# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file is part of PyFrac.
Created by Haseeb Zia on Fri Oct 14 18:27:39 2016.
Copyright (c) "ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Geo-Energy Laboratory", 2016-2020.
All rights reserved. See the LICENSE.TXT file for more details.
# imports
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from tip_inversion import f, C1, C2
from scipy.integrate import quad
beta_m = 2**(1/3) * 3**(5/6)
beta_mtld = 4/(15**(1/4) * (2**0.5 - 1)**(1/4))
cnst_mc = 3 * beta_mtld**4 / (4 * beta_m**3)
cnst_m = beta_m**3 / 3
Ki_c = 3000
[docs]def width_dist_product_HBF(s, *HB_args):
""" This function is used to evaluate the first moment of HBF tip solution with numerical quadrature."""
HB_args_ext = (HB_args, HB_args[0] - s)
a = 1e-4
b = 1e1
a, b = FindBracket_w_HB(a, b, *HB_args_ext)
if np.isnan(a):
return np.nan
w = brentq(TipAsym_res_Herschel_Bulkley_d_given, a, b, HB_args_ext)
return w * s
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def width_HBF(s, *HB_args):
""" This function is used to evaluate the zeroth moment of HBF tip solution with numerical quadrature."""
HB_args_ext = (HB_args, s)
a = 1e-8
b = 1e1
a, b = FindBracket_w_HB(a, b, *HB_args_ext)
if np.isnan(a):
return np.nan
w = brentq(TipAsym_res_Herschel_Bulkley_d_given, a, b, HB_args_ext)
return w
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_UniversalW_zero_Res(w, *args):
"""Function to be minimized to find root for universal Tip assymptote (see Donstov and Pierce 2017)"""
(dist, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cbar, Vel) = args
if Cbar == 0:
return TipAsym_MK_W_zrthOrder_Res(w, *args)
Kh = Kprime * dist ** 0.5 / (Eprime * w)
Ch = 2 * Cbar * dist ** 0.5 / (Vel ** 0.5 * w)
g0 = f(Kh, 0.9911799823 * Ch, 6 * 3 ** 0.5)
sh = muPrime * Vel * dist ** 2 / (Eprime * w ** 3)
return sh - g0
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_UniversalW_delt_Res(w, *args):
"""The residual function zero of which will give the General asymptote """
(dist, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cbar, Vel) = args
if Cbar == 0:
return TipAsym_MK_W_deltaC_Res(w, *args)
Kh = Kprime * dist ** 0.5 / (Eprime * w)
Ch = 2 * Cbar * dist ** 0.5 / (Vel ** 0.5 * w)
sh = muPrime * Vel * dist ** 2 / (Eprime * w ** 3)
g0 = f(Kh, 0.9911799823 * Ch, 10.392304845)
delt = 10.392304845 * (1 + 0.9911799823 * Ch) * g0
b = C2(delt) / C1(delt)
con = C1(delt)
gdelt = f(Kh, Ch * b, con)
return sh - gdelt
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_MK_W_zrthOrder_Res(w, *args):
"""Residual function for viscosity to toughness regime with transition, without leak off"""
(dist, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cbar, Vel) = args
if Kprime == 0:
return TipAsym_viscStor_Res(w, *args) #todo: make this
if muPrime == 0:
# return toughness dominated asymptote
return dist - w ** 2 * (Eprime / Kprime) ** 2
w_tld = Eprime * w / (Kprime * dist**0.5)
return w_tld - (1 + beta_m ** 3 * Eprime**2 * Vel * dist**0.5 * muPrime / Kprime**3)**(1/3)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_MK_W_deltaC_Res(w, *args):
"""Residual function for viscosity to toughness regime with transition, without leak off"""
(dist, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cbar, Vel) = args
if Kprime == 0:
return TipAsym_viscStor_Res(w, *args)
if muPrime == 0:
# return toughness dominated asymptote
return dist - w ** 2 * (Eprime / Kprime) ** 2
w_tld = Eprime * w / (Kprime * dist ** 0.5)
