ============================ 'M' viscosity storage 'Mp' finite pulse viscosity storage 'Mt' viscosity leak-off 'K' toughness storage 'Kt' toughness leak-off 'PKN' PKN 'KGD_K' KGD toughness 'MDR' MDR turbulent viscosity 'E_K' anisotropic toughness 'E_E' anisotropic elasticity ======== ============================ variable (string): -- the variable to be plotted. Possible options are 'w', 'width' or 'p', 'pressure'. mat_prop (MaterialProperties): -- the MaterialProperties object giving the material properties. inj_prop (InjectionProperties): -- the InjectionProperties object giving the injection properties. mesh (CartesianMesh): -- a CartesianMesh class object describing the grid. fluid_prop( FluidProperties): -- the FluidProperties object giving the fluid properties. fig (figure): -- figure object to superimpose the image. point1 (list or ndarray): -- the left point from which the slice should pass [x, y]. point2 (list or ndarray): -- the right point from which the slice should pass [x, y]. time_srs (list or ndarray): -- the times at which the analytical solution is to be plotted. length_srs (list or ndarray): -- the length at which the analytical solution is to be plotted. It will be the radius of the fracture in the case of a radial fractures, length of the fracture in case of height contained fractures and the length of the minor axis in case of elliptical fractures. h (float): -- the height of fracture in case of height contained hydraulic fractures samp_cell (int): -- the cell from where the values of the parameter to be taken. If not given, values from the cell containing the injection point is taken plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. labels (LabelProperties): -- the labels to be used for the plot. gamma (float): -- the aspect ratio, used in the case of elliptical fracture. plt_top_view (bool): -- if True, top view will be plotted also Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ if variable not in supported_variables: raise ValueError(err_msg_variable) if variable in ('time', 't', 'front_dist_min', 'd_min', 'front_dist_max', 'd_max', 'front_dist_mean', 'd_mean'): raise ValueError("The given variable does not vary spatially.") if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() plot_prop_cp = copy.copy(plot_prop) if labels is None: labels = LabelProperties(variable, 'slice', '2D') analytical_list, mesh_list = get_HF_analytical_solution(regime, variable, mat_prop, inj_prop, mesh=mesh, fluid_prop=fluid_prop, time_srs=time_srs, length_srs=length_srs, h=h, samp_cell=samp_cell, gamma=gamma) for i in range(len(analytical_list)): analytical_list[i] /= labels.unitConversion if variable in ('pn', 'pressure'): analytical_list[i][(analytical_list[i] < 0)] = 0. # finding maximum and minimum values in complete list analytical_value = np.copy(analytical_list) vmin, vmax = np.inf, -np.inf for i in analytical_value: i = np.delete(i, np.where(np.isinf(i))[0]) i = np.delete(i, np.where(np.isneginf(i))[0]) i = np.delete(i, np.where(np.isnan(i))[0]) if variable in ('p', 'pressure'): non_zero = np.where(abs(i) > 0)[0] i_min, i_max = -0.2 * np.median(i[non_zero]), 1.5 * np.median(i[non_zero]) else: i_min, i_max = np.min(i), np.max(i) vmin, vmax = min(vmin, i_min), max(vmax, i_max) plot_prop_cp.colorMap = plot_prop.colorMaps[1] plot_prop_cp.lineStyle = plot_prop.lineStyleAnal plot_prop_cp.lineWidth = plot_prop.lineWidthAnal for i in range(len(analytical_list)): labels.legend = 'analytical (' + regime + ') t= ' + to_precision(time_srs[i], plot_prop.dispPrecision) plot_prop_cp.lineColor = plot_prop_cp.colorsList[i % len(plot_prop.colorsList)] fig = plot_fracture_slice_interpolated(analytical_list[i], mesh_list[i], point1=point1, point2=point2, fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop_cp, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, plot_colorbar=False, labels=labels, plt_2D_image=plt_top_view) if plt_top_view: ax_tv = fig.get_axes()[0] ax_tv.set_xlabel('meter') ax_tv.set_ylabel('meter') ax_tv.set_title('Top View') # making colorbar im = ax_tv.images divider = make_axes_locatable(ax_tv) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) cb = fig.colorbar(im[-1], cax=cax, orientation='vertical') cb.set_label(labels.colorbarLabel) ax_slice = fig.get_axes()[1] else: ax_slice = fig.get_axes()[0] ax_slice.set_ylabel(labels.colorbarLabel) ax_slice.set_xlabel('(x,y) ' + labels.xLabel) if plot_prop.plotLegend: ax_slice.legend() return fig