l_mk = (Kprime ** 3 / (Eprime ** 2 * muPrime * Vel)) ** 2
x_tld = (dist / l_mk) ** (1/2)
delta = 1 / 3 * beta_m ** 3 * x_tld / (1 + beta_m ** 3 * x_tld)
return w_tld - (1 + 3 * C1(delta) * x_tld) ** (1/3)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def TipAsym_viscStor_Res(w, *args):
"""Residual function for viscosity dominate regime, without leak off"""
(dist, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cbar, Vel) = args
return w - (18 * 3 ** 0.5 * Vel * muPrime / Eprime) ** (1 / 3) * dist ** (2 / 3)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def MomentsTipAssympGeneral(dist, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cbar, Vel, stagnant, KIPrime, regime):
"""Moments of the General tip asymptote to calculate the volume integral (see Donstov and Pierce, 2017)"""
log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.MomentsTipAssympGeneral')
TipAsmptargs = (dist, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cbar, Vel)
if dist == 0:
w = 0
elif stagnant:
w = KIPrime * dist ** 0.5 / Eprime
a, b = FindBracket_w(dist, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cbar, Vel, regime)
if regime == 'U':
w = brentq(TipAsym_UniversalW_zero_Res, a, b, TipAsmptargs) # root finding
w = brentq(TipAsym_UniversalW_delt_Res, a, b, TipAsmptargs) # root finding
except RuntimeError:
M0, M1 = np.nan, np.nan
return M0, M1
except ValueError:
M0, M1 = np.nan, np.nan
return M0, M1
if w < -1e-15:
log.warning('Negative width encountered in volume integral')
w = abs(w)
if Vel < 1e-6 or w == 0:
delt = 1 / 6
Kh = Kprime * dist ** 0.5 / (Eprime * w)
Ch = 2 * Cbar * dist ** 0.5 / (Vel ** 0.5 * w)
g0 = f(Kh, 0.9911799823 * Ch, 10.392304845)
delt = 10.392304845 * (1 + 0.9911799823 * Ch) * g0
M0 = 2 * w * dist / (3 + delt)
M1 = 2 * w * dist ** 2 / (5 + delt)
if np.isnan(M0) or np.isnan(M1):
M0, M1 = np.nan, np.nan
return M0, M1
[docs]def TipAsym_res_Herschel_Bulkley_d_given(w, *args):
"""Residual function for Herschel-Bulkley fluid model (see Besmertnykh and Dontsov, JAM 2019)"""
((l, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cbar, Vel, n, k, T0), dist) = args
alpha = -0.3107 * n + 1.9924
X = 2 * Cbar * Eprime / np.sqrt(Vel) / Kprime
Mprime = 2 ** (n + 1) * (2 * n + 1) ** n / n ** n * k
ell = (Kprime ** (n + 2) / Mprime / Vel ** n / Eprime ** (n + 1)) ** (2 / (2 - n))
xt = np.sqrt(dist / ell)
T0t = T0 * 2 * Eprime * ell / Kprime ** 2
wtTau = np.sqrt(4 * np.pi * T0t) * xt
wt = ((w * Eprime / Kprime / np.sqrt(dist)) ** alpha - wtTau ** alpha) ** (1 / alpha)
theta = 0.0452 * n ** 2 - 0.178 * n + 0.1753
Vm = 1 - wt ** -((2 + n) / (1 + theta))
Vmt = 1 - wt ** -((2 + 2 * n) / (1 + theta))
dm = (2 - n) / (2 + n)
dmt = (2 - n) / (2 + 2 * n)
Bm = (2 * (2 + n) ** 2 / n * np.tan(np.pi * n / (2 + n))) ** (1 / (2 + n))
Bmt = (64 * (1 + n) ** 2 / (3 * n * (4 + n)) * np.tan(3 * np.pi * n / (4 * (1 + n)))) ** (1 / (2 + 2 * n))
dt1 = dmt * dm * Vmt * Vm * \
(Bm ** ((2 + n) / n) * Vmt ** ((1 + theta) / n) + X / wt * Bmt ** (2 * (1 + n) / n) * Vm ** (
(1 + theta) / n)) / \
(dmt * Vmt * Bm ** ((2 + n) / n) * Vmt ** ((1 + theta) / n) +
dm * Vm * X / wt * Bmt ** (2 * (1 + n) / n) * Vm ** ((1 + theta) / n))
return xt ** ((2 - n) / (1 + theta)) - dt1 * wt ** ((2 + n) / (1 + theta)) * (dm ** (1 + theta) * Bm ** (2 + n) +
dmt ** (1 + theta) * Bmt ** (2 * (1 + n)) * ((1 + X / wt) ** n - 1)) ** (-1 / (1 + theta))
[docs]def MomentsTipAssymp_HBF_approx(s, *HB_args):
"""Approximate moments of the Herschel-Bulkley fluid. Delta is taken to be 1/6."""
HB_args_ext = (HB_args, s)
a = 1e-8
b = 1e1
a, b = FindBracket_w_HB(a, b, *HB_args_ext)
if np.isnan(a):
return np.nan, np.nan
w = brentq(TipAsym_res_Herschel_Bulkley_d_given, a, b, HB_args_ext)
M0 = 2 * w * s / (3 + 1 / 6)
M1 = 2 * w * s ** 2 / (5 + 1 / 6)
if np.isnan(M0) or np.isnan(M1):
M0, M1 = np.nan, np.nan
return M0, M1
[docs]def Pdistance(x, y, slope, intercpt):
"""distance of a point from a line"""
return (slope * x - y + intercpt) / (slope ** 2 + 1) ** 0.5
[docs]def VolumeTriangle(dist, *param):
Volume of the triangle defined by perpendicular distance (dist) and em (em=1/sin(alpha)cos(alpha), where alpha
is the angle of the perpendicular). The regime variable identifies the propagation regime.
regime, fluid_prop, Kprime, Eprime, Cbar, Vel, stagnant, KIPrime, arrival_t, em, t_lstTS, dt = param
if stagnant:
regime = 'U1'
if regime == 'A':
return dist ** 2 * em / 2
elif regime == 'K':
return 4 / 15 * Kprime / Eprime * dist ** 2.5 * em
elif regime == 'M':
return 0.7081526678 * (Vel * fluid_prop.muPrime / Eprime) ** (1 / 3) * em * dist ** (8 / 3)
elif regime == 'Lk':
t = t_lstTS + dt
if Vel <= 0:
t_e = arrival_t
t_e = t - dist / Vel
intgrl_0_t = 4 / 15 * em * (t - t_e) ** (5 / 2) * Vel ** 2
if (t - t_e - dt) < 0:
intgrl_0_tm1 = 0.
intgrl_0_tm1 = 4 / 15 * em * (t - t_e - dt) ** (5 / 2) * Vel ** 2
return intgrl_0_t - intgrl_0_tm1
elif regime == 'Mt':
return 256 / 273 / (15 * np.tan(np.pi / 8)) ** 0.25 * (
Cbar * fluid_prop.muPrime / Eprime) ** 0.25 * em * Vel ** 0.125 * dist ** (21 / 8)
elif regime == 'U' or regime == 'U1':
if Cbar == 0 and Kprime == 0 and not stagnant: # if fully viscosity dominated
return 0.7081526678 * (Vel * fluid_prop.muPrime / Eprime) ** (1 / 3) * em * dist ** (8 / 3)
(M0, M1) = MomentsTipAssympGeneral(dist, Kprime, Eprime, fluid_prop.muPrime, Cbar, Vel, stagnant, KIPrime, regime)
return em * (dist * M0 - M1)
elif regime == 'MK':
return (3.925544049000839e-9 * em * Kprime * (
1.7320508075688772 * Kprime ** 9 * (Kprime ** 6 - 1872. * dist * Eprime ** 4 * fluid_prop.muPrime ** 2 * Vel ** 2) + (
1. + (31.17691453623979 * (dist) ** 0.5 * Eprime ** 2 * fluid_prop.muPrime * Vel) / Kprime ** 3) ** 0.3333333333333333 * (
-1.7320508075688772 * Kprime ** 15 + 18. * (
dist) ** 0.5 * Eprime ** 2 * Kprime ** 12 * fluid_prop.muPrime * Vel + 2868.2761373340604 * dist * Eprime ** 4 *