[docs]def plot_analytical_solution_at_point(regime, variable, mat_prop, inj_prop, fluid_prop=None, fig=None, point=None, time_srs=None, length_srs=None, h=None, samp_cell=None, plot_prop=None, labels=None, gamma=None): """ This function plots the given analytical solution at a given point. It can be used to compare simulation results by superimposing on the figure obtained from the plot at point function. Args: regime (string): -- the string specifying the limiting case solution to be plotted. The available options are. ======== ============================ option limiting solution ======== ============================ 'M' viscosity storage 'Mt' viscosity leak-off 'K' toughness storage 'Kt' toughness leak-off 'PKN' PKN 'KGD_K' KGD toughness 'MDR' MDR turbulent viscosity 'E_K' anisotropic toughness 'E_E' anisotropic elasticity ======== ============================ variable (string): -- the variable to be plotted. Possible options are 'w', 'width' or 'p', 'pressure'. mat_prop (MaterialProperties): -- the MaterialProperties object giving the material properties. inj_prop (InjectionProperties): -- the InjectionProperties object giving the injection properties. fluid_prop( FluidProperties): -- the FluidProperties object giving the fluid properties. fig (figure): -- figure object to superimpose the image. point (list or ndarray): -- the point at which the solution to be plotted [x, y]. time_srs (list or ndarray): -- the times at which the analytical solution is to be plotted. length_srs (list or ndarray): -- the length at which the analytical solution is to be plotted. It will be the radius of the fracture in the case of a radial fractures, length of the fracture in case of height contained fractures and the length of the minor axis in case of elliptical fractures. h (float): -- the height of fracture in case of height contained hydraulic fractures samp_cell (int): -- the cell from where the values of the parameter to be taken. If not given, values from the cell containing the injection point is taken plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. labels (LabelProperties): -- the labels to be used for the plot. gamma (float): -- the aspect ratio, used in the case of elliptical fracture. Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.plot_analytical_solution_at_point') if variable not in supported_variables: raise ValueError(err_msg_variable) if time_srs is None and length_srs is None: raise ValueError("Either time series or length series is to be provided!") if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() plot_prop_cp = copy.copy(plot_prop) if labels is None: labels_given = False labels = LabelProperties(variable, 'point', '2D') else: labels_given = True if point is None: point = [0., 0.] analytical_list = get_HF_analytical_solution_at_point(regime, variable, point, mat_prop, inj_prop, fluid_prop=fluid_prop, length_srs=length_srs, time_srs=time_srs, h=h, samp_cell=samp_cell, gamma=gamma) if time_srs is None: time_srs = get_HF_analytical_solution_at_point(regime, 't', point, mat_prop, inj_prop, fluid_prop=fluid_prop, length_srs=length_srs, time_srs=time_srs, h=h, samp_cell=samp_cell, gamma=gamma) for i in range(len(analytical_list)): analytical_list[i] /= labels.unitConversion if variable in ['time', 't', 'front_dist_min', 'd_min', 'front_dist_max', 'd_max', 'front_dist_mean', 'd_mean']: log.warning("The given variable does not vary spatially.") plot_prop_cp.lineColor = plot_prop.lineColorAnal plot_prop_cp.lineStyle = plot_prop.lineStyleAnal plot_prop_cp.lineWidth = plot_prop.lineWidthAnal if not labels_given: labels.legend = labels.legend + ' analytical' labels.xLabel = 'time ($s$)' fig = plot_variable_vs_time(time_srs, analytical_list, fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop_cp, label=labels.legend) ax = fig.get_axes()[0] ax.set_xlabel(labels.xLabel) ax.set_ylabel(labels.colorbarLabel) ax.set_title(labels.figLabel) if plot_prop.plotLegend: ax.legend() return fig