Kprime ** 9 * fluid_prop.muPrime ** 2 * Vel ** 2 - 24624. * dist ** 1.5 * Eprime ** 6 * Kprime ** 6 * fluid_prop.muPrime ** 3 *
Vel ** 3 + 464660.73424811783 * dist ** 2 * Eprime ** 8 * Kprime ** 3 * fluid_prop.muPrime ** 4 * Vel ** 4 + 5.7316896e7
* dist ** 2.5 * Eprime ** 10 * fluid_prop.muPrime ** 5 * Vel ** 5))) / (Eprime ** 11 * fluid_prop.muPrime ** 5 * Vel ** 5)
elif 'MDR' in regime:
density = 1000
return (0.0885248 * dist ** 2.74074 * em * Vel ** 0.481481 * fluid_prop.muPrime ** 0.259259 * density ** 0.111111
) / Eprime ** 0.37037
elif regime in ['HBF', 'HBF_aprox']:
args_HB = (dist, Kprime, Eprime, fluid_prop.muPrime, Cbar, Vel, fluid_prop.n, fluid_prop.k, fluid_prop.T0)
(M0, M1) = MomentsTipAssymp_HBF_approx(dist, *args_HB)
return em * (dist * M0 - M1)
elif regime == 'HBF_num_quad':
args_HB = (dist, Kprime, Eprime, fluid_prop.muPrime, Cbar, Vel, fluid_prop.n, fluid_prop.k, fluid_prop.T0)
return em * quad(width_dist_product_HBF, 0, dist, args_HB)[0]
elif regime in ['PLF', 'PLF_aprox']:
args_PLF = (dist, Kprime, Eprime, fluid_prop.muPrime, Cbar, Vel, fluid_prop.n, fluid_prop.k, 0.)
(M0, M1) = MomentsTipAssymp_HBF_approx(dist, *args_PLF)
return em * (dist * M0 - M1)
elif regime == 'PLF_num_quad':
args_PLF = (dist, Kprime, Eprime, fluid_prop.muPrime, Cbar, Vel, fluid_prop.n, fluid_prop.k, 0.)
return em * quad(width_dist_product_HBF, 0, dist, args_PLF)[0]
elif regime == 'PLF_M':
n = fluid_prop.n
k = fluid_prop.k
Mprime = 2**(n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)**n / n**n * k
Bm = (2 * (2 + n)**2 / n * np.tan(np.pi * n / (2 + n)))**(1 / (2 + n))
return em * Bm * (Mprime * Vel**n / Eprime) ** (1 / (2 + n)) * dist ** ((4 + n) / (2 + n)) * \
dist * (2 + n) * (1 / (4 + n) - 1 / (6 + 2 *n))
[docs]def Area(dist, *param):
"""Gives Area under the tip depending on the regime identifier ;
used in case of 0 or 90 degree angle; can be used for 1d case"""
regime, fluid_prop, Kprime, Eprime, Cbar, Vel, stagnant, KIPrime, arrival_t, em, t_lstTS, dt = param
if stagnant:
regime = 'U1'
if regime == 'A':
return dist
elif regime == 'K':
return 2 / 3 * Kprime / Eprime * dist ** 1.5
elif regime == 'M':
return 1.8884071141 * (Vel * fluid_prop.muPrime / Eprime) ** (1 / 3) * dist ** (5 / 3)
elif regime == 'Lk':
t = t_lstTS + dt
if Vel <= 0:
t_e = arrival_t
t_e = t - dist / Vel
intgrl_0_t = 2 / 3 * (t - t_e) ** (3 / 2) * Vel
if (t - t_e - dt) < 0:
intgrl_0_tm1 = 0.