[docs]def plot_scale_3D(fracture, fig=None, plot_prop=None): """ This function plots lines with dimensions on the 3D fracture plot.""" log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.plot_scale_3D')'Plotting scale...') if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d') else: ax = fig.get_axes()[0] if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() I = fracture.Ffront[:, 0:2] max_x = max(I[:, 0]) max_y = max(I[:, 1]) min_x = min(I[:, 0]) min_y = min(I[:, 1]) Path = mpath.Path path_data = [ (Path.MOVETO, [min_x, min_y - 2 * fracture.mesh.hy]), (Path.LINETO, [max_x, min_y - 2 * fracture.mesh.hy]), (Path.MOVETO, [min_x, min_y - 2.5 * fracture.mesh.hy]), (Path.LINETO, [min_x, min_y - 1.5 * fracture.mesh.hy]), (Path.MOVETO, [max_x, min_y - 2.5 * fracture.mesh.hy]), (Path.LINETO, [max_x, min_y - 1.5 * fracture.mesh.hy]), (Path.MOVETO, [min_x - 2.5 * fracture.mesh.hx, min_y - fracture.mesh.hy]), (Path.LINETO, [min_x - 2.5 * fracture.mesh.hx, max_y]), (Path.MOVETO, [min_x - 3. * fracture.mesh.hx, min_y - fracture.mesh.hy]), (Path.LINETO, [min_x - 2. * fracture.mesh.hx, min_y - fracture.mesh.hy]), (Path.MOVETO, [min_x - 3. * fracture.mesh.hx, max_y]), (Path.LINETO, [min_x - 2. * fracture.mesh.hx, max_y]), ] codes, verts = zip(*path_data) path = mpath.Path(verts, codes) patch = mpatches.PathPatch(path, lw=1, facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(patch) art3d.pathpatch_2d_to_3d(patch) if plot_prop.textSize is None: plot_prop.textSize = max(fracture.mesh.hx, fracture.mesh.hx) y_len = to_precision(max_y - min_y + fracture.mesh.hy, plot_prop.dispPrecision) text3d(ax, (min_x - 2.5 * fracture.mesh.hx - 5 * plot_prop.textSize, (max_y + min_y) / 2, 0), y_len + "$m$", zdir="z", size=plot_prop.textSize, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k") x_len = to_precision(max_x - min_x + fracture.mesh.hy, plot_prop.dispPrecision) text3d(ax, ((max_x + min_x) / 2, min_y - 2 * fracture.mesh.hy - 2 * plot_prop.textSize, 0), x_len + "$m$", zdir="z", size=plot_prop.textSize, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k") ax.grid(False) ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.set_axis_off() return fig
[docs]def plot_slice_3D(var_value, mesh, point1=None, point2=None, fig=None, plot_prop=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, label=None): """ This function plots the fracture on a given slice of the domain in 3D. Two points are to be given that will be joined to form the slice. The values on the slice are interpolated from the values available on the cell centers. Args: var_value (ndarray): -- a ndarray with the length of the number of cells in the mesh. mesh (CartesianMesh): -- a CartesianMesh object giving the descritization of the domain. point1 (list or ndarray): -- the left point from which the slice should pass [x, y]. point2 (list or ndarray): -- the right point from which the slice should pass [x, y]. fig (Figure): -- the figure to superimpose on. New figure will be made if not provided. plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. vmin (float): -- the minimum value to be used to colormap and make the colorbar. vmax (float): -- the maximum value to be used to colormap and make the colorbar. label (LabelProperties): -- the label of plotted line to be used for legend. Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.plot_slice_3D')'Plotting slice in 3D...') if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d') else: ax = fig.get_axes()[0] if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() plot_prop.lineStyle = 'k--' if point1 is None: point1 = np.array([-mesh.Lx, 0.]) if point2 is None: point2 = np.array([mesh.Lx, 0.]) sampling_points = np.hstack((np.linspace(point1[0], point2[0], 100).reshape((100, 1)), np.linspace(point1[1], point2[1], 100).reshape((100, 1)))) value_samp_points = griddata(mesh.CenterCoor, var_value, sampling_points, method='linear', fill_value=np.nan) ax.plot(sampling_points[:,0], sampling_points[:,1], value_samp_points, plot_prop.lineStyle, color=plot_prop.lineColor, label=label) if vmin is None and vmax is None: vmin, vmax = np.min(var_value), np.max(var_value) ax.set_zlim(vmin, vmax) return fig
[docs]def plot_footprint_analytical(regime, mat_prop, inj_prop, fluid_prop=None, time_srs=None, h=None, samp_cell=None, fig=None, plot_prop=None, gamma=None, inj_point=None): """ This function plots footprint of the analytical solution fracture. It can be used to compare simulation results by superimposing on the figure obtained from the footprint plot. Args: regime (string): -- the string specifying the limiting case solution to be plotted. The available options are. ======== ============================ option limiting solution ======== ============================ 'M' viscosity storage 'Mt' viscosity leak-off 'K' toughness storage 'Kt' toughness leak-off 'PKN' PKN 'KGD_K' KGD toughness 'MDR' MDR turbulent viscosity 'E_K' anisotropic toughness 'E_E' anisotropic elasticity ======== ============================ mat_prop (MaterialProperties): -- the MaterialProperties object giving the material properties. inj_prop (InjectionProperties): -- the InjectionProperties