intgrl_0_tm1 = 2 / 3 * (t - t_e - dt) ** (3 / 2) * Vel
return intgrl_0_t - intgrl_0_tm1
elif regime == 'Mt':
return 32 / 13 / (15 * np.tan(np.pi / 8)) ** 0.25 * (Cbar * fluid_prop.muPrime / Eprime) ** 0.25 * Vel ** 0.125 * dist ** (
13 / 8)
elif regime == 'U' or regime == 'U1':
if Cbar == 0 and Kprime == 0 and not stagnant: # if fully viscosity dominated
return 1.8884071141 * (Vel * fluid_prop.muPrime / Eprime) ** (1 / 3) * dist ** (5 / 3)
(M0, M1) = MomentsTipAssympGeneral(dist, Kprime, Eprime, fluid_prop.muPrime, Cbar, Vel, stagnant, KIPrime, regime)
return M0
elif regime == 'MK':
return (7.348618459729571e-6 * Kprime * (-1.7320508075688772 * Kprime ** 9 +
(1. + (31.17691453623979 * (dist) ** 0.5 * Eprime ** 2 * fluid_prop.muPrime * Vel) / Kprime ** 3) ** 0.3333333333333333 * (
1.7320508075688772 * Kprime ** 9 - 18. * (dist) ** 0.5 * Eprime ** 2 * Kprime ** 6 * fluid_prop.muPrime * Vel + (
374.12297443487745 * dist * Eprime ** 4 * Kprime ** 3 * fluid_prop.muPrime ** 2 * Vel ** 2) + (
81648. * dist ** 1.5 * Eprime ** 6 * fluid_prop.muPrime ** 3 * Vel ** 3)))) / (
Eprime ** 7 * fluid_prop.muPrime ** 3 * Vel ** 3)
elif 'MDR' in regime:
density = 1000
return (0.242623 * dist ** 1.74074 * Vel ** 0.481481 * fluid_prop.muPrime ** 0.259259 * density ** 0.111111
) / Eprime ** 0.37037
elif regime in ['HBF', 'HBF_aprox']:
args_HB = (dist, Kprime, Eprime, fluid_prop.muPrime, Cbar, Vel, fluid_prop.n, fluid_prop.k, fluid_prop.T0)
(M0, M1) = MomentsTipAssymp_HBF_approx(dist, *args_HB)
return M0
elif regime == 'HBF_num_quad':
args_HB = (dist, Kprime, Eprime, fluid_prop.muPrime, Cbar, Vel, fluid_prop.n, fluid_prop.k, fluid_prop.T0)
return quad(width_HBF, 0, dist, args_HB)[0]
elif regime in ['PLF', 'PLF_aprox']:
args_PLF = (dist, Kprime, Eprime, fluid_prop.muPrime, Cbar, Vel, fluid_prop.n, fluid_prop.k, 0.)
(M0, M1) = MomentsTipAssymp_HBF_approx(dist, *args_PLF)
return M0
elif regime == 'PLF_num_quad':
args_PLF = (dist, Kprime, Eprime, fluid_prop.muPrime, Cbar, Vel, fluid_prop.n, fluid_prop.k, 0.)
return quad(width_HBF, 0, dist, args_PLF)[0]
elif regime == 'PLF_M':
n = fluid_prop.n
k = fluid_prop.k
Mprime = 2**(n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)**n / n**n * k
Bm = (2 * (2 + n)**2 / n * np.tan(np.pi * n / (2 + n)))**(1 / (2 + n))
return Bm * (Mprime * Vel**n / Eprime) ** (1 / (2 + n)) * ((2 + n) * dist**((4 + n)/(2 + n)))/(4 + n)
[docs]def Integral_over_cell(EltTip, alpha, l, mesh, function, frac=None, mat_prop=None, fluid_prop=None, Vel=None,
Kprime=None, Eprime=None, Cprime=None, stagnant=None, KIPrime=None, dt=None, arrival_t=None, projMethod=None):
Calculate integral of the function specified by the argument function over the cell.
EltTip (ndarray): -- the tip cells over which the integral is to be evaluated
alpha (ndarray): -- the angle alpha of the perpendicular drawn on the front from the zero vertex.
l (ndarray): -- the length of the perpendicular drawn on the front from the zero vertex.
mesh (CartesianMesh): -- the mesh object.
function (string): -- the string specifying the type of function that is to be integreated.
Possible options are:
- 'A' gives the area (fill fraction)
- 'K' gives tip volume according to the square root asymptote
- 'M' gives tip volume according to the viscocity dominated asymptote
- 'Lk' is used to calculate the leak off given the distance of the \
front l (note, its not tip volume)
- 'Mt' gives tip volume according to the viscocity, Leak-off asymptote
- 'U' gives tip volume according to the Universal asymptote (Donstov \
and Pierce, 2017)
- 'MK' gives tip volume according to the M-K transition asymptote
- MDR (Maximum drag reduction asymptote, see Lecampion & Zia 2019)
- M_MDR (Maximum drag reduction asymptote in viscosity sotrage \
regime, see Lecampion & Zia 2019)
- HBF or HBF_aprox (Herschel-Bulkley fluid, see Bessmertnykh and \
Dontsov 2019; the tip volume is evaluated with a fast aproximation)
- HBF_num_quad (Herschel-Bulkley fluid, see Bessmertnykh and \
Dontsov 2019; the tip volume is evaluated with numerical quadrature of the\
approximate function, which makes it very slow)
- PLF or PLF_aprox (power law fluid, see Dontsov and \
Kresse 2017; the tip volume is evaluated with a fast aproximation)
- PLF_num_quad (power law fluid, see Dontsov and \
Kresse 2017; the tip volume is evaluated with numerical quadrature of the\
approximate function, which makes it very slow)
- PLF_M (power law fluid in viscosity storage regime; see Desroche et al.)
frac (Fracture): -- the fracture object.
mat_prop (MaterialProperties): -- the material properties object.
fluid_prop (FluidProperties): -- the fluid properties object
Vel (ndarray): -- the velocity of the front in the given tip cells.
Kprime (ndarray): -- if provided, the toughness will be taken from the given array instead of
taking it from the mat_prop object
Eprime(ndarray: -- plain strain TI modulus for current iteration. if not given, the Eprime
from the given material properties object will be used.
Cprime (ndarray): -- the Carter's leak off coefficient multiplied by 2.
stagnant (ndarray): -- list of tip cells where the front is not moving.
KIPrime (ndarray): -- the stress intensity factor of the cells where the fracture front is not
dt (float): -- the time step, only used to calculate leak off.
arrival_t (ndarray): -- the time at which the front passes the given point.
integral (ndarray) -- the integral of the specified function over the given tip cells.
log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.Integral_over_cell')
# Pass None as dummy if parameter is not required
dummy = np.full((alpha.size,),None)
if stagnant is None:
stagnant = dummy
if KIPrime is None:
KIPrime = dummy
if Kprime is None and not mat_prop is None:
Kprime = mat_prop.Kprime[EltTip]
if Kprime is None and mat_prop is None:
Kprime = dummy
if Eprime is None and mat_prop is not None:
Eprime = np.full((alpha.size,), mat_prop.Eprime)
if Eprime is None and mat_prop is None:
Eprime = dummy
if Vel is None:
Vel = dummy
if mat_prop is None:
Cprime = dummy
elif Cprime is None:
Cprime = mat_prop.Cprime[EltTip]
if not frac is None:
t_lstTS = frac.time
t_lstTS = None
if arrival_t is None:
arrival_t = dummy
integral = np.zeros((len(l),), float)
while i < len(l):
if abs(alpha[i]) >= 1e-8 and abs(alpha[i] - np.pi / 2) >= 1e-8:
m = 1 / (np.sin(alpha[i]) * np.cos(alpha[i])) # the m parameter (see e.g. A. Pierce 2015)
else :
m = np.inf
# packing parameters to pass
param_pack = (function, fluid_prop, Kprime[i], Eprime[i], Cprime[i], Vel[i], stagnant[i], KIPrime[i],
arrival_t[i], m, t_lstTS, dt)
if abs(alpha[i]) < 1e-8:
# the angle inscribed by the perpendicular is zero
if l[i] <= mesh.hx:
# the front is within the cell.
integral[i] = Area(l[i], *param_pack) * mesh.hy
# the front has surpassed this cell.
integral[i] = (Area(l[i], *param_pack) - Area(l[i] - mesh.hx, *param_pack)) * mesh.hy
elif abs(alpha[i] - np.pi / 2) < 1e-8:
# the angle inscribed by the perpendicular is 90 degrees
if l[i] <= mesh.hy:
# the front is within the cell.
integral[i] = Area(l[i], *param_pack) * mesh.hx
# the front has surpassed this cell.
integral[i] = (Area(l[i], *param_pack) - Area(l[i] - mesh.hy, *param_pack)) * mesh.hx
yIntrcpt = l[i] / np.cos(np.pi / 2 - alpha[i]) # Y intercept of the front line
grad = -1 / np.tan(alpha[i]) # gradient of the front line
# integral of the triangle made by the front by intersecting the x and y directional lines of the cell
TriVol = VolumeTriangle(l[i], *param_pack)
# distance of the front from the upper left vertex of the grid cell
lUp = Pdistance(0, mesh.hy, grad, yIntrcpt)
if lUp > 0: # upper vertex of the triangle is higher than the grid cell height
UpTriVol = VolumeTriangle(lUp, *param_pack)
UpTriVol = 0
# distance of the front from the lower right vertex of the grid cell
lRt = Pdistance(mesh.hx, 0, grad, yIntrcpt)
if lRt > 0: # right vertex of the triangle is wider than the grid cell width
RtTriVol = VolumeTriangle(lRt, *param_pack)
RtTriVol = 0
# distance of the front from the upper right vertex of the grid cell
IntrsctTriDist = Pdistance(mesh.hx, mesh.hy, grad, yIntrcpt)
if IntrsctTriDist > 0: # front has passed the grid cell
IntrsctTri = VolumeTriangle(IntrsctTriDist, *param_pack)
IntrsctTri = 0
integral[i] = TriVol - UpTriVol - RtTriVol + IntrsctTri
if projMethod == 'LS_continousfront' and function == 'A' and integral[i]/ mesh.EltArea > 1.+1e-4:
log.debug("Recomputing Integral over cell (filling fraction) --> if something else goes wrong the tip volume might be the problem")
if abs(alpha[i]) < np.pi / 2 : alpha[i]=0
else : alpha[i] = np.pi / 2
i = i + 1
return integral
[docs]def FindBracket_w(dist, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cprime, Vel, regime):
This function finds the bracket to be used by the Universal tip asymptote root finder.
log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.FindBracket_w')
if regime == 'U':
res_func = TipAsym_UniversalW_zero_Res
res_func = TipAsym_UniversalW_delt_Res
if dist == 0:
log.warning("Zero distance!")
wk = dist ** 0.5 * Kprime / Eprime
wmtld = 4 / (15 ** (1 / 4) * (2 ** 0.5 - 1) ** (1 / 4)) * \
(2 * Cprime * Vel ** (1/2) * muPrime / Eprime) ** (1/4)\
* dist ** (5/8)
wm = 2 ** (1 / 3) * 3 ** (5 / 6) * (Vel * muPrime / Eprime) ** (1/3) * dist ** (2/3)
if np.nanmin([wk, wmtld, wm]) > np.finfo(np.float).eps:
b = 0.95 * np.nanmin([wk, wmtld, wm])
a = 1.05 * np.nanmax([wk, wmtld, wm])
elif np.nanmin([wmtld, wm]) > np.finfo(np.float).eps:
b = 0.95 * np.nanmin([wmtld, wm])
a = 1.05 * np.nanmax([wmtld, wm])
elif np.nanmin([wk, wm]) > np.finfo(np.float).eps:
b = 0.95 * np.nanmin([wk, wm])
a = 1.05 * np.nanmax([wk, wm])
b = 0.95 * np.nanmax([wk, wmtld, wm])
a = 1.05 * np.nanmax([wk, wmtld, wm])
TipAsmptargs = (dist, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cprime, Vel)
cnt = 1
Res_a = res_func(a, *TipAsmptargs)
Res_b = res_func(b, *TipAsmptargs)
while (Res_a * Res_b > 0 or np.isnan(Res_a) or np.isnan(Res_b)):
a = 2 * a
Res_a = res_func(a, *TipAsmptargs)
b = 0.5 * b
Res_b = res_func(b, *TipAsmptargs)
cnt += 1
if cnt >= 20:
a = np.nan
b = np.nan
return a, b
[docs]def FindBracket_w_HB(a, b, *args):
This function finds the bracket to be used by the Universal tip asymptote root finder.