object giving the injection properties. fluid_prop( FluidProperties): -- the FluidProperties object giving the fluid properties. time_srs (list or ndarray): -- the times at which the analytical solution is to be plotted. h (float): -- the height of fracture in case of height contained hydraulic fractures samp_cell (int): -- the cell from where the values of the parameter to be taken. If not given, values from the cell containing the injection point is taken. fig (figure): -- figure object to superimpose the image. plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. gamma (float): -- the aspect ratio, used in the case of elliptical fracture. inj_point (list): -- a list of size 2, giving the x and y coordinate of the injection point. Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.plot_footprint_analytical')"Plotting analytical footprint...") if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = fig.get_axes()[0] if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() footprint_patches = get_HF_analytical_solution_footprint(regime, mat_prop, inj_prop, plot_prop, fluid_prop=fluid_prop, time_srs=time_srs, h=h, samp_cell=samp_cell, gamma=gamma, inj_point=inj_point) for i in footprint_patches: ax.add_patch(i) if hasattr(ax, 'get_zlim'): art3d.pathpatch_2d_to_3d(i) return fig
[docs]def plot_analytical_solution(regime, variable, mat_prop, inj_prop, mesh=None, fluid_prop=None, fig=None, projection='2D', time_srs=None, length_srs=None, h=None, samp_cell=None, plot_prop=None, labels=None, contours_at=None, gamma=None): """ This function plots the analytical solution according to the given regime. It can be used to compare simulation results by superimposing on the figure obtained from the plot function. Args: regime (string): -- the string specifying the limiting case solution to be plotted. The available options are. ======== ============================ option limiting solution ======== ============================ 'M' viscosity storage 'Mt' viscosity leak-off 'K' toughness storage 'Kt' toughness leak-off 'PKN' PKN 'KGD_K' KGD toughness 'MDR' MDR turbulent viscosity 'E_K' anisotropic toughness 'E_E' anisotropic elasticity ======== ============================ variable (string): -- the variable to be plotted. Possible options are 'w', 'width' or 'p', 'pressure'. mat_prop (MaterialProperties): -- the MaterialProperties object giving the material properties. inj_prop (InjectionProperties): -- the InjectionProperties object giving the injection properties. mesh (CartesianMesh): -- a CartesianMesh class object describing the grid. fluid_prop( FluidProperties): -- the FluidProperties object giving the fluid properties. fig (figure): -- figure object to superimpose the image. projection (string): -- a string specifying the projection. time_srs (list or ndarray): -- the times at which the analytical solution is to be plotted. length_srs (list or ndarray): -- the length at which the analytical solution is to be plotted. It will be the radius of the fracture in the case of a radial fractures, length of the fracture in case of height contained fractures and the length of the minor axis in case of elliptical fractures. h (float): -- the height of fracture in case of height contained hydraulic fractures samp_cell (int): -- the cell from where the values of the parameter to be taken. If not given, values from the cell containing the injection point is taken plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. labels (LabelProperties): -- the labels to be used for the plot. contours_at (list): -- the values at which the contours are to be plotted. gamma (float): -- the aspect ratio, used in the case of elliptical fracture. Returns: (Figure): -- A Figure object that can be used superimpose further plots. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.plot_analytical_solution')"Plotting analytical " + variable + " " + regime + " solution...") if variable not in supported_variables: raise ValueError(err_msg_variable) if labels is None: labels_given = False labels = LabelProperties(variable, 'whole mesh', projection) else: labels_given = True if variable == 'footprint': fig = plot_footprint_analytical(regime, mat_prop, inj_prop, fluid_prop=fluid_prop, time_srs=time_srs, h=h, samp_cell=samp_cell, fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop, gamma=gamma, inj_point=inj_prop.sourceCoordinates) else: if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() plot_prop_cp = copy.copy(plot_prop) analytical_list, mesh_list = get_HF_analytical_solution(regime, variable, mat_prop, inj_prop, mesh=mesh, fluid_prop=fluid_prop, time_srs=time_srs, length_srs=length_srs, h=h, samp_cell=samp_cell, gamma=gamma) for i in range(len(analytical_list)): analytical_list[i] /= labels.unitConversion analytical_value = np.copy(analytical_list) vmin, vmax = np.inf, -np.inf for i in analytical_value: i = np.delete(i, np.where(np.isinf(i))[0]) i = np.delete(i, np.where(np.isnan(i))[0]) i_min, i_max = np.min(i), np.max(i) vmin, vmax = min(vmin, i_min), max(vmax, i_max) if variable in unidimensional_variables: plot_prop_cp.lineStyle = plot_prop.lineStyleAnal plot_prop_cp.lineColor = plot_prop.lineColorAnal plot_prop_cp.lineWidth = plot_prop.lineWidthAnal if not labels_given: labels.legend = labels.legend + ' analytical' labels.xLabel = 'time ($s$)' fig = plot_variable_vs_time(time_srs, analytical_list, fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop_cp, label=labels.legend) projection = '2D' else: if projection == '2D_clrmap': for i in range(len(analytical_list)): fig = plot_fracture_variable_as_image(analytical_list[i], mesh_list[i], fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop_cp, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) elif projection == '2D_contours': for i in range(len(analytical_list)): fig = plot_fracture_variable_as_contours(analytical_list[i], mesh_list[i], fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop_cp, contours_at=contours_at, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) elif projection == '3D': for i in range(len(analytical_list)): fig = plot_fracture_variable_as_surface(analytical_list[i], mesh_list[i], fig=fig, plot_prop=plot_prop_cp, plot_colorbar=False, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax = fig.get_axes()[0] ax.set_xlabel(labels.xLabel) ax.set_ylabel(labels.yLabel) ax.set_title(labels.figLabel) if variable not in ['footprint']: if projection == '3D': ax.set_zlabel(labels.zLabel) sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) sm._A = [] cb = plt.colorbar(sm, alpha=plot_prop_cp.alpha) cb.set_label(labels.colorbarLabel + ' analytical') elif projection in ('2D_clrmap', '2D_contours'): im = ax.images cb = im[-1].colorbar cb.set_label(labels.colorbarLabel + ' analytical') elif projection == '2D': ax.set_title(labels.figLabel) if plot_prop_cp.plotLegend: ax.legend() return fig
[docs]def get_HF_analytical_solution_footprint(regime, mat_prop, inj_prop, plot_prop, fluid_prop=None, time_srs=None, h=None, samp_cell=None, gamma=None, inj_point=None): """ This function returns footprint of the analytical solution in the form of patches""" if time_srs is None: raise ValueError("Time series is to be provided.") if regime == 'E_K': Kc_1 = mat_prop.Kc1 else: Kc_1 = None if regime == "MDR": density = fluid_prop.density else: density = None if samp_cell is None: samp_cell = int(len(mat_prop.Kprime) / 2) if regime in ['K', 'M']: Cprime = None else: Cprime = mat_prop.Cprime[samp_cell] if regime == 'K': muPrime = None else: muPrime = fluid_prop.muPrime if regime == 'M': Kprime = None else: Kprime = mat_prop.Kprime[samp_cell] if regime == 'PKN' and h is None: raise ValueError("Fracture height is required to plot PKN fracture!") if len(inj_prop.injectionRate[0]) > 1: V0 = inj_prop.injectionRate[0, 1] * inj_prop.injectionRate[1, 0] else: V0=None return_patches = [] for i in time_srs: if len(inj_prop.injectionRate[0]) > 1: if i > inj_prop.injectionRate[0, 1]: Q0 = 0.0 else: Q0 = inj_prop.injectionRate[1, 0] else: Q0 = inj_prop.injectionRate[1,0] x_len, y_len = get_fracture_dimensions_analytical(regime, i, mat_prop.Eprime, Q0, muPrime=muPrime, Kprime=Kprime, Cprime=Cprime, Kc_1=Kc_1, h=h, density=density, gamma=gamma, Vinj=V0) if inj_point is None: inj_point = [0., 0.] if regime in ('M', 'Mt', 'K', 'Kt', 'E', 'MDR'): return_patches.append(mpatches.Circle((inj_point[0], inj_point[1]), x_len, edgecolor=plot_prop.lineColorAnal, facecolor='none')) elif regime in ('PKN', 'KGD_K'): return_patches.append(mpatches.Rectangle(xy=(-x_len + inj_point[0], -y_len + inj_point[1]), width=2 * x_len, height=2 * y_len, edgecolor=plot_prop.lineColorAnal, facecolor='none')) elif regime in ('E_K', 'E_E'): return_patches.append(mpatches.Ellipse(xy=(inj_point[0], inj_point[1]), width=2 * x_len, height=2 * y_len, edgecolor=plot_prop.lineColorAnal, facecolor='none')) else: raise ValueError("Regime not supported.") return return_patches