log = logging.getLogger('PyFrac.FindBracket_w_HB')
((l, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cbar, Vel, n, k, T0), dist) = args
Mprime = 2 ** (n + 1) * (2 * n + 1) ** n / n ** n * k
ell = (Kprime ** (n + 2) / Mprime / Vel ** n / Eprime ** (n + 1)) ** (2 / (2 - n))
xt = np.sqrt(dist / ell)
T0t = T0 * 2 * Eprime * ell / Kprime / Kprime
alpha = -0.3107 * n + 1.9924
a = Kprime * np.sqrt(dist) / Eprime * (1 + (np.sqrt(4 * np.pi * T0t) * xt) ** alpha) ** (
1 / alpha) + 10*np.finfo(float).eps
b = 1
cnt = 1
Res_a = TipAsym_res_Herschel_Bulkley_d_given(a, *args)
Res_b = TipAsym_res_Herschel_Bulkley_d_given(b, *args)
while Res_a * Res_b > 0:
b = 10**cnt * b
Res_b = TipAsym_res_Herschel_Bulkley_d_given(b, *args)
cnt += 1
if cnt >= 12:
a = np.nan
b = np.nan
log.debug("can't find bracket " + repr(Res_a) + ' ' + repr(Res_b))
if np.isnan(Res_a) or np.isnan(Res_b):
log.debug("res is nan!")
a = np.nan
b = np.nan
return a, b
[docs]def find_corresponding_ribbon_cell(tip_cells, alpha, zero_vertex, mesh):
zero_vertex is the node index in the mesh.Connectivity
The four vertices of an element have the following order
______ ______ ______
| | | |
| C | D | E |
| | | |
| B | i | F |
| | | |
| A | H | G |
zero vertex = 0 1 2 3
case alpha = 0 -> B F F B
alpha = pi/2 -> H D D H
alpha = any other -> A G E C
# 0 1 2 3
# NeiElements[i]->[left, right, bottom, up]
# B F H D
corr_ribbon = np.empty((len(tip_cells), ), dtype=int)
for i in range(len(tip_cells)):
if alpha[i] == 0:
if zero_vertex[i] == 0 or zero_vertex[i] == 3:
corr_ribbon[i] = mesh.NeiElements[tip_cells[i], 0] # B
elif zero_vertex[i] == 1 or zero_vertex[i] == 2:
corr_ribbon[i] = mesh.NeiElements[tip_cells[i], 1] # F
elif alpha[i] == np.pi/2:
if zero_vertex[i] == 0 or zero_vertex[i] == 1:
corr_ribbon[i] = mesh.NeiElements[tip_cells[i], 2] # H
elif zero_vertex[i] == 3 or zero_vertex[i] == 2:
corr_ribbon[i] = mesh.NeiElements[tip_cells[i], 3] # D
if zero_vertex[i] == 0:
corr_ribbon[i] = mesh.NeiElements[mesh.NeiElements[tip_cells[i], 2], 0] # A
elif zero_vertex[i] == 1:
corr_ribbon[i] = mesh.NeiElements[mesh.NeiElements[tip_cells[i], 2], 1] # G
elif zero_vertex[i] == 2:
corr_ribbon[i] = mesh.NeiElements[mesh.NeiElements[tip_cells[i], 3], 1] # E
elif zero_vertex[i] == 3:
corr_ribbon[i] = mesh.NeiElements[mesh.NeiElements[tip_cells[i], 3], 0] # C
return corr_ribbon
[docs]def leak_off_stagnant_tip(Elts, l, alpha, vrtx_arr_time, current_time, Cprime, time_step, mesh):
This function evaluates leak-off in the tip cells with stagnant front. Its samples the leak-off midway from the
zero vertex of the cell to the front and multiply it with the area of the fracture in the cell (filling fraction
times the area of the cell).
todo: can be more precise
arrival_time_mid = (current_time + vrtx_arr_time) / 2
t_since_arrival = current_time - arrival_time_mid
area = Integral_over_cell(Elts, alpha, l, mesh, 'A')
t_since_arrival_lstTS = t_since_arrival - time_step
t_since_arrival_lstTS[t_since_arrival_lstTS < 0] = 0
LkOff = 2 * Cprime[Elts] * (t_since_arrival ** 0.5 - t_since_arrival_lstTS ** 0.5) * area
return LkOff