[docs]def plot_injection_source(frac, fig=None, plot_prop=None): """ This function plots the location of the source. """ if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = fig.get_axes()[0] if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() ax.plot(frac.mesh.CenterCoor[frac.source, 0], frac.mesh.CenterCoor[frac.source, 1], '.', color=plot_prop.lineColor) return fig
[docs]def animate_simulation_results(fracture_list, variable='footprint', projection=None, elements=None, plot_prop=None, edge=4, contours_at=None, labels=None, mat_properties=None, backGround_param=None, block_figure=False, plot_non_zero=True, pause_time=0.2): """ This function plots the fracture evolution with time. The state of the fracture at different times is provided in the form of a list of Fracture objects. Args: fracture_list (list): -- the list of Fracture objects giving the evolution of fracture with time. variable (string): -- the variable to be plotted. See :py:data:`supported_variables` of the :py:mod:`labels` module for a list of supported variables. It can also be a list of variables which will be plotted in separate widows. projection (string): -- a string specifying the projection. See :py:data:`supported_projections` for the supported projections for each of the supprted variable. If not provided, the default will be used. elements (ndarray): -- the elements to be plotted. plot_prop (PlotProperties): -- the properties to be used for the plot. edge (int): -- the edge of the cell that will be plotted. This is for variables that are evaluated on the cell edges instead of cell center. It can have a value from 0 to 4 (0->left, 1->right, 2->bottome, 3->top, 4->average). labels (LabelProperties): -- the labels to be used for the plot. mat_properties (MaterialProperties):-- the material properties. It is mainly used to colormap the mesh. backGround_param (string): -- the parameter according to which the the mesh will be colormapped. block_figure (bool): -- if True, a key would be needed to be pressed to proceed to the next frame. contours_at (list): -- the values at which the contours are to be plotted. plot_non_zero (bool): -- if true, only non-zero values will be plotted. pause_time (float): -- time (in seconds) between two successive updates of frames. """ log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.animate_simulation_results') if not isinstance(variable, list): variable = [variable] figures = [None for i in range(len(variable))] setFigPos = True for fracture in fracture_list: for indx, plt_var in enumerate(variable):"Plotting solution at " + repr(fracture.time) + "...") if plot_prop is None: plot_prop = PlotProperties() if figures[indx]: ax = figures[indx].get_axes()[0] # save axes from last figure plt.figure(figures[indx].number) plt.clf() # clear figure figures[indx].add_axes(ax) # add axis to the figure if plt_var == 'footprint': figures[indx] = fracture.plot_fracture(variable='mesh', mat_properties=mat_properties, projection=projection, backGround_param=backGround_param, fig=figures[indx], plot_prop=plot_prop) plot_prop.lineColor = 'k' figures[indx] = fracture.plot_fracture(variable='footprint', projection=projection, fig=figures[indx], plot_prop=plot_prop, labels=labels) else: fp_projection = '2D' if projection is not None: if '2D' in projection: fp_projection = '2D' else: fp_projection = '3D' fig_labels = LabelProperties(plt_var, 'whole mesh', fp_projection) fig_labels.figLabel = '' figures[indx] = fracture.plot_fracture(variable='footprint', projection=fp_projection, fig=figures[indx], labels=fig_labels) if elements is None: elems = get_elements(suitable_elements[plt_var], fracture) else: elems = elements figures[indx] = fracture.plot_fracture(variable=plt_var, projection=projection, elements=elems, mat_properties=mat_properties, fig=figures[indx], plot_prop=plot_prop, edge=edge, contours_at=contours_at, labels=labels, plot_non_zero=plot_non_zero) # plotting source elements plot_injection_source(fracture, fig=figures[indx]) # plotting closed cells if len(fracture.closed) > 0: plot_prop.lineColor = 'orangered' figures[indx] = fracture.mesh.identify_elements(fracture.closed, fig=figures[indx], plot_prop=plot_prop, plot_mesh=False, print_number=False) # plot the figure plt.ion() plt.pause(pause_time) # set figure position if setFigPos: for i in range(len(variable)): plt.figure(i + 1) mngr = plt.get_current_fig_manager() x_offset = 650 * i y_ofset = 50 if i >= 3: x_offset = (i - 3) * 650 y_ofset = 500 try: mngr.window.setGeometry(x_offset, y_ofset, 640, 545) except AttributeError: pass setFigPos = False if block_figure: input("Press any key to continue.")
[docs]def text3d(ax, xyz, s, zdir="z", size=None, angle=0, usetex=False, **kwargs): """ Plots the string 's' on the axes 'ax', with position 'xyz', size 'size', and rotation angle 'angle'. 'zdir' gives the axis which is to be treated as the third dimension. usetex is a boolean indicating whether the string should be interpreted as latex or not. Any additional keyword arguments are passed on to transform_path. Note: zdir affects the interpretation of xyz. """ x, y, z = xyz if zdir == "y": xy1, z1 = (x, z), y elif zdir == "y": xy1, z1 = (y, z), x else: xy1, z1 = (x, y), z text_path = TextPath((0, 0), s, size=size, usetex=usetex) trans = Affine2D().rotate(angle).translate(xy1[0], xy1[1]) p1 = mpatches.PathPatch(trans.transform_path(text_path), **kwargs) ax.add_patch(p1) art3d.pathpatch_2d_to_3d(p1, z=z1, zdir=zdir)
[docs]def zoom_factory(ax,base_scale = 2.): def zoom_fun(event): # get the current x and y limits cur_xlim = ax.get_xlim() cur_ylim = ax.get_ylim() cur_xrange = (cur_xlim[1] - cur_xlim[0])*.5 cur_yrange = (cur_ylim[1] - cur_ylim[0])*.5 xdata = event.xdata # get event x location ydata = event.ydata # get event y location if event.button == 'up': # deal with zoom in scale_factor = 1/base_scale elif event.button == 'down': # deal with zoom out scale_factor = base_scale else: # deal with something that should never happen scale_factor = 1 # printevent.button # set new limits ax.set_xlim([xdata - cur_xrange*scale_factor, xdata + cur_xrange*scale_factor]) ax.set_ylim([ydata - cur_yrange*scale_factor, ydata + cur_yrange*scale_factor]) plt.draw() # force re-draw fig = ax.get_figure() # get the figure of interest # attach the call back fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event',zoom_fun) #return the function return zoom_fun
[docs]def to_precision(x, p): """ returns a string representation of x formatted with a precision of p Based on the webkit javascript implementation taken from here: """ x = float(x) if x == 0.: return "0." + "0"*(p-1) out = [] if x < 0: out.append("-") x = -x e = int(math.log10(x)) tens = math.pow(10, e - p + 1) n = math.floor(x/tens) if n < math.pow(10, p - 1): e = e -1 tens = math.pow(10, e - p+1) n = math.floor(x / tens) if abs((n + 1.) * tens - x) <= abs(n * tens -x): n = n + 1 if n >= math.pow(10,p): n = n / 10. e = e + 1 m = "%.*g" % (p, n) if e < -2 or e >= p: out.append(m[0]) if p > 1: out.append(".") out.extend(m[1:p]) out.append('e') if e > 0: out.append("+") out.append(str(e)) elif e == (p -1): out.append(m) elif e >= 0: out.append(m[:e+1]) if e+1 < len(m): out.append(".") out.extend(m[e+1:]) else: out.append("0.") out.extend(["0"]*-(e+1)) out.append(m) return "".join(out)
[docs]def save_images_to_video(image_folder, video_name='movie'): """ This function makes a video from the images in the given folder.""" import cv2 import os log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.save_images_to_video') if ".avi" not in video_name: video_name = video_name + '.avi' images = [img for img in os.listdir(image_folder) if img.endswith(".png")] frame = cv2.imread(os.path.join(image_folder, images[0])) height, width, layers = frame.shape video = cv2.VideoWriter(video_name, -1, 1, (width,height)) img_no = 0 for image in images:"adding image no " + repr(img_no)) video.write(cv2.imread(os.path.join(image_folder, image))) cv2.waitKey(1) img_no += 1 cv2.destroyAllWindows() video.release()
[docs]def remove_zeros(var_value, mesh, plot_boundary=False): if plot_boundary: zero = np.full(mesh.NumberOfElts, False, dtype=bool) zero[abs(var_value) < 3 * np.finfo(float).eps] = True for i in range(mesh.NumberOfElts-1): not_left = zero[i] and zero[i + 1] not_right = zero[i] and zero[i - 1] not_bottom = zero[i] and zero[i - mesh.nx] not_top = zero[i] and zero[(i + mesh.nx) % mesh.NumberOfElts] if not_left and not_right and not_bottom and not_top: var_value[i] = np.nan var_value[mesh.NumberOfElts - 1] = np.nan else: var_value[abs(var_value) < 3 * np.finfo(float).eps] = np.nan
[docs]def get_elements(specifier, fr): if specifier == 'crack': return fr.EltCrack elif specifier == 'channel': return fr.EltChannel elif specifier == 'tip': return fr.EltTip
[docs]def plot_regime(var_value, mesh, fig=None, elements=None): """ This function plots the fracture regime with the color code defined by Dontsov. Plotting is done at the ribbon cells. The colorbar is replaced by the colorcoded triangle. Args: var_value (list): -- List containing the color code at the tip. mesh (object): -- mesh of the current timestep fig (figure): -- Figure of the current footprint elements (ndarray): -- the elements to be plotted. Return: fig (figure): -- Adapted figure """ # getting the extent of the figure x = mesh.CenterCoor[:, 0].reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx)) y = mesh.CenterCoor[:, 1].reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx)) dx = (x[0, 1] - x[0, 0]) / 2. dy = (y[1, 0] - y[0, 0]) / 2. extent = [x[0, 0] - dx, x[-1, -1] + dx, y[0, 0] - dy, y[-1, -1] + dy] # selecting only the relevant elements if elements is not None: var_value_fullMesh = np.full((mesh.NumberOfElts, 3), 1.) var_value_fullMesh[elements, ::] = var_value[elements, ::] var_value = var_value_fullMesh # re-arrange the solution for plotting var_value_2D = var_value.reshape((mesh.ny, mesh.nx, 3)) # decide where we are not stagnant non_stagnant = np.where([elements, ::] == [1., 1., 1.], axis=1) != 1.)[0] # use footprint if provided if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = fig.get_axes()[0] l = list(ax.get_lines()) fig.clf() fig.add_subplot(121) for line in l: plt.plot(line.get_data()[0],line.get_data()[1],'k') # plotting the colored cells ax = fig.get_axes()[0] ax.imshow(var_value_2D, extent=extent, origin='lower') # plotting the triangle with the location of the tip cells leg = fig.add_subplot(122) leg = mkmtTriangle(leg) leg = fill_mkmtTriangle(leg) plot_points_to_mkmtTriangle(leg, var_value[elements[non_stagnant], ::]) return fig
[docs]def mkmtTriangle(fig): """ This function draws the Maxwell triangle used to higlight the regime dominant in the ribbon cell. Args: fig (figure): -- The figure to place the Maxwell triangle in. """ # Plot the triangle a = 1.0 / math.sqrt(3) fig.plot([0., 1., 0.5, 0.], [0., 0., 0.5/a, 0], 'k-') fig.axis([-0.25, 1.2, -0.2, 1.05]) # Remove axes fig.axis('off') #Label the corners of the triangle fig.text(1.0, 0, r"$k$", fontsize=18, verticalalignment='top') fig.text(-0.1, 0, r"$m$", fontsize=18, verticalalignment='top') fig.text(0.45, 0.575/a, r"$\tilde{m}$", fontsize=18, verticalalignment='top') return fig
[docs]def fill_mkmtTriangle(fig): """ This function colors the Maxwell triangle used to highlight the regime dominant in the ribbon cell. Args: fig (figure): -- The figure with the Maxwell triangle to color. """ # Generate an image with 300x300 pixels Nlignes = 300 Ncol = 300 img = np.zeros((Nlignes, Ncol, 4)) dx = 2.0 / (Ncol - 1) dy = 1.0 / (Nlignes - 1) # choose color of pixels. for i in range(Ncol - 1): for j in range(Nlignes - 1): x = -1.0 + i * dx y = j * dy v = y r = (x + 1 - v) / 2.0 b = 1.0 - v - r if (r >= 0) and (r <= 1.0) and (v >= 0) and (v <= 1.0) and (b >= 0) and (b <= 1.0): img[j][i] = np.array([r, v, b, 1.0]) else: img[j][i] = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) a = 1.0 / math.sqrt(3) fig.imshow(img, origin='lower', extent=[0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.5 / a]) return fig
[docs]def plot_points_to_mkmtTriangle(fig, rgbpoints): """ This function plots a set of points in the m-k-mtilde triangle Args: fig (figure): -- The figure with the Maxwell triangle to place the points. rgbpoints (ndarraz): -- Color code in RGB of the points to plot. """ nOFpoits = rgbpoints.shape[0] x = np.zeros(nOFpoits) y = np.zeros(nOFpoits) # Transform color into coordinates a = 1.0 / math.sqrt(3) for k in range(nOFpoits): rgb = rgbpoints[k,:] somme = rgb[0] + rgb[1] + rgb[2] x[k] = ( (rgb[0] - rgb[2]) / math.sqrt(3) / somme) /(2*a) + 0.5 y[k] = 0.5/a * rgb[1] / somme # Plot the points fig.plot(x, y, "k.", markersize=